November 15th, 2015 – 6:00PM – Paul College Room 165
A. Senators and Guests
i. Short presentation with the bipartisan organization:
1. Non partisan organization, working to remove the grid
lock, based in DC but NH offices in Manchester, we
understand that local politics are important, so we are
working with local Politian’s to come and speak on
campus. One of the big pieces that we are pushing for
is national strategic agenda, we are looking for more
ideas an a president to be elected, no labels have put
out national goals, these goals were based around
polling, create more jobs, social security, balance
budget and make energy secure. To get the problem
solver seal candidates needs to meet with other party,
embrace the national strategic agenda, some
accomplishments we have had are “no budget no
pay”, “21st century healthcare for heroes” problem
solver convention in Manchester which had numerous
candidates. To get involved here at UNH, you can join
our organization, sign the pledge that you will vote for
a problem solver seal recipient. Thank you for your
time and feel free to help yourself with coffee.
ii. Shannon- there is Gift box this weekend
iii. Silas- where in Portsmouth?
iv. Near friendly toast
B. Graduate Student Senate
i. No new communications
C. Liaison to Administration
i. No new communications
D. Senate Executive Board
Doug- we are going to have an important meeting, let’s be
patient this is important stuff
ii. Amanda- if you’re not going to be here or going to be late,
please let me know
iii. Conor- next meeting will be equally important and long, we
have all of the budgets that FAC has been gathering and
reviewing for the board of trustees, I sent out the sweatshirt
order for exec, there will be FAC this week
iv. Emerson- follow us on social media, share the blog, name
tags are out front
v. Abby- we have concepts and budgets tonight, look at them
with a critical eye but also be aware that they have been
looked at with a critical eye for almost a month
vi. CFO- Chris- no new communications
vii. Sarra- please pass notes
viii. Justin- we have been working on having more involvement
with what is going on in campus, we are working with
discovery program review, potentially not having final exams
on the weekend
ix. Zach- campus structure this week tackled some issues that
were brought to our attention through the campus safety
walk, we are also looking into increasing the amount of
garbage and recycling bins on campus, we are looking at
ways mitigate the water bottle issues
x. We are looking to expand our knowledge through the
medical amnesty program, we have been looking to expand
international housing, meeting tomorrow at 8 pm
xi. Allison- I met with Erin this week , we are looking to put on a
conference for Greek life, mental health, first meeting for the
new chapter is this Monday
xii. Emily- There is a flu vaccine tomorrow in the Strafford room
10-1:30, council- meeting this week, please bring hats,
gloves, coats, we will be outside for an hour
xiii. Sam- Fridays at 1, one thing that we are working on is FAQs
to the SRRR, things that you wish you learned earlier, feel
free to send me a note,
1. POI- the correct term is first year
xiv. First Year- Dirk Timmons and Steven Nelson’s fathers both
passed away this week,
xv. Lincoln- I want to commend our historian for cleaning out the
office, she has done more in the past week and half than in
the past four years
E. Student Trustee
F. Student Body Vice President
i. Pep rally in the gym in the field house, it will be one of the
biggest weekends for sports, two hockey games, football
game, volley ball game as well, please come out it is at 7:30
in the gym.
ii. Last Sunday I told you that quad way may be done this
week, that is not true, there is too much granite in that area,
it will be another four weeks.
G. Student Body President
i. This will be a long meeting, Thanksgiving week- there are no
classes Wednesday, it is a Tuesday schedule that Tuesday,
your professors may cancel, it is not a Friday schedule. The
second thing is, as you know what happened on Friday
evening, we have students that are studying abroad over in
Paris, when the boarder is unlocked in France, they will be
returning home, there will be a vigil held tonight at 8PM and
there will be another vigil this Wednesday evening, we did a
moment of silence, I would ask you to keep them in your
H. Student Senate Speaker
i. If you have a nametag down here, please come down and
get it, if you don’t have a nametag, let Emerson know.
Reminder that if you are the author of the resolution is that
you have to let me know where you want it to be sent to.
Also, at the end of the meeting, it is important that you wait
until we actually end. Also, there has been some confusion
on who can vote- resolutions are voted on by senate,
anyone can be a part of the discussion, if you don’t know
what is going on, you can say point of inquiry, and say that
you are confused.
I. Ryan- Motion to do other business first
i. I would like to other business first because budgets and
concepts will take up a majority of our time.
A. XXXVII- 3.09- Removal of Senators
B. XXXVII- 2.10- Approval of Senators
C. XXXVII- 31- Approval of SAFO Concepts
D. XXXVII- 32- Approval of SAFO Budgets
E. XXXVII- R13- Stalking and the Blackboard Directory
A. XXXVII- R14- Condemning the Attacks in Paris
B. XXXVII- R15- Opposing the “Safe Campus Act”
“Tis better to be alone, then of bad company.”
-John Henry Eden
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 3.09 Removal of Senators
Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba
Date: November 15th, 2015
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
remove the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of
session XXXVII:
Jason Maloof- Non Res 4
Ryan- from my understanding he is not a non resident student, he lives in Stoke
Hall, therefore he cannot represent non resident student
Lincoln- Do we have processes in place that check this?
Amanda- no but I can check blackboard
Senate Action:
Speaker Verification: Passes unanimously
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 2.10 Approval of Senators
Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba
Date: November 15th, 2015
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of
session XXXVII:
Connor Cote- Williamson 3
Jake Werner- Non Resident 5
Conor Phelps- Williamson 4
Russel York- Co- Lord Hall
Conor Sandin- Non-Resident 6
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 31 Approval of SAFO Concepts
Introduced by: SAFC Chairperson, Abby Martinen
Date: November 15th, 2015
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the attached Student Activity Fee Organization Concepts:
As most of you know, we go through a budget and concept process for SAFC,
every undergraduate student is required to pay the student activity fee, SAFC
goes through a month long, very strenuous process through budgets and
concepts, we met every Tuesday and Thursday night for the month of October,
this is the 13 student activity fee concepts that were passed by SAFC, there is
only 13 not 14 concepts because SPO was not passed this year, you have to
show fiscal responsibility, and that you are there for the student body.
Gabe- how would you like to go over the information?
Abby- I don’t feel as though we need to read through all of the concepts, but if
people want to do read through them we can.
Gabe- the concepts need to be approved as a whole not individually
- Campus Activities Board Concept FY 17
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) consists of students dedicated to the
purpose of planning, organizing and executing campus wide events. CAB’s main
focus is to provide alternative programing on the weekend (a weekend being
defined as Thursday-Saturday nights), but not limited to this. These programs
are designed to unify the entire student body by giving all a chance to come
together to enjoy the spirit and community of UNH. Events throughout the school
year provide creative entertainment geared to giving students a break from the
academic routine. Campus Activities Board membership is open to all students.
To accomplish these goals, CAB works energetically with SAF and nonSAF organizations to provide students, faculty, staff, and the university
community with the greatest possible programming. Members of CAB gain
valuable experience in team building, leadership, and organization. At times,
CAB collaborates with other organizations to best meet the interest of the
university. At other times, CAB acts on its own to provide quality programming on
both a large and small scales while still planning events the entire campus can
The events that CAB hosts during the year are not governed simply by
past precedence, but are planned according to the evolving interests of the
student body. Members of the CAB try new ideas, expand on and, if interest
wanes, discard old ones.
- Diversity Support Coalition (DSC) Concept FY17
The Diversity Support Coalition (DSC) seeks to promote, educate, and support
multiculturalism, diversity, and equality at University of New Hampshire (UNH)
through programming and support of the DSC and its current member groups.
The DSC strives to keep the acceptance of multiculturalism, diversity, and
equality at the forefront of the university’s attention. These ideas and concepts
are supported by the student run DSC itself, and its current member groups
(Alliance, The Black Student Union, Hillel, Mosaico, The Native American
Cultural Association, and the United Asian Coalition).
The DSC is open to all students who are interested in fostering inclusion and
equity at UNH. The DSC addresses the needs of those who are statistically and
historically underrepresented because of and/or affected by institutionalized
oppression based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and
expression, age, ability, native language, national origin, and/or religion at UNH.
These needs include the following:
Organizing, promoting, and implementing programs that promote and celebrate
the acceptance of human diversity at UNH. -
Providing education to the UNH community in order to raise awareness of
incidents of harassment, discrimination, bias, and/or assault motivated by race,
ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and expression, age, ability,
native language, national origin, and/or religion at UNH. -
The DSC is an all-encompassing organization that encourages student groups
with similar needs to be recognized under the DSC. Student organizations may
obtain representation by submitting a petition as detailed by the guidelines of the
DSC constitution.
UNH EDMC Concept FY17
The UNH Electronic Dance Music Community (UNH EDMC) functions as a
student-run artist collective and production group dedicated to electronic music at the
University of New Hampshire. The focus of UNH EDMC is to promote collaboration and
ideas within the student body in the creation and performance of electronic music
through recorded or live mixes and music production. UNH EDMC strives to expand the
musical knowledge of the student body through exposure to lesser known artists and
sub-genres. UNH EDMC also seeks to collaborate with other organizations to enhance
our value to the UNH community. Any UNH student is allowed to be a part of UNH
UNH EDMC’s Event Programs include:
1. Providing an alternative nightclub experience to the student body to showcase
our collective, through displays of technical ability, event organization, musical
talent and other relevant skills. 2. Seminars on how to DJ and produce electronic music, as well as presentations
on various topics within the electronic music industry to help hone the student
body’s skills and advance knowledge of the craft.
3. Bringing in local electronic music artists and DJs to perform at small concerts.
Mask & Dagger Dramatic Society Concept FY17
The Mask & Dagger Dramatic Society (Mask & Dagger) is the University of New
Hampshire's only student-run traditional theatre organization. Mask & Dagger produces,
directs, designs, casts, and builds professional quality works of theatrical art. Mask and
Dagger provides all UNH undergraduates and members of the University community
with the opportunity to participate in the production of these works. It is the goal of Mask
& Dagger to use these works of theatre to provoke thought, test ideas, and broaden
perspectives on the UNH campus.
Memorial Union Student Organization Concept FY 17
The Memorial Union Student Organization (MUSO) functions as a programming
organization, which operates primarily within the confines of the Memorial Union
Building. The focus of MUSO is to provide an inclusive environment to enrich and
enlighten programming and group interactions. Membership is open to all UNH students
and directorial positions are open to all UNH undergraduate students.
MUSO's agenda includes, but is not limited to:
A weekend film series designed to accommodate the needs of the diverse
student body by showing blockbuster, independent, foreign, lesser-known, and
classic blockbuster films.
A lecture/ arts series touching on a variety of academic, social, artistic, and
comical topics.
A music series covering all genres of music including local musical talent.
New Hampshire Outing Club Concept FY 17
The New Hampshire Outing Club (NHOC) provides outdoor recreation and
education for the UNH community, regardless of skill level or outdoor experience, in a
substance free environment. We take great pride in being an organization that offers
highly affordable, outdoor recreation each month, catering to all ability levels and a wide
range of interests.
Our activities throughout the year may include: backpacking, canoeing, rafting,
biking, day hiking, snowshoeing, winter mountaineering, sledding, cross country and
alpine skiing, rock climbing, leadership training and wilderness first aid courses.
As a student-run organization, the NHOC offers unique leadership opportunities
for UNH students. The NHOC allows and encourages students to create, plan and
execute their own trips. This tradition is carried on through the leaders of the NHOC,
who assist and help develop the confidence and leadership potential in all of our
Organic Garden Club Concept FY17
The University of New Hampshire (UNH) Organic Garden Club (OGC) is a student-run
organization that grows certified organic vegetables, flowers, herbs, and berries. Our
mission is to cultivate a campus-community farm while promoting social, economic, and
environmental sustainability. To achieve this mission, the OGC keeps a number of goals
and objectives. These are:
- To maintain a sustainable farm in accordance with the United States Department of
Agriculture organic certification criteria, and to educate students on the specifics of
maintaining this certification.
- To provide locally grown organic produce to the community through local farmers
markets, community dinners, and work-based food initiatives, while providing an outlet
for the community to reconnect with a source of their food.
- To offer hands-on, interdisciplinary educational opportunities for students, faculty, and
community members, giving students knowledge of how to grow and preserve their own
food that they can take away after graduation.
- To increase local awareness of sustainable living as we grow, evolve, and adapt as a
Student Committee on Popular Entertainment Concept FY 17
The Student Committee on Popular Entertainment’s (S.C.O.P.E.) mission is to
promote live, nationally recognized entertainment to the University of New Hampshire.
The programming involved, which may include concerts, comedy shows, and other
entertainment productions, will be offered to students at a rate less than that offered to
the general public, if charges apply. S.C.O.P.E. will select genres of performances that
will appeal to the largest cross-section of the student body, subject to availability of the
artist and/or venues. S.C.O.P.E. will include the opinion of the campus at large and the
guidance of our agent in deciding on specific artists. The S.C.O.P.E. is an entirely
student-run organization.
S.C.O.P.E. not only provides entertainment, but also a unique educational
experience for those who participate. Students manage all facets of running a
professional organization, as well as producing a professional performance. These areas
include, but are not limited to: business, production, security, advertising, hospitality, and
contract negotiations.
Applications for executive and general membership in S.C.O.P.E. are
open to all undergraduate students. All undergraduate students that go through
the application process will be accepted as general members. General members
are eligible to participate in focus groups, expected to attend all general member
meetings, and volunteer at all concerts. Additional volunteers for specific shows
will attend a meeting before the show to be trained on their day of show tasks
and/or positions.
Student Environmental Action Coalition Concept FY17
The Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) at UNH is an organization
devoted to promoting environmental issues through education, legislation, advocacy,
and environmental activism. Involvement in SEAC is open to all UNH Students.
Our Mission is to educate our community, increase awareness, and make UNH a
more sustainable and environmentally literate place. Our primary way of engaging the
community in environmental advocacy is through issue campaigning. The ways that we
typically educate the community include information tables, petitioning, speakers,
educational experiences, non-violent direct action, networking (i.e. conferences), and
other related events.
These issue campaigns reflect the interests of the group and any current events
related to environmental protection. In particular, SEAC annually hosts Trash 2 Treasure
and Solarfest, which work to promote overall campus sustainability. Trash 2 Treasure is
a program that works to reduce the amount of waste the university generates each year
through the annual student-run tag sale. Solarfest is a 100% solar-powered all-day
music event, which promotes the ability to put on low-carbon events that engage the
We provide a library of over 500 titles that is available to any member of the
community who wishes to seek out additional information. The library includes books,
magazines, videos, audio recordings, vertical files, and visuals. The library is aimed at
educating the student body.
Student Senate Concept FY17
The Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire (UNH) serves as an
advocate for all undergraduate students, deriving its power from the consent of the
governed. Student Senate is based on the principle that all undergraduate students of
the University of New Hampshire have the basic right and responsibility to participate in
University governance. Such participation encourages student involvement and
expertise in University affairs and places significant responsibility on students regarding
their involvement with the implementation of policies, rules, and regulations.
The Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire is organized into a
central governing body having appropriate officers, councils, and committees.
To ensure an impact and influence on the University, Student Senate will:
Provide a representative governance structure for the undergraduate student
Establish and maintain an effective means of communication among the various
facets of student governance, student organizations, the University of
New Hampshire administration, faculty, staff, and University community.
Serve as an advocate for the student body.
Be a resource for the student body, individually, and collectively.
Initiate and administer programs and services for the undergraduate student
at the University of New Hampshire.
Participate in the decision making process for establishing University policies and
to monitor those policies as they are implemented.
Provide opportunities for the development of student leadership in governance
through a system of coordinated councils and committees.
Oversee and annually review, report, and recommend changes to the Student
Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities.
Oversee the unbiased status of the University’s judicial systems to ensure the
system guards and protects the rights and interests of all students at the
University of New Hampshire.
Develop, implement, and monitor the use and budget of the Student Activity Fee.
Consult with Administration to increase the transparency between students and
the Administration regarding fiscal matters.
Provide regular open meetings for the student body, for the purpose of student
Through these functions, the University of New Hampshire Student Senate strives to
be the voice of the student body and endeavors to make a tangible difference in the
University community.
Legal Services Addendum
The Student Senate Legal Services Office provides legal representation, advice and
counseling both inside and outside litigation. The attorney provides initial consultations
and representation in legal situations to all full time, UNH undergraduate students who
pay a Student Activity Fee.
Slow Food Concept FY 17
Slow Food UNH seeks to preserve and revitalize food culture on campus and in
the greater community through education, celebration, and outreach. Though Slow Food
is an international organization with a general mission, our on-campus chapter focuses
its efforts on addressing food in the unique setting of a university campus.
Slow Food assumes a distinct presence at UNH, collaborating with other
organizations, offices, and departments, such as the Eco Gastronomy program, to add
value to the student body. Throughout the year Slow Food UNH works with multiple
other student organizations to build a community around “Good, Clean, Fair” food. Good,
meaning a fresh and flavorsome seasonal diet that satisfies the senses and is part of our
local culture; Clean, alluding to food production and consumption that respects animal
welfare and does the least harm to the environment as well as our health; and Fair,
meaning accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for small-scale
We provide food-related activities open to the entire UNH student body and offer
opportunities for volunteering, community outreach, and educational experiences such
as documentaries and guest speakers. Furthermore, Slow Food UNH hosts inspiredlearning workshops to preserve vital knowledge and revive food traditions. We offer UNH
students a glimpse into food culture in other communities through experiences such as:
culinary opportunities, field trips, and networking with other Slow Food chapters. Slow
Food UNH inspires development in leadership, teamwork, and creativity.
The New Hampshire Concept FY17
The New Hampshire is the University of New Hampshire’s (UNH) student-run
newspaper. Our purpose is to serve the community by reporting current news and by
keeping the UNH community informed about issues that are important, interesting,
and/or entertaining, as well as to provide a forum for advertisement and opinion. We
strive to reflect the people, concerns, attitudes, and culture of the UNH community. The
New Hampshire endeavors to practice accurate and unbiased journalism as laid out in
The New Hampshire Code of Ethics. The New Hampshire offers UNH students
experience in journalism, photography, graphics, advertising, desktop and online
publishing, and business management. The New Hampshire is published on Mondays
and Thursdays throughout the academic year (with the exception of certain specified
dates). Online content is also available. The paper is free to the campus and the
surrounding communities.
WUNH Concept FY17
WUNH-FM is a service organization, providing the University and surrounding
communities with non-commercial, alternative radio. We strive for diversity in our
programming, and thus emphasize giving airtime, through both live performances and
recorded music, to artists and entire genres of music underrepresented in mainstream
media. We maintain a high level of professionalism in our broadcasts, and we are
committed to broadcasting the most up-to-date University news, information, and sports
to the community. We provide the opportunity for interested members of the community
to participate in all aspects of radio station operation through on-the-job training. You
can listen to us on 91.3fm, or stream us online at
Abby- I know that there is going to be a question about substance free for NHOC,
it is asked every year, it is something that the organization feels like it necessary
for their org
Ryan- Can you change it to inequality to at the university of new Hampshire
Conor- formal amendment to the senate concept, amend- we strive to be the
voice, to be are the voice of the student body
o Ryan- Second
o Conor- we are the voice of the student body are are never not the voice of
the student body
Lincoln- I know that we are working to insure that this process is as fair and
unbias as process, I would like to see us take a stronger stance in that area
Cam- I made a comment originally, I was told that the time to discuss this was in
senate, I do not support that the legal services be funded by the SAF,
Sam- if you want to talk about that, please come and speak to me
Silas- does that fee cover everything?
Lincoln- that is a discussion for budgets
Senate Action: Passes unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 32 Approval of SAFO Budgets
Introduced by: SAFC Chairperson, Abby Martinen
Date: November 15th, 2015
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the attached Student Activity Fee Organization Budgets:
Senate Action:
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 13 Stalking and the Blackboard
Introduced by: Student Body Vice-President, Ryan Grogan
Date: November 15th, 2015
Whereas, 7.5 million people are stalked in one year in the United States1, and
Whereas, about half of all victims of stalking indicated they were stalked before
the age of 252, and
Whereas, this is the traditional college age range, and
Whereas, the current set up of blackboard allows all students to access other
students information, and
Whereas, some of the information includes but is not limited to: hall, room
number, home address and home telephone, and
Whereas, this information could aid a stalking therefore,
Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire that the
appropriate offices withhold all directory information with the exception of name
and official email, and
Be it further resolved if the requested information cannot be selectively hidden,
then all directory information will be taken down until such a time that only name
and official email can be displayed, and
Be it further resolved that these changes be implemented prior to the start of the
2016 January Term.
Matthew J. Breiding et al., “Prevalence and Characteristics of Sexual Violence, Stalking and Intimate
partner Violence Victimization – National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, United States,
2011”, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 63, No.
8 (2014)
2 Ibid.
Ryan- this is something that Lincoln brought to my attention, there is a lot of
information on blackboard, and we want that information to be taken down so
that people do not have all your personal information
Ryan- friendly amend comma near stalking
Abby- has IT said if this is feasible,
Ryan- from my understanding you can opt out,
Abby- will they be able to switch into a system to an opt in process in that time
Sam- but when you go onto your blackboard page, you can adjust what is seen
on your blackboard, but there is a system already in place to do that
Lincoln- I love this as Ryan said that this something that I have brought up to
him, I don’t know why we never done this earlier, I think it should be opted in, I
understand that it would be great to have IT in on this, this is about students, I’m
sure they will find a way.
Silas- So I want to start by saying that blackboard displays way to much
information, but before we go ahead and vote on this, I work in the mail room,
and we get perishable items that needs to be picked up that day, the way we get
in touch with them is through blackboard, if we were to pass this, what would the
mail room do to contact the people?
Lincoln- I think giving the mail room banner access would not be a huge crisis
Amanda- I know that banner is hard to get for students.
Lincoln- it would be a banner account
Lincoln- I think it is not appropriate that the mail room uses personal accounts to
access that information.
Senate Action: passes unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 14 Condemning the Attacks in Paris
Introduced by: Campus Structure Chairperson, Zachary Dumont
Date: November 15th, 2015
Whereas, the United States of America and France have maintained strong
diplomatic ties with one another since the formation of our country more than 200
years ago, and
Whereas, the United States of America has partnered with the French
government to enhance academic relationships through university exchange
programs, and
Whereas, the University of New Hampshire is one of many universities in the
United States that has a French language and culture program, as well as an
exchange program with Dijon University, and
Whereas the University of New Hampshire has enjoyed 50 years of academic
partnership with Dijon university, providing cross culture experiences to several
hundred students3 in this time, and
Whereas, the University of New Hampshire, yearly, employs many French
professors, some of whom are citizens of the country, while others are wellversed in it’s history, culture, and language, and
Whereas, the University of New Hampshire, this year alone, employed four
professor within the French program, one in the ESL program, and another within
the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and
Be it therefore resolved by the Student Senate of University of New Hampshire
that student body openly and actively condemns the terrorist attacks of
November 13th, 2015 in Paris, France, and
Be it further resolved that the student body of the University of New Hampshire,
along with the international French students and French professors, mourn the
132 victims of that night and the hundreds of injured.
Zach- so those of you who don’t know I am a French minor, because of that I
have a strong relationship with the French program on campus, after the attacks I
reached out to some of my colleagues in the program and we wanted to bring a
resolution through the student senate so it shows that the student body
acknowledges and supports the French program here at UNH.
Cam- friendly amendment to the first be it resolved
Allison- friendly amendment to University
Justin- friendly amendment to University of Burgundy
Nate- friendly amendment is the last whereas to professors
Aaron- I do want to point out that there was a similar attack in Lebanon, I don’t
have a problem with this resolution but it easy to forget that these attacks happen
in more places
Conor- is there supposed to be the word and before therefore? Friendly amend
the word and out.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 15 Opposing the “Safe Campus Act”
Introduced by: Student Body Vice President, Ryan Grogan, Student Body
President, Cameron Cook, Health and Wellness Chair, Emily Counts, Fraternity
and Sorority Life Affairs Liaison, Allison Onofrio, Community Development Chair,
Dijon Program Turns 50 (Susan Dumais)
Matthew Reuter, First Year Senator, Colleen O’Hara, Judicial Affairs Chair,
Samuel Paris, Non-Traditional Student Affairs Liaison, Danny O’Leary, Academic
Affairs Chair, Justin Poisson
Date: November 15th, 2015
Whereas, House Resolution 3403 referred to as the “Safe Campus Act” is
currently in committee in the United States House of Representatives, and
Whereas, this bill has many elements in it that would change the way universities
handle cases that fall under Title IX, and
Whereas, one of these elements is that, if passed, offices such as the Office of
Community Standards would not be allowed to start an internal investigation or
place sanctions on the accused perpetrators, without the survivor reporting it to
the police department that oversees the university in question, and
Whereas, this bill has received a lot of attention across the country4, and
Whereas, The University of New Hampshire is an advocate for rights of survivors
of sexual assault, and
Whereas, The University of New Hampshire has been recognized by the White
House for having a leading program and services for survivors of sexual assault5,
Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
strongly oppose the Safe Campus Act, and
Be it further resolved that Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire
strongly urges President Huddleston and other Administrators take a stance
against the Safe Campus Act, and
Be it further resolved that the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire
strongly encourages the Graduate Student Senate and the Faculty Senate take a
stance against the Safe Campus Act.
Ryan- so some of you may or may not have heard of this, the piece that made
news was the Frat Pac supported this legislation, a survivor would have to report
to the police department before the university would be able to do anything. In
most times survivors just want to be comforted and move on with their life, it is
not as beneficial for them, we want to come out and say that we are not getting
Lincoln- is there a timeline that
When was this sent to judiciary?
Mid-week, Tuesday or Wednesday
Lincoln- I don’t have a vote, but I have a couple of things about this, safe campus
act, which is an amendment to the campus save act was introduced as a victim
bashing act, but a civil rights, for instance, the preponderance of evidence,
someone could have their life ruined over lack of evidence, there is no time limit
on this, I don’t understand why it came out of judiciary so early, I am all for it, but
I think it should have gone through the proper channels, I think people should
look at civil liberties groups, judiciary, shouldn’t have come out this early
Doug- my policy as chair on judiciary, I allow things to come through that is time
sensitive, the way congress works is that a committee chair or member can bring
forward a bill whenever, we always assume that a bill is time sensitive
Ryan- two things, the argument that was made that people have not gotten a
chance to look at it- I got an email from a couple members of this body that
people have been doing more research and found more resources, there are a
lot of organizations that do not support this.
They are trained
They are
Senate Action: Passes unanimously with five abstentions
Speaker Verification:
Piece of other business-
There is one amendment that I wanted to make- to approve the amendment to add
economic class to the amendment made last week.
o Lincoln- can we throw in socio-economic
o Passes unanimously
Motion to suspend the standing order to adjourn at 9:00PM for this meeting
Passes unanimously