STUDENT SENATE SESSION XXXVII – MEETING 1 September 13th, 2015 – 6:00PM – Paul College Room 165 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER: II. GUEST SPEAKER: Vice President Chris Clement – Student Senate Liaison to Administration Chris Clements: Liaison to this session of Senate. Erik: What is your outlook on the financial situation to this University? CC: I’m concerned but we agree good. We asked the state for 38 million for Spaulding hall. It’s a 70 mill project and we would cover the rest. The governor gave us 5 mill that we had to share with the university board of NH so we only got about 3.5 mill. We can’t keep raising tuition every year. Our board of trustees does not want to raise tuition. We are good but we need to be careful. Lisa: What qualifications do you have to work with Senate? CC: To be honest I don’t know. I am open if something is not working come talk to me. I want to be the best I can be for all of you. Erik: What brings you here? CC: to learn more about the students because we are here for you. To learn how the university works and to tell the right people that we need money. Cameron: Personnel changes. What happened how will it work? CC: Rubenstein left for a different position. We outsource positions to GCA but I’m not sure that’s the best for us. Q: Should we seek you out to get help for senate? CC: If you want to talk I’m available 24/7 by email and cell phone, home number everything is there for you all. Gabe: This is a new position so it’s a learning process with him and all of us. Email and conversations will continue to happen through the year. CC: I thought it would come into this predisposed so that I wouldn’t tell you what to do. I will do whatever you tell me to do. Ryan: They advise us. If we have questions about the institution or with the administration, or legal issues when they come up? Sam Paris: Thank you for being a helpful faculty member. Do you have anything that you are looking forward to this year? CC: I worry about the finances and I worry about the effect on students. I think we need to change the way that we are doing that. We are working on a new campaign. We are using a balance score card to measure how we really are doing. We need to be talking to students about what we are doing and that it’s good. We need to embrace the students. Cam: Other things you want to see? CC: Dispatch police, facilities, and transportation why can’t we have 1? You would think we would do group purchasing but we don’t. Building space. We need more of it and we are working on it. Silas: What do you think UNH’s biggest problem will be over 10 years? CC: Enrollment and we have to keep the dining halls are doing as well as we are. I worry about new buildings. We have more 985 beds down town now. With the police activity the way it is we need to watch it. Lisa: Hypothetically who would you be reporting to in the administration? CC: If something came up, I would email to the appropriate people. Conor: What was the old messaging to the state? CC: Old messaging was we showed up every year we presented the budget and we are the least in the country. We want to bring students to concord. Starting to talk about the great things that we do here at this school. Q: How much influence can the student senate have to fix problems? CC: I don’t know how it worked before. If something comes up we would ask for your help and your counsel to work on these things. Listening and me being here is important. CC: Some of this stuff I wonder if I should you tell you. Politics work with a lot of parallels. The bias language guide we are hearing a lot about they will use it against it. If we have a lot of arrests a legislator will use that against us financially. They will find any way to not fund us. Erik: What is the best way to help you change that mentality? CC: I’m not sure. We have a lot of students. We have to show them in a concerted way. Its complex if a group goes out to speak it’s about educating people in the business community. It’s a huge opportunity but I don’t know how to go about it. We have to give reasons why they should be funding us. We need a well thought out plan to go about doing that. III. ROLL CALL IV. COMMUNICATIONS A. Senators and Guests B. Senate Executive Board Parliamentarian: I’m Doug. I’ll explain what I do and couple things about parliamentarian procedure. If you need help writing a bill or resolution you can ask me anything. I’ll give you my email I oversee judiciary committee. The way this works you can ask a questions to somebody using 2 fingers and he will write your name down. Comments can be made about what we are talking about using one finger. If you are confused you can say point of order and we will step in to help you. Abby: What do you do if you want to add yourself? Doug: It’s a friendly amendment and you use 2 fingers and you would say ‘I would like to friendly amend myself to the bill.’ And then we will vote at the end to confirm you. Executive Officer Amanda Barba: Welcome, my job is to manage senators and making sure you are all doing your jobs. You need to be in the office 4 hours a week, coming to the meetings. See me after the meeting if you’re new. Business Manager Conor Sandin: I’m Conor. My responsibilities are chairing the financial affairs committee to help students and administrators. I oversee the senate budget and if you want to help with that you can. SAFC Chairperson Abby Martinen: I was a CFO last year. I am well versed in SAFC. Every student pays a fee that is bundled with other fees. It all goes to organizations on campus. Smaller student orgs can get money by coming to the meetings. The CFOs help the smaller orgs. The approval of student senate SAFC senator we have 9 but we only have 1 right now so I will move it to next week. CFO Lisa N/A CFO Chair N/A Kendre Academic Affairs: If you are interested come see me Campus Structure: I’m Silas. I deal with the stuff going on around campus. I have a list of construction thing. Ham smith the back is gone. HOCO should be done after winter break. Parking rates went up to 1.50 an hour. Get a moped parking pass if you have one. Zip car rates were lowered everyone over 18 can use them. And they will running through Durham. Amtrack is up in running. More activity downtown living. Stadium should be ready next fall. Campus lighting and trashcans. If you think its dark come talk to me. Thanks to Paul Chamberland there has been a lot of things being done. Lincoln: Livesafe you can report lights out here if you want. Community development chair: I’m Matt. I partake in communications between the Presidents Commissions, DSC, and title 9 office. You can come chat with me if you want. Non-traditional Student Liaison Erik Comeau: If you live off campus you are already on my council. We want to get the veterans in one area. Big things that have been put off like snow removal. Please come to me after the meeting. External Affairs Josh Kuun: I’m Josh. What I do is facilitate the talks between the local town and university. The town council and orgs that we talk with. If you want to join come talk to me after the meting Greek Life Liaison: I’m Allison. I work with fraternity and sorority life and the university. Health and Wellness Emily Counts: We are going to be a lot with campaigns like SHARPP and dining for changes you want to see. Judicial Affairs Sam Paris: If you want to be involved in things that are going to last come talk to me. C. Student Trustee Lincoln Crutchfield: My job is complicated. I get elected by the student body every year. I work with a board and it’s a rotating vote between the other schools in NH. Feel free to come talk to me about anything and I can direct you to the right people. Some big things: The center for race and global studies we have decided to stop funding that. On Sep 26 the university student board will be meeting at GSC in concord. I will address any concerns there. Behavior on and off campus it’s important that no one gets arrested. Any excuse the government has they will take away funding. Doug Marino sits on the GLBT commission. They have been talking about changing names for students if they want to reflect their true self. We want to do that across all of our campuses state wide. Solicitation on campus political campaigns and student government campaigns we have received push back on that. I will be working with people to find the line for that on our ability to express opinions. Come talk to me I’m in office 119b in the MUB. Lisa: Where can they go to change name? Ryan: Right now through blackboard and id office and from my understanding there will be a small charge. You can put that on your application now next year so when you get your stuff for next year it will already be there. D. Student Body Vice President: I’m Ryan. We have a great cabinet if you have any concerns come see us in room 119. E. Student Body President Cameron Cook: We were elected to represent you guys the student. Anything that is with UNH you can come talk to us. It’s all about what you guys want. Give us work to do. I’m accessible. Call me, text or email. We are usually in 119. We right now arrests are at a 10 year high based on the last 2 weeks. We have a record high number of freshmen. Those numbers are high. I need you guys to spread that you need to be careful. Have fun but be responsible. People pay attention to these things including the town and they hold grudges. The one positive: the super bowl and May 5th went well based off of arrest numbers. We are going backwards and we need to go forward. F. Speaker Gabe Hoffman: I’m Gabe I’m the speaker. I preside over the senate. Can I get a show of hand of people in this room as senators for the first time? What we do: Student Senate might be similar to a class council we are the representation to get things done for the university. We write resolutions for things we need like library hours. We can also have direct control over the SAF and we have direct over sight over that. There is a lot more than that but those are the 2 sides. As the speaker I run this meeting and I preside over the officers in senate. People helping to go talk to the town and faculty are under cam. We have to be impartial. We can’t have an opinion on anything. I can be a resource in that way. If this is your first time come see me after you see Amanda. We will be running a table at U-DAY this Wednesday. Ryan: Finger wiggling what does that mean? Gabe: It means you agree so you don’t have to make a comment. Gabe: I have a list of questions and comments. We have 2 lists because questions are more pressing than comments. Questions go first. Motions: That’s parliamentary procedure. Sam: is there a limit to how much we can talk? Gabe: Yes 5 minutes. You can have unlimited questions and 2 comments. V. NEW BUSINESS A. XXXVI- 1- Approval of Senate Constituencies B. XXXVI- 2.01- Approval of Senators C. XXXVI- 3.01- Approval of Judiciary Committee Members D. XXXVI- 4.01- Approval of Election Committee Members E. XXXVI- 5.01- Approval of Student Activity Fee Committee Members F. XXXVI- 6.01- Approval of Financial Affairs Committee Members G. XXXVI- 7- Approval of Standing Orders VI. OTHER BUSINESS VII. ADJOURNMENT “Any place is a good place to begin.” -Marty Rubin Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 1 Approval of Senate Constituencies Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following Student Senate Constituencies session XXXVII: Adams Tower Alexander Babcock Christensen 1 Christensen 2 Christensen 3 Christensen 4 Christensen 5 Congreve 1 Congreve 2 Engelhardt Fairchild Minis1 Minis2 Gibbs Haaland 1 Haaland 2 Hall Handler 1 Handler 2 Handler 3 Hetzel Hubbard 1 Hubbard 2 Hunter Jessie Doe Lord McLaughlin Mills 1 Mills 2 Mills 3 Peterson 1 Peterson 2 Sawyer Scott Stoke 1 Stoke 2 Stoke 3 Stoke 4 Stoke 5 Stoke 6 Gables 1 Gables 2 Gables 3 Gables 4 Gables 5 Gables 6 Gables 7 Gables 8 Gables 9 Upper Quad 1 Upper Quad 2 Upper Quad 3 Upper Quad 4 Williamson 1 Williamson 2 Williamson 3 Williamson 4 Williamson 5 Woodsides 1 Woodsides 2 Woodsides 3 Woodsides 4 Non-Resident 1 Non-Resident 2 Non-Resident 3 Non-Resident 4 Non-Resident 5 Non-Resident 6 Non-Resident 7 Non-Resident 8 Non-Resident 9 Non-Resident 10 Non-Resident 11 Non-Resident 12 Non-Resident 13 Non-Resident 14 Non-Resident 15 Non-Resident 16 Non-Resident 17 Non-Resident 18 Non-Resident 19 Non-Resident 20 Non-Resident 21 Non-Resident 22 Non-Resident 23 Non-Resident 24 Non-Resident 25 Non-Resident 26 Non-Resident 27 Non-Resident 28 Non-Resident 29 Non-Resident 30 Abby: Can you explain Amanda? Amanda: for every one hundred students that equals 1 senator. If there is less than that or if 2 people want to represent you’ll have to be a co senator. Joe: Who gets to vote right now? Gabe: exec does and then we will move into who gets to. Lisa: Friendly amendment to move gables to be alphbelitcally. Deleting hall and Eaton changed to minis brought up by Lincoln passes. Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 2.01 Approval of Senators Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of session XXXVII: Joe Sweeney: Non Resident 1 Brian Dezurick: Hubbard Hall 1 William Barry: Alexander Hall 1 Arsalan Kahn: Upper Quad 1 Rye Westen: Non resident 2 James Godwin: Non resident 3 Erik Comeau: Non Resident 4 Garrett McGlory: Non res 5 Jordan Bilodeau: Jessie Doe 1 Nathan Whitehead: Co Engelhardt Rezwan Ali: Co Engelhardt Adam Thorburn: Gables 1 Molly Biron: Non resident 6 Eric Porter: Non resident 7 Jake Adams: Gibbs Hall 1 Jesse Austin: Hubbard 2 Abby: Only bill we will clap for PASSES UNANIMOUSLY Removal Of alex fries Gabe: The PRM is an officer of student senate picked in the spring. They can remove themselves at any point. Molly: What do they do? Gabe: Running social media, uday, jukebox, resource fair, the student senate to advertising. Officers are meeting tomorrow on how we will move forward. Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 3.01 Approval of Judiciary Committee Members Introduced by: Parliamentarian, Doug Marino Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Judiciary Committee members for the remainder of session XXXVII: Doug Marino, Parliamentarian - Chair Gabe Hoffman, Speaker Joe Sweeney Jesse Austin Erik Comeau Nathan Whitehead Doug: Our main goal is to make sure something is ready to come to the floor. If it’s constitutional and that it’s grammatically correct in the proper format. We don’t say whether or not we like the bill we are impartial. I am chair. Gabe is speaker on that. If you want to be on it please add yourself. 2 fingers friendly amend yourself. Every Sunday at 2pm. Length could be up to an hour but it’s dependent to what we have. James: How flexible is it? Doug: It’s not very flexible because we have to meet quorum. If you don’t think you can make the meetings this will not be the right one for you Gabe: Quorum is 4 people James: Can I impact this committee I can’t add myself but I want to be a part of it. Doug; Come talk to me Jesse: What’s the process of removing yourself? Doug: same process as Senate removal. Amanda: What has been done once the council chairs once they pick hours I will send them to you. So you can pick which you want. Cam: If you are assigned to a council and you want to be in 2 you can. Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 4.01 Approval of Election Committee Members Introduced by: Speaker, Gabe Hoffman Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Election Committee members for the remainder of session XXXVII: Gabe Hoffman, Speaker - Chair Doug Marino, Parliamentarian Conor Sandin, Business Manager Cameron Cook, President Ryan Grogan, Vice president Amanda Barba, Executive Officer Joe Sweeney Silas Richards Josh Kuun Lisa: What does this committee do? Gabe: It makes sure to oversee the elections that happen. Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 3.01 Approval of Student Activity Fee Committee Members Introduced by: SAFC Chairperson, Abby Martinen Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Student Activity Fee Committee members for the remainder of session XXXVII: Abby: I talked about it earlier. We have 9 spots. Your job is to vote on proposals on how to spend student money. You need to come talk to me about that. Motioning to table until next week because I only have 1 definite person. It’s been seconded. Abby: It may not be valid, because of summer quorum. If I were to add someone they couldn’t because there is no quorum. Abby: I move to take away my motion on the tabling of this. Added by Abby: Joseph Sweeney, Garrett McGlory, Erik Comeau, Rye Weston MOTION: ADDED Adam Thorburn PASSES UNANIMOUSLY Erik: SAFC training next Sunday? Abby: Yes Abby: This is to have quorum for next meeting. 7 needed. Gabe: Bill will come up next meeting too. Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 6.01 Approval of Financial Affairs Committee Members Introduced by: Business Manager, Conor Sandin Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following individuals as Financial Affairs Committee members for the remainder of session XXXVII: Conor Sandin, Business Manager- Chair Conor: If you want to join FAC. You should come talk to me after this. Lincoln added. Joe Added. Jake Adams Added Rye Weston Added Nathan Whitehead Added Cam cook added Adam Thorburn added Senate Action: Passes Unanimously Speaker Verification: Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 7 Approval of Standing Orders Introduced by: Speaker, Gabe Hoffman Date: September 13th, 2015 Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to approve the following Standing Orders for the remainder of session XXXVII: 1. Should any meeting of the Student Senate continue until 9pm, the chair shall, at that time, call to question the motion to adjourn the meeting and to table all outstanding business to the following meeting. 2. Following all business on the agenda, the chair shall open the floor to any other business which may be brought before the Senate. 3. Following all business on the agenda, and following all other business which may be brought before the Senate, the chair shall have the authority to adjourn the meeting without putting it to vote. 4. No meeting shall be held on return from academic break except where, as determined by the chair, there is substantive business to come before the Senate. Gabe: My predecessor came up with these to be clear Ryan: I disagree with the first standing order. Business is coming to the floor because it needs to be dealt with. We should do our best to get out by 9. If it goes past that’s unfortunate but it needs to happen. Joe: Amendment: 10:30pm instead of 9 Discussion on Amendment Lincoln: I object to that. People can bring it up. But it’s disruptive Brian D: I feel like this org will be good to have a stopping time. Erik: I object to this. It doesn’t mean that it will stop. It means that we are making a motion. Molly: If it goes passed 9pm we can take a recess. Lisa: I have been in meetings in the past where we end at a time. Joe: We would not have quorum at that time. It’s reasonable for the chair to say we stop. Ryan: Like I said I agree with Lincoln it’s disruptive. It’s going to call to question everything we have been talking about we won’t get things done. Abby: POO Ryan: I think 10:30 is better I agree with it Abby: I think 10:30 is too late VOTE ON AMMENDMENT: Doesn’t pass 11 nays 10 yays Ryan: Again call to question there is no debate on it. And it’s hard we can’t speak on it. Brian D: It will be clear if we need to end or not end and it won’t disrupt. Molly: Is there a minimum amount of people needs? Doug: 60% of voting senators present to conduct business Sam: Is number 1 is that at discretion of chair? Gabe: it automatically comes up. Lincoln: It’s not always apparent that we need to continue. Giving that case that it needs to continue. Amendment to the first one add following the conclusion to any currant business being discussed. The rest would be removed. Lincoln: We might have an issue that could go for 2 hours. Joe: I would think for this amendment we should amend until too after. Along with the other part of the amendment. Gabe should that be friendly? Joe: Yes Author: I agree. Ryan: Were debating the amendment to number 1 Gabe: After we are done with a piece of business we will not go on to the next one. Lincoln: Gabe I don’t think this issue needs to be this big. I would want someone to remove the entire line. Molly: I want current business to be clarified. Gabe: I don’t have the language for that. Gabe: the motion that was put forward on the most recent motion. Question: Whoever did this amendment shouldn’t be as current business. Who proposed that whole amendment? Doug: this language here following the current language here. Gabe: Amendment to the amendment is there a second Gabe: Discussion on that? Seeing none we will move on. The amendment to the amendment fails we will go on to discuss the amendment Lisa: What is the difference between one and three? Gabe 3 is when you get to the end the chair can end the meeting. Amendment: Passes with 14 yays and 4 nays. Ryan I would like to make a motion to delete number 1 because anyone can call to question or adjourn. I trust all of you to do that cutting off at a time is horrible leaving it up to the whole is better not at a certain time Motion Debate Brian D: If we don’t know how long we can go we will talking about that. Ryan: Everything that needs to get done needs to get done I want us out of here as early as possible. Quorum will start to dwindle. Putting a cap on something budgets and concepts will come up but they need to get done. I trust that you will make those motions. Sam: Were these standing orders here last year? Gabe: yes Sam; did you ever have to use this? Gabe: yes Joe: I don’t remember any time last year in which this happen made it devastating to the student body. I would encourage people to down vote this Brian D: I think if senate agrees and there are only a few things on the list they should end it. Doug: anyone can call to question to end debate. Gabe: If you think it is taking to long you can do that Fails with 7 yay and 15 nays Discussion on the whole Conor: This has been a huge waste of time Garrett: Call to question Abby: Is this the end of regular business? Gabe: Yes Abby: Motion to revisit SAFC business Passes unanimously Senate Action: 25 yays 2 nays Passes Speaker Verification: Erik: I forgot to mention this if you are a non res come see me after the meeting. Lincoln: It got testy people were bored that was good academic debate Abby: if you are interested in SAFC and you can’t come to meetings don’t come see me Ryan: Cabinet we have a meeting Academic affairs: attending faculty Senate meeting come with me Amanda: you need to see me first so you can get forms. Adjournment