STUDENT SENATE SESSION XXXVII – MEETING 6 October 18th, 2015 – 6:00PM – Paul College Room 165 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. ROLL CALL III. COMMUNICATIONS A. Senators and Guests i. none B. Senate Executive Board i. Doug- As always, send me your resolutions! You can either call me or email me if you have anything. ii. Conor- There will be a FAC meeting this week. 7PM on Wednesday in the senate office. The representatives for the different departments, each person has been assigned to one. I will announce that in the FAC meeting. We have influence in the budget but need to put our say in by the November. iii. Emerson- if you don’t have a name tag you will get one next week, we are working on a blog, like us on social media. Those of you who don’t have pictures of themselves up, you know who you are. iv. Abby- we are in the process of budgets for SAF organizations. We unfortunately lost one of our CFOs due to time constraints. We are in the process of looking for another CFO to work with Chris. If you want to apply you are more than welcome to. You do receive a stipend if chosen and you need a minimum GPA of 2.5. All in all, if you know someone who wants to get involved and make a difference, please let me know! If you fill out an application, v. Chris- In light of the recent events I am looking for a SAF assistant, this would be an interim volunteer, I don’t if you will have to do anything but this is kind of a safety net vi. Justin- I am currently working on a resolution about diversity and another about the discovery program vii. Zach- I oversee resolutions in regards to what happens on campus for development. If you have any questions or comments please email me! viii. C. D. E. F. Health and Wellness: First things first, Conor and Emily have organized a visit campus rec, besides that she wanted me to pass on stay healthy, stay smart! ix. Sam- I had a meeting with the chief of police this past week, I am excited to do more things about OCS and student rights x. Colleen- if there are any first year students who want to work on a resolution please let me know! Student Trustee Student Body Vice President i. Not there Student Body President i. Cam- if you are a student senator you are required to go to a council- you are required- this is part of your job and if you don’t go you will be removed. Next Sunday we will be in the GSR for the Student Life Address, please encourage people to go. This is a chance to ask any question you want about student life. Speaker i. Gabe- if you want to talk about other organizations that you are a member in please do so during communications- I have also been working for recruitment to go to halls to fill empty seats. A lot of people are interested in that and we need to meet again so we can figure out the best time to meet. IV. NEW BUSINESS A. XXXVII- 3.05- Removal of Senators B. XXXVII- 2.06- Approval of Senators C. XXXVII- 24- Removal of Judiciary Committee Members D. XXXVII- 25- Removal of Chief Financial Officer E. XXXVII- 26- Approval of SAFC Appeals Board F. XXXVII- R4- Increasing Lighting on Campus during the Evening V. OTHER BUSINESS A. Doug- I have been sort of sitting here thinking and upon further reflection I would like revisit the bill regarding the removal of the judiciary committee member. B. Nathan- motions to reopen C. Passes with one nay VI. ADJOURNMENT “Bureaucracy, the rule of no one, has become the modern form of despotism.” -Mary McCarthy Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 3.05 Removal of Senators Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Date: October 18th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to remove the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of session XXXVII: Senate Action: No action Taken Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 2.06 Approval of Senators Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Date: October 18th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of session XXXVII: Nick DiStaso- Christensen 2 Senate Action: Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 24 Removal of Judiciary Committee Members Introduced by: Parliamentarian, Doug Marino Date: October 18th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to remove the following individuals as members of the Student Senate Judiciary Committee for the remainder of session XXXVII: Erik Comeau Doug- this is a particular individual who has not been attending the meetings, so I made the decision to remove him. Senate Action: Motion to table indefinitely – Passes unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 25 Removal of the Chief Financial Officer Introduced by: SAFC Chairperson, Abby Martinen Date: October 18th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to remove the following individual as SAFC Chief Financial Officer for the remainder of session XXXVII: Lisa Demaine Abby- as I alluded to in my communications, she decided to remove herself from this posisition due to grade restraints and personal conflicts. Senate Action: Passed Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 26 Approval of SAFC Appeal Board Members Introduced by: Speaker, Gabe Hoffman Date: October 18th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as members of the SAFC Appeals Board: Speaker, Gabe Hoffman- Chair Parliamentarian, Doug Marino Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Public Relations Manager, Emerson Doiron Historian, Sarra Vallon Student Body President, Cameron Cook Academic Affairs Chairperson, Justin Poisson Health and Wellness Chairperson, Emily Counts Greek Affairs Liaison, Allison Onofrio First-Year Senator, Colleen O’Hara Judicial Affairs Chairperson, Samuel Paris What this is a composition of an appeals board of people who will handle an appeal made by a board. The judiciary committee recommends 10 individuals who should be a part of the appeals board. This is a recommendation from the judiciary board. Say this doesn’t work out, what would happen? Gabe- I would encourage people to amend the list Senate Action: Passed unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Resolution – 4 Increasing Lighting on Campus during the Evening Introduced by: Campus Structure Chairperson, Zachary Dumont, Student Body Vice-President, Ryan Grogan, Date: October 18th, 2015 Whereas, the University of New Hampshire is considered a walking campus, and Whereas, many students are walking around campus late into the evening, and Whereas, two places that students have expressed they feel the need for more light are on library hill and Main Street between College Drive and Quad Way/Pettee Brook Lane, and Whereas, on Main Street there are many places for students to cross the road, and Whereas, Main Street is a high traffic location, therefore Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to encourage the UNH Facilities Department to increase the lighting, be it by output or more lamps, on Main Street and upon library hill. Zach- this resolution was drafted from concerns that the visibility at night in these certain areas. It is a safety issue because there isn’t enough lighting to see at night in these areas. Cam- Friendly amend Library Hill to be uppercase Nathan- are we allowed to amend places to bill? Danny- I am from Rivers edge and a lot of people walk and you don’t see it until, Zach- I could technically write it in, however the concerning areas mentioned Emerson- is that the official name of that hill? Zach- it is not an official location- it is well known on campus Nathan- a lot of people refer to it as diamond hill Nate- Formally amends- that health services and Paul also be added to this (around health services and Paul College) Cam- I encourage you to not vote in favor in this resolution. I would encourage people to go to the safety walk and then propose a new resolution with a master list of places that need to change. It doesn’t mean that we won’t address this Sam- how immediate will these changes be made Zach- If this resolution is passed today, as far as we are concerned facilities can just dial up the lights. This could also include more light fixtures. The original two locations can be switched very quickly. Nathan- Are there actual lights out there? Zach- I am not sure? Shannon- wouldn’t this problematic if we don’t vote for this? Cam- there is a way to contact facilities if there needs to be an update, I have personally messaged a police officer about a lighting change and it was fixed within 48 hours. Sam- when I was in my meeting with Paul last Friday, and he mentioned more about things that will be changed in the future. The results of that walk will benefit the campus. Fails with 2 yays. Cam- this is the starting point of a discussion point about changing things like this around campus. I encourage Jon- ditto Cam. Call 862-1437 if you need something fixed right away. Zach- Could you go back and change Library hill to Dimond Library Hill Senate Action: Passed Unanimously Speaker Verification: