January 31, 2016 – 6PM – Paul College Room 165
GUEST: UNH Police Chief Paul Dean: Good evening everyone. Cam had
asked me to come tonight to give a presentation on active shooter
response. The public safety survey really showed me the concern that
students and faculty has about this. I want to give you a presentation.
Three words I want you to know. Run, hide, and fight. You might
remember that in a situation. We are in an era in our world when it comes
to the active shooter and the radical active shooter. We saw that in France
and in San Bernardino. That’s not to say that our campus is not a target
but it’s not fair to say that it couldn’t happen. Your colleagues will ask you
did you ask the chief what the lock down policy is here? We can’t do that
we have over 300 buildings think of it like a city. How would you lock down
a city? So what we do is we train for these things. The difficulty I have with
the training for you at all of our campuses there are 16,400 students and
4,000 or so staff. I have been averaging 4 of these a week and I’m still not
getting to everyone. All state employees are receiving the training in this
Danny: We had to watch a video on alcohol should we be showing this?
Dean: Yes
Amanda: Do you know if they’re going to update it?
Dean: the message is the same
Aaron: the number of doors that aren’t lockable?
Dean: 100% of the time they are not looking around a room. They are
looking for mass amounts of people. In columbine they planned that. At
Virginia Tech he was looking for mas amounts of people. A smaller room
with lights off. The type of people who are trying to cause and wreak
havoc and explosives are an absolute game changer. The police are
highly trained. The admin is so supportive at this campus everyone takes
this seriously. We can’t say this won’t happen here we can’t say that. If
you can run get out. Have you heard a gunshot? It’s going to sound
different. Trust your instinct.
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Hannah: The automatic lights are a problem?
Dean: that’s a good point but there are still light switches
What’s the response time?
Dean 2 minutes at any place on campus.
Jake: the only way that we can help by reporting you guys ahead of time?
Dean: Call 911 every single time. Any of you have live safe? You can
have a conversation with a dispatcher.
Dean: this is built out of survivors talking about what they did. The take out
part is something that they can’t do. I believe it is in there with everyone.
When I showed my wife this video she said she couldn’t but she could. If
someone comes in here with a gun they can’t get all of you if you react. In
Virginia Tech they all just huddled and that’s why so many people got
shot. There was a young man who took 4 bullets for students and he
wasn’t thinking he would have to do that that day. You have to have that
survivor mindset. I can’t 100 percent tell you won’t be victimized. I respect
you too much to tell you that. There are those people who think that there
should be a gun policy that you could use them here. I don’t think this is
an appropriate venue for guns. I don’t think from sitting in a class room
that this is the time and place. Where would you give money too? Mental
health. We as a society don’t take care of mental health. When someone
doesn’t take their medication and they are acting strange they don’t know
that. We have a behavioral intervention team that meets every week and
we dealt with 62 students in mental health cases and since you’ve been
back we have had 5. Students and professors are talking. The dean’s
office is the gatekeeper for that. We make sure that they are seen and that
they are taken care of. More students get help and are able to become
more successful. That’s why we are here. In 2008 a young lady called the
police department on her friend who sounded like someone who needed
help. And we removed someone who had weapons and those weapons.
Imagine if she didn’t say something that day? It was going to happen in 3
days. This is real. The only way I can help is if people call. We want to
stop it before it starts to get help to them. Get the word out on this and I
really want to get this on the internet. We are out there pushing it. I work
for you. Every day I work for you. Whatever you need contact me. You
matter to me more than you know
Dean: we have monthly meeting with me and student senate and a
committee. You should have a voice. You may not always agree. But we
need to have a conversation.
Cam: Because this issue because this is important to I will be adding an
addendum to the student master plan about student safety it will be added
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Allison – Is there any way that this program can be shown at freshman
Dean: The idea is that we want to focus that on when they get here. We
talk about this with parents. The rationale that they use is that they won’t
retain it.
Amanda: I was an OL Julie Spiller the Wildacts where they are all in one
Dean: would this be something they would want this to be included.
Lincoln: at freshman orientation people asked to have a presentation
Dean: I only get to talk to the OL’s once and I give them information. The
time they have is very structured. There isn’t a lot of time.
Nick: We all went into a room and watched this video about SHARPP why
can’t we do it at that time
Shannon: Have we tried Rachel’s Challenge talking about survivors and
watching the video. It’s focused on survivors and it has safety and what to
do. We had one or two that we watched but that was the most memorable.
A. Senators and Guests
B. Graduate Student Senate
C. Liaison to Administration
D. Senate Executive Board
Doug: I have a few things to report a couple of month ago and we made an
ordinance about trans rights. The issue is getting attention in the paper.
Amanda: office hours start this week make sure you are there 4 hours a week.
There is a student leadership award ceremony and you can nominate people.
People deserve this and you think we meet the criteria. It doesn’t hurt to try. I
know you are keeping up with the semester so try to keep up.
Chris: Hi everyone my name is Chris and this is the big thing for everyone if you
are interested in SAFC feel free to ask me any questions we need to fill this spot
send Abby an email and me an email so we are all on the same page. We need
to know in the next week.
Justin: I don’t have too much for right now. We have 4 or 5 things that we are
working on we don’t have a time yet but I will be sending that out.
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
External affairs Jon: So I’m not going into the details of what we are working on
there are some events coming up to get some senators that we are working on
within advancement and the town with certain things. I’m dealing with the stuff
with getting senators on the Durham town council. Come talk to me if you want to
Alison: I hope you had a great break this week I meeting with Erin and I you have
any comments for her I would love to know. I’m also on the extension team
bringing a new sorority in the fall. And we have two sororities speaking this
spring. There will not be an email this week. Send me your schedules.
Emily: This week on February 3rd, there is going to be basketball going on and
it’s going to be like a demo. Council people we will be meeting in the gym.
Sam: hey how’s it going? To everyone in my council we haven’t met yet. I posted
in the group about that in addition to that I will be passing along paul’s message.
There is plenty of room in the room with him, he’s not intimidating I will work to
coordinate it.
Student Trustee: So we have been doing some really great work on the board.
So for the university system of NH all of the higher ed for the state of NH Keene
Plymoth, Durham, Manchester, and Concord. We have the student board which I
chair. We have set aside we set out for core initatives for the board voter
engagement and turnout. We want to get the word out that there will be a bus.
There is a domicile. If someone tells you can’t vote if you are a full time student
that’s illegal. The second topic was title nine the cost sharing and cost services
they get together are going to hold costs flat which will save a lot of money. Long
story short we are seeing whether or not we have that. UNH secure is done with
transition. A lot of other campuses don’t have our capacity for that. We represent
35,000 students. One of the things we are going to work on gender identity and
other discrimination. There wasn’t something to protect everyone. Technically if
UNH wanted to go into that they can kick you out for being non cis gender they
can choose to fire someone or not hire them. We were sucessfully after a brief
debate with legislature, we have more inclusive language. I want to thank Doug
for that and we are officially more inclusive than they were. I don’t care if the
governor says you can’t she is wrong. We have an election law committee in the
state former dean of the economics before paul college big supporter. You don’t
need a photo id.
Doug: thank you Lincoln it was a team effort. On Election Day and in Durham
and if they tell you you can’t they are committing an illegal act. We will have
people there making sure that people aren’t doing that.
Danny: do they have information for students in the surrounding towns?
Lincoln: they have a website
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Lincoln: it’s very easy that if you declare but you can change it if you want.
Doug: if you are undeclared you can declare
Lincoln: I sat with ACLU on Thursday we had a lot of things about the importance
of student voting they have been really great advocates. There is a senate bill
trying to strip the college id to strip of validity. There is member from the house
that supports it. Title 9 issues that is another resource that we have we need
students to know what is available to them to anyone involved in an incidence.
We have great resources here on campus. You have to look for the resources
really hard we want them on one page and we want something on the system
page really cool things there linking you to things there and also links to each
institution pages that will maximize that we are working really closes with offices
Rubenstein has been a really great resource for us. What we would really like to
do. Plymouth state has made headway on the NH page. There is a lot of things
that we are talking about. That’s all.
E. Student Body Vice President
F. Student Body President: good evening thank you for sitting through
the presentation. As you guys have seen we are trying to get more
policies and things of that matters. The VP will be out of
commission for the remainder of this week. Send all
communications to me. I expect all of you to go to the state of the
university and that will be 150th anniversary of the university is
coming up. The president is outlining things that will go in to the
celebration. Reach out to me if you have any questions. This Friday
at 3 o’clock there is an article about to talk about things with NPR
and I think that is going onto NPR. Please see me after the
meeting. The new provost has been selected her name is Nancy
Target and she will take over that. The one that is there now will
move back into his old position. There were recommendations to
the President to bring in a new associate vice provost there is a
search for that in March and there will be public interviews at the
end of March. The students ask the best questions. Next as I said
when Paul Dean was here there will be an addendum in the student
master plan because campus safety is important and we are fixing
it. Clement stole the thunder about a presidential debate for the
democrats here on campus. Pay attention to it at nine o’clock.
That’s all I got for now as I said no VP this week.
Nick: is that going to be open to students?
Lincoln: speaking with Chris that will be negotiated. NBC is a
corporation and they need to pull strings so that it looks good on TV
we do not know what seating is going to look like. We will know
very soon. I would anticipate it won’t be all student seating. The ne
provost super big deal I don’t know how anyone feels about the
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
provost but she is the interim president of university of Delaware.
We are pulling her to be here which is a huge deal. We are bringing
someone of that caliber to this university.
G. Student Senate Speaker: Petitions are out and you need to have
those signed the information is out and there is a direct
communication about that. If you have friends who are interested in
it. Who here is in a different org? Can you talk to them about that?
That would be helpful. For the people who are not here today if you
are friends with them encourage you to talk to them and send them
to Amanda to speak to them so we can adjust them. If you’re
talking to Amanda we can work to help you. I would encourage to
not just send an email and talk to them one on one. If you’re
stepping down tell your hall council. It’s better to get ahead of that.
Let’s remember to tell someone about it. That’s all I have.
A. XXXVII- 3.13- Removal of Senators
B. XXXVII- 2.14- Approval of Senators
C. XXXVII- 38- Approval of Election Committee Members
D. XXXVII- 39- Approval of Judiciary Committee Members
E. XXXVII- 40- Approval of First-Year Senator
F. XXXVII- 41- Removal of Campus Structure Chairperson
G. XXXVII- 42- Approval of Campus Structure Chairperson
H. XXXVII- 43- Removal of Community Development Chairperson
I. XXXVII- 44- Approval of Community Development Chairperson
J. XXXVII- R25- Ticketing for UNH Athletic Events
K. XXXVII- R26- Athletic Events During Breaks
Motion to remove non-traditional student affairs liaison: passes with
one abstention
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 3.13 Removal of Senators
Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba
Date: January 31st, 2016
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
remove the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of
session XXXVII:
Cheryl Fong: Babcock 1
Rezwan Ali: Engelhardt 2
Zach Dumont: Haaland Hall 1- I’m going to be starting a study abroad program to
go to china and I don’t live there any way
Katie Williamson 1
Conor Phelps: Williamson 4
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 2.14 Approval of Senators
Introduced by: Executive Officer, Amanda Barba
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following individuals as Student Senators for the remainder of
session XXXVII:
Zachary Dumont: non resident 1
Emily counts: Haaland 1
Corey Giallongo- Gables 1
Erik Comeau: Non res 3
Lauren McGrath: Co hetzel 1
Nathan Whitehead: Engelhardt 1 A result of some absences I was removed last
semester but I will answer any questions you have.
Alexander Pinentel: Fairchild 1
Senate Action: passes unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 38 Approval of Election Committee Members
Introduced by: Student Senate Speaker, Gabe Hoffman
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following members of the Student Senate Election Committee for the
remainder of session XXXVII:
Gabe you can’t associate with a candidate
Sarra Vallon
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Senate Action: passes with one abstention
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 39 Approval of Judiciary Committee Members
Introduced by: Parliamentarian, Doug Marino
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following individuals as members of the Student Senate Judiciary
Committee for the remainder of session XXXVII:
Doug: for those of you who are not familiar with this we make sure that whatever
is coming to the floor is ready for the floor. If it’s ready to be presented to the
senate. We need more people for judiciary.
Nathan Whitehead
Gabe: this is important we don’t have a lot of people it makes the resolution less
scary it is not a lot of commitment.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 40 Approval of First-Year Senator
Introduced by: Student Body President, Cameron Cook, Student Body VicePresident, Ryan Grogan
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following individual as First-Year Senator for the remainder of
session XXXVII:
Cam: So as you guys know Colleen O’hara had to resign to serve our country
which left a gap in the position the best course of action would be to make an
appointment. We needed to have an interview committee Kathleen was an
exceptional choice. To have her as the new first year senator.
Kathleen Clark
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 41 Removal of Campus Structure Chairperson
Body President, Cameron Cook
Introduced by: Student
Date: January 31st, 2016
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
remove the following individual as Campus Structure Chairperson for the
remainder of session XXXVII:
Aaron Scheinman: I got added and I took over as bm
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 42 Approval of Campus Structure Chairperson
Introduced by: Student Body President, Cameron Cook
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following individual as Campus Structure Chairperson for the
remainder of session XXXVII:
Cam: Christian Merheb There was a vacancy of this spot so we searched for a
new candidate and we found that one of the first year applicants he is very
intelligent and is capable of doing this job well which is important and an add to
the team.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 43 Removal of Community Development
Introduced by: Community Development Chairperson, Matthew Reuter
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
remove the following individual as Community Development Chairperson for the
remainder of session XXXVII:
Matthew Reuter
Cam: I was approached by him to resign from this and to quote him: I love you all
and I am not a crook.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Bill XXXVII – 44 Approval of Community Development
Introduced by: Student Body President, Cameron Cook
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Date: January 31st, 2016
Be it enacted by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to
approve the following individual as Community Development Chairperson for the
remainder of session XXXVII:
Danny O’Leary
Cam: thank you for sticking with me on that I started working with finding a new
one it coincides with CD chair he has experience with this body and it will be
seamless transition
Erik: Would you see the current responsibilities to be moved to CD to coincide?
Cam: yes there will be bylaws related to that.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 25 Ticketing for UNH Athletic Events
Body President, Cameron Cook
Introduced by: Student
Date: January 31st, 2016
Whereas, University of New Hampshire (UNH) Athletics currently charges
undergraduate students 1,023 dollars for the 2016-6 Academic year and charged 998
dollars during the 2014-15 academic year for their student fee, and
Whereas, this service guarantees that all UNH students have access to free tickets to all
UNH Athletics competitions that are not NCAA sanctioned playoff competitions, and
Whereas, UNH Athletics ought to be striving to distribute these tickets in an active
manner to draw students to competitions, and
Whereas, students want more access to tickets so that they can gain back as much value
from their dollar as possible from their Athletics fee, and
Whereas, not every student has the time or the ability to go over to the Whittemore Ticket
Office before a competition, and
Whereas, occasionally student-athletes and mascots at UNH will go around Holloway
Commons and pass out student tickets in an attempt to draw more students to games, and
Whereas, there is a large amount of traffic each week that travels through Union Court in
the Memorial Union Building, and
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Whereas, UNH Departments have access to the tabling services that groups can use in
Union Court, therefore
Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire to ask that
UNH Athletics, starting in the Spring of 2016, work with the Memorial Union Building
to coordinate a system where during the weekdays leading up to UNH Athletic
competitions the MUB Ticket Office, on behalf of UNH Athletics, sells and distribute
student tickets to the student body.
Cam: before I speak to this I’m going to read in some changes the last whereas and they
descend to last get rid of those. As I have detailed we pay a lot of money to watch those
events. Right now you have to go to the Whitemore box office to get tickets that’s not
getting enough students. We have this really great resource the MUB we have the product
bring them to the high traffic area to maximize dollar value. They realize they didn’t have
time or forgot. I want to see this become a reality. The way I originally phrased this it
was not the most conducive way to go about it. I want to approach them after it has been
given out. Basketball is big right now.
Aaron: it was implied that you need tix for everything but you don’t need b-ball tix or
Lincoln: if the intention if this is to be implemented in a certain time frame I think that
we should have that in there
Cam: yes we could do that
Lincoln: in the third whereas to amend ought to be should
Amendment: Lincoln: the very intention changes the meaning. It’s more of a mandate.
You need to do this to drive up attendance so I think it should be changed
Amendment passes unanimously
Discussion on res:
Aaron: have you in your writing talked to them about this with athletics and tix office
Cam: it has to do with tech and moving them to different offices and changing logistics
and they’re not opposed to the idea
Aaron: they had not thought about them not showing up after they get tix
Cam: no
Amendment to add be it further resolved that this process be implemented no later than
the fall of 2016
Passes unanimously
Discussion on res
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Silas: I think this resolution is awesome the MUB’s motto is the center of campus and
everyone goes through the MUB at least once a day or once a week. I think this is
Aaron: my sole concern with this is that for the very popular games they sell out very
quickly. So they can’t sell them one place without running up. And Friday rolls around
and you have a ticket and you don’t go.
Sam: is your concern because there is a limited number of tix
Aaron: yes
Erik: It’s a student’s right to get those tickets. Students who may not want to go but get
tix. I think it’s not a big concern
Lincoln: I would just remind this body this does not outline the particular system on how
to do that. The particular ticket mix up and it shows them that it needs to be more
inclusive to students
Jake: is there a reason why for tix in the MUB and not online?
Cam: I don’t know if they could but they can work on the same system as the MUB
Jake: Because with Kygo you could get online to diversify the way they get them
Cam: I like that people are thinking about the logistics we should be looking at more but
this is one solution to do more accurately the more students the better. As I said before
it’s all about maximizing student involvement.
Amendment: Aaron: to distribute these things digitally in the first be it resolved.
Jon I would say no to this because it is too soon to tell them to have a digital system to
say yes to that. He is using this to start the conversation for the future.
Lincoln: In a similar vain I would love that idea but I’m familiar with the athletic dept
with their skittish on new things I don’t want to layer on things I think it’s a great long
term discussion.
Discussion on Res:
Lincoln: could you bring the digital thing up to them?
Cam: yes I will bring it up.
Katie: I think this is very important for students living in will and Christ it’s a long walk
it takes like 25 minutes I’m always in the MUB passing through giving them the
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
opportunity to get those tickets is good. Putting it in the center is more important on
getting the word out.
Erik: All the ideas in here are great if this is implemented in a way that we say we will. A
lot of times we make resolutions they don’t come out correctly
Comment: this isn’t necessarily this won’t be put into place right after this and as of right
now we should pass this to talk to all of these people.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
Student Senate Resolution XXXVII – 26 Athletic Events During Breaks
Body President, Cameron Cook
Introduced by: Student
Date: January 31st, 2016
Whereas, students play a large role at University of New Hampshire (UNH)
intercollegiate athletic events, and
Whereas, some of these major athletic events happen when students are on break, and
Whereas, some of these major events, primarily when they are an intercollegiate playoff
event, such as the 2014 quarterfinal and semifinal football playoff competitions UNH
hosted, cost us large amounts of money to host, and
Whereas, this money comes primarily from students tuition and fees, and
Whereas, many of these competitions are locally or nationally televised, and
Whereas, having little to no students in attendance has negative impacts when seen on
television, and
Whereas, it is a net negative from a perspective regarding revenue to not afford students
an opportunity to attend these competitions, therefore
Be it resolved by the Student Senate of the University of New Hampshire urge that the
following departments: Dining Services, Residential Life, Housing, UNH Police
Department, Athletics and the Durham Fire Department, work collaboratively with
students of developing a strategy for affording students the opportunity to remain on or
return to UNH campus for these competitions.
Cam: before I go into this I know the content behind this this is a project Ryan and I have
been working on this we hosted a game on campus over break, To host that it cost us a lot
of money it was 50,000-60,000 dollars we have had this happen over here. And students
have not have an opportunity to go see these games. Students couldn’t stay for the games
and that’s not fair. A lot of students can’t go. This is a conversation that we have had with
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
the admin we need some form of accountability on students. We don’t know how many
students are in the dorms during this time. I have been at these meetings. This is to put
these ideas to pen and paper.
Katie: I want to friendly amend the date to 2016
Erik: I think the be it resolved at the bottom it should be developed.
Aaron: I want to propose adding Whereas having low student attendance projects a
negative image to a national television audience including recruits prospective students
parents and alumni.
Lincoln: Before parents, add potential donors.
Q: Erik – To the author, would you rather it say to included but not limited to? Or would
you rather keep it how it is?
A: Cam – I think it’s okay to have it
Q: Nate – I am in full support of this, I have a coworker that comes up all the time and he
asked me if I wanted to come but I couldn’t because of the winter break. Implementation
is not a problem, sure it’s a problem for future reference. It’s kind of a waste of time. If
you guys have an idea, maybe talk to the author afterwards. If you like the ideas support
Q: Lincoln – To the author, could we add advertisers?
A: Cam – Yes
Q: Nick – Do you want to keep housing?
A: Cam – Yes, like 3-4 dorms will be back open. We’ll get an emergency staff back up. It
would be asking to open a few housing spots for a short period of time. The concern they
have had is that there will be some form of online system. That’s how they would track
names for a safety perspective.
Q: Connor - Have you thought about the possibility that if this were to go through, I
know I left some stuff here over break, I did not clean up my entire dorm…did you think
about that?
A: Cam – Yes, it is being considered. It would be part of the implantation process.
Senate Action: Passes Unanimously
Speaker Verification:
New Business Resolution- Active Shooter protocols
Introduced by: SBP cam cook and USNH Trustee Lincoln
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke
Lincoln: cam and I through this together a few minutes ago the police department
had no time during orientation I think it’s a slight to the police department we
need to get this going and we need to do it now
Nate: This is a great idea and I’m sure 90% of you agree please
Cam: I’m excited about this with SAFC this is a great start to get to more
students. From a timing prospective this is perfect it is happening now and they
are planning it now. And we run a better chance of this getting in.
Lincoln: we have to change some friendly amendments because it isn’t
Jon: do we wanna keep it more broad and get rid of orientation?
Lincoln: I think it should be there and it’s hard to have 15,000 people watch.
Sam: if you scroll up friendly of a population
Lincoln: I want this to be directed to Julie Spillers office by the end of Wednesday
Passes unanimously
“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
-Ranier Maria Rilke