MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) OPEN ISSUES SUMMARY REPORT ISSUE 5.13 | Faculty Hiring, Promotion & Tenure v. Non-Tenure Track Positions (In Progress – CPM Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): CPM Last Update: CPM will be continuing conversation on this issue in Spring 2014 with CAB (Fall 2013 Report). Action Item(s): CPM recommended that CAB and SEC should address the issue of the proportion of the budget devoted to instructional faculty (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 15.12 | Congress / Senate Governance – Complete MFS Charter / Bylaws / Rules of Order Review / Edit (In Progress – CAB Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): CAB Last Update: Manoa Faculty Congress electronic vote to Amend the Bylaws of the Manoa Faculty Congress and Senate (03-2014). CAB completed draft revisions of the Senate By-Laws and Rules of Order in subcommittee under the leadership of Ann Sakaguchi, which will be brought before the full Senate and the Congress for action in early Spring 2014. ISSUE 16.13 | Athletics Funding (Athletics Budget) (Committee DECLINED – CAB Fall 2013) Last Update: Issue was not considered by the committee due to insufficient priority (Fall 2012 Report). ISSUE 26.14 | Reorganization Proposal – College of Social Sciences (In Progress) Last Update: SEC Issue Referral to CAB (04-2014). ISSUE 37.12 | Policy Proposal – Student Athletic Fee (In Progress – COA Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): COA, CSA Last Update: Research has been done on how the money is administered and a survey on student feelings and experiences with Athletic Fee has been conducted. Due to the negative response on the first survey, a second survey, to confirm the results of the first one, will be conducted. Action Item(s): Another survey to be conducted on student feelings and experiences with the Athletic Fee (Update 03-2013). Plan to meet with ASUH in process (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 52.12 | Policy Proposal – M3:101 (Follow-Up) 1 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) Last Update: Motion to Recommend Amendment to the M3:101 Reorganization Policy Approved (012012). ISSUE 76.12 | Proposal – Parking Rate Schedule (OPEN) Last Update: Board of Regents cancelled Public Hearing on Parking Rate increase & suspended changes until further notice (05-2012). SEC referred issue to CAB and CPM for continued review (082012) Action Item(s): CAB to review Proposed Amendments to Chapter 20-21 Hawaii Administrative Rules, University of Hawaii at Manoa Parking Regulations (12-2013). Summary report completed by: Rebecca Fraser Manoa Faculty Senate Research Assistant April 11, 2014 2 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) ISSUES REFERENCE ISSUE 5.13 | Faculty Hiring, Promotion & Tenure v. Non-Tenure Track Positions Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CPM, CAB Status: OPEN In Progress (CPM Fall 2013) 11/25/2013 Committee on Professional Matters Fall 2013 Report In 2012-13, CPM recommended that CAB and SEC should address the issue of the proportion of the budget devoted to instructional faculty. We will be continuing this conversation in Spring 2014 with CAB. 12/2012 Committee on Professional Matters Fall 2012 Report CPM has obtained data from Kathy Cutshaw’s office of types of positions and teaching loads. CPM recommends that CAB and SEC should address the issue of the proportion of the budget devoted to instructional faculty. We will be continuing this conversation in the Spring with CAB. 12/2012 Committee on Adminsitration and Budget Fall 2012 Report CAB awaits response from CPM on this issue and will place it on the agenda for the January 10, 2013 CAB meeting. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Professional Matters & Committee on Administration and Budget; Added issue from input provided in faculty feedback survey; Examine if increase in non-tenure track faculty & the lack of promotion prospects for them (specifically S v. G fund designations). 3/16/2011 Manoa Faculty Senate Final Report on Proposed Amendments to Criteria for Tenure and Promotion of Faculty [Passed Unanimous] 12/8/2010 Manoa Faculty Senate Second Report Regarding Proposed Amendments to Criteria for Tenure and Promotion of UHM [Passed Unanimous] 11/15/2007 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution to Accept Policy on Tenure on Initial Appointment with Modifications [Passed with modifications] 3 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) ISSUE 15.12 | Congress / Senate Governance – Complete MFS Charter / Bylaws / Rules of Order Review / Edit Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAB, SEC Status: OPEN In Progress (CAB Fall 2013) 3/19/2014 Manoa Faculty Congress Proposed to Amend the Bylaws of the Manoa Faculty Congress and Senate [Electronic Vote: 3/21 - 4/4] 2/19/2014 Manoa Faculty Senate Proposed to Amend the Bylaws of the Manoa Faculty Congress and Senate [Passed] 1/15/2014 Manoa Faculty Senate Proposed to Amend the Bylaws of the Manoa Faculty Congress and Senate [First Reading] 12/2013 Committee on Administration and Budget Fall 2013 Report CAB completed draft revisions of the Senate By-Laws and Rules of Order in subcommittee under the leadership of Ann Sakaguchi, which will be brought before the full Senate and the Congress for action in early Spring 2014. 7/2013 [Issue 29.12] Senate Office Issue 29.12 Senate Terms: 3 Years? merged with Issue 15.12: Complete MFS Charter / By-Laws / Rules of Order Edit 12/2012 Committee on Administration and Budget Fall 2012 Report CAB has returned the issue to the Senate Executive Committee, as it does not anticipate to work on the issue. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Administration and Budget; Added as carryover issue. 1/18/2012 [Issue 29.12] Manoa Faculty Senate 67% of Senators surveyed at January Senate meeting would support a chance to 3-year terms 11/11/2011 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution to approve Committee on Research and Graduate Education as Standing Committee & Attendance Amendment Approved by Congress 4 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) 10/19/2011 Committee on Administration and Budget Final Amendment to Qualify Senate Executive Committee Authority Failed at Senate 9/21/2011 Committee on Administration and Budget Committee on Administration and Budget introduced Amendment to qualify Senate Executive Committee authority for first reading Committee on Administration and Budget Attendance Amendment approved by Senate Resolution to approve Committee on Research and Graduate Education as Standing Committee approved by Senate 7/26/2011 [Issue 29.12] Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral The committee is asked to evaluate whether a change in Senate terms from two to three years would improve the overall functioning of the Senate. Issues to consider include, but are not limited to stability, workload, and committee functioning. Considerations raised include increasing continuity, balancing new ideas v. continuity, increasing non-senator representation on committees to increase continuity, and the consideration that a 3-year term will lead to a 6year maximum service limit, rather than a 4-year maximum limit. The committee is asked to report to the Senate by January 2012. 7/26/2011 2011-12 Senate Executive Committee charge Committee on Administration and Budget is asked to conduct a complete review of the Senate Charter, By-laws and Rules of Order and make specific recommendations for any changes necessary to better reflect the current functioning of the Senate and/or to eliminate conflicting language. It shall consult with the Senate Executive Committee and other committees as needed and will attempt to take key changes to a preliminary vote of the Senate when possible, so as to avoid the end product having to be considered as a whole. [See Issue 29.12] ISSUE 16.13 | Athletics Funding (Athletics Budget) Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CAB Status: Committee DECLINED (CAB Fall 2013) 12/2012 Committee on Administration and Budget Fall 2012 Report While this issue is of concern to some members of CAB, it did not rise to sufficient priority to be considered by the committee. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Administration and Budget; Added from faculty feedback survey; Review athletics funding including high cost of athletic Committee on Athletics, self sufficiency for athletics, a possible reduction in athletics expenditures, and whether athletics funding should be a priority as compared to academic funding. 5 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) ISSUE 26.14 | Reorganization Proposal – College of Social Sciences Year: 13-14 Committee(s): CAB Status: OPEN In Progress 4/7/2014 Senate Executive Committee Referral Committee on Administration and Budget. 3/24/2014 Vice Chancellor for Administration, Finance and Operations Request Reorganization Proposal for College of Social Sciences; direct questions to Denise Eby Konan (konan@hawaii.edu); review by May 8, 2014. ISSUE 37.12 | Policy Proposal – Student Athletics Fee Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CSA, COA, CAB Status: OPEN In Progress (COA Fall 2013) 2013/12 Committee on Athletics Fall 2013 Report Discussion continuing ((from 2012-2013, but just beginning in Nov. 2013) with current Associated Students of University of Hawaii (ASUH) President Richard Mizusawa regarding monies from the Student Activity Fee gong to athletes. Plan to meet with ASUH in process. 2013/12 Mandy Westfall-Senda, Committee on Athletics Athletics Advisory Committee Description: UHM Chartered Student Organizations 2013/3/12 Committee on Student Affairs Minutes Masters reported that ASUH is planning to have another survey to confirm the largely negative reaction from the first one. 2013/2/12 Committee on Student Affairs Minutes Although Kelly Withe from the Athletics department stated that students were happy with the new fee, the ASUH student survey indicated otherwise. The big complaint is transparency for spending the money from the fee. ASUH Vice-President Francesca Koethe told Masters that ASUH was happy to hear that CSA was interested because ASUH is planning to have another survey. Masters will ask ASUH to inform the committee when the new survey will be done. Also, ask Bonniejean Manini for results from the old survey. 2012/12 Committee on Student Affairs Fall 2012 Report 6 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) This issue was carried over from 2011, when it was sent to the Committee on Student Affairs and to the Committee on Athletics. The issue surrounded student complaints about the imposed Athletic Fee and how it is being administered. Although the Committee on Athletics reported that there was no problem with the fee, the Committee on Student Affairs carried out its own research, meeting with representatives of the Athletic Department, the Presidents of ASUH, GSO, the Student Athletic Fee Committee and the Director of Campus Center. The result of the committee’s work was to assist ASUH and GSO in surveying undergraduate and graduate students regarding their feelings about and experiences with the Athletic Fee. The survey was done at the time of Spring registration on MYUH and the results were not available at the end of the Spring semester. Therefore, the committee tabled any decision on the issue until the Fall of 2012. During the Fall semester, the committee met with the new President of ASUH and reviewed the data from the Spring survey. Over 1000 undergraduates and graduate students responded. The results were overwhelmingly negative with regards to the use of and satisfaction with the Athletic Fee. Students felt that they were not served by the Fee as they never or rarely attended any athletic event. They also questioned how the fee was being used and who was making the decision about that use. We learned that 92% ($879,920 – 2010-2011) of the fee goes directly to the Athletics Department with no oversight on how that money is spent. The remaining 8% ($70,394) goes to the Student Athletic Fee Committee. The Student Athletic Fee Committee solicits proposals for mini grants from students on the campus to utilize this money to benefit students (e.g. funds have been used for tailgate parties at athletic events, and for purchasing diving boards for the UH Swim team!) The new ASUH Senate decided to resurvey the students, adding some different questions. At the beginning of the Spring semester 2013, we will have the new data from this survey and will assess what we shall do from that point. 2012/02/02 Committee on Student Affairs Spring 2013 Report In the Fall of 2011, the Committee on Student Affairs, along with the Committee on Athletics, was charged with reviewing how the Student Athletic Fees are spent and the impact of the mandatory fee on student attendance at athletic events. The chair met with Jan Javinar, Director of Co-Curricular Activities who reported the following: (1) 92% of the Athletic Fee ($879,920 – 2010-2011) is controlled by the Athletics Department; (2) 8% of the Athletic Fee ($70,394 – 2010-2011) is controlled by The Student Athletic Fee Committee.(The Student Athletic Fee Committee is made up of: undergraduate representatives, graduate representatives, representatives of chartered organizations (RIOs), and student athletes.) The 8% given to the Student Athletic Fee Committee is used for: (1) 4% used for increasing student attendance at athletic events by: Enhancing the student experience at athletic events by providing free parking, snacks, tailgate activities at events; (2) 4% for enhancing campus life in general. Under this provision, the Student Athletic Fee Committee solicited applications from campus organizations for use of this fee. The committee invited representatives of the Athletics Department and the Vice Chancellor for Students Office to come to the committee meeting to present information about how the 80% of the Fee are being utilized. On November 10, 2011, Associate Vice Chancellor Alan Yang and Dean of Students Lori Ideta, and Carl Clapp, Associate Director of Athletics attended the meeting and addressed the questions that the committee raised. Carl Clapp reported that the majority of the money from the fee is used for Student-Athlete Travel. The chair met with Kelly Withy, Chair of the Committee on Athletics, 7 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) and was informed that that committee had met with student athletes and that they were happy about the use of the fee. At the Committee Chair Retreat, the issue of student satisfaction of this arrangement (beyond the student athletes) had yet to be assessed. Therefore, the suggestion was that the CSA meet with representatives of the ASUH (President Anna Koethe) and GSO (President Anjali Nath) to determine if they would like to survey the undergraduate students and graduate students to ascertain their feelings about this mandatory fee. After communicating with Bonnyjean Manini, who works with those two student organizations, it was felt that ASUH and GSO would be interested in surveying students through MYUH during registration. Even though this survey may not result in a rescinding of this mandatory fee, the data would be useful when the issue of the fee and tuition increases arise and the students meet with the BOR. The Chair met with ASUH President Anna Koethe and she invited a representative from the CSA to the ASUH Senate meeting to discuss the possibility of the survey. Anna Koethe subsequently informed the Chair that ASUH would conduct the survey with students and would report out the results to the CSA committee. The survey was carried out during Fall Registration, using MYUH and the committee awaits the results of that survey as of this date. 2012/04/18 Committee on Athletics Spring 2012 Report We were tasked with examining the student athletic fee, so we met with the Student Athlete Advisory Committee and they informed us that there are many more students attending games and they are very happy with that. The committee overseeing the fees and does so as follows: 8% of fees are used to improve student athletic experience and UH Manoa organizations can write grants for activities. The remaining 92% goes toward scholarships and other athletics related expenses. 2011/8 Senate Executive Committee Referral Committee on Athletics and Committee on Student Affairs; The Senate should have an accounting of how student athletic fees are spent and the impact of the mandatory $50 student athletic on student attendance at games. For example, how many students are taking advantage of the free tickets to UH football games? Is there an increase in student use of athletic department facilities? COA is asked to lead a joint working group with CSA that continues to examine these issues and report to the Senate on or before February 2012. ISSUE 52.12 | Policy Proposal – M3:101 Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAB Status: OPEN Follow-Up 1/18/2012 Manoa Faculty Senate Transmittal Motion to Recommend Amendment to the M3:101 Reorganization Policy [Passed 54:1] 11/01/2011 Senate Executive Committee 8 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) Issue Referral Committee in Administration and Budget; CAB is asked to review the M3:101 policy to determine the impact of facilities changes on reorganizations and how these decisions affect faculty. M3:101 Policy [See Issue 2.13 Facilities Decisions & Issue 4.12: Facility Decision Timing] ISSUE 76.12 | Proposal – Parking Rate Schedule Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAB Status: OPEN 12/3/2013 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Administration and Budget; review Proposed Amendments to Chapter 20-21 Hawaii Administrative Rules, University of Hawaii at Manoa Parking Regulations 8/2012 Senate Executive Committee Added carryover issue to 2012-13 issues index and referred it to the Committee on Administration and Budget and Committee on Professional Matters for continued review. 5/21/2012 Board of Regents Cancelled Public Hearing on Parking Rate increase & suspended changes until further notice 5/14/2012 Parking Rate testimony submitted for May 23 Board of Regent's Public Hearing as approved by Senate Executive Committee 5/2/2012 Resolution Requesting Modification to the FY 2013-2017 Proposed Parking Rate Schedule Presented to Senate; Senate lost quorum - no vote 2/15/2012 Raymond Shito Presented to Senate re: Parking Fees & Office (Proposed Parking Rate Schedule was unavailable at meeting) Proposed Parking Rates FY2013 - 2017 Rationale for Parking Permit Rate Increases Proposed Amendments to HAR Chapter 20-12, Subchapter 1 BOR Notice of Public Hearing Plans, Surveys & Reviews Campus Transportation Demand Management Plan (1/2012; Nelson Nygaard) [See AP 4 on Page 32; AP6 on Page 33; Figure A7 on Page 97] Parking Structure Condition Survey Parking Operations Program Review (7/2010) Data & Budget Parking Stall Counts (as of 3/22/12) Parking Rates: 2006-2017 (as of 3/22/12) Budget Projection: 2006-2017 (as of 3/22/12) 9 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND BUDGET (CAB) Faculty, Staff and Student Permit Sales Alternative Transportation Initiatives Schedule Senate straw polls re: Parking What are your current transportation arrangements to get to UH? If the parking fee increase is approved, what would your transportation arrangements be? If UH charges a fee to subsidize faculty/staff bus passes ... 10