MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) OPEN ISSUES SUMMARY REPORT ISSUE 3.14 | Leavers Survey (Awaiting SEC – CAPP Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): SEC Last Update: CAPP is waiting on further developments from SEC before moving forward (12-2013). Action Item(s): Provide data to CAPP and further information (08-2013). ISSUE 9.13 | Governance of Interdisciplinary Programs (In Progress – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: External review completed and issued report of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Program Review Self-Study. Action Item(s): Review the list of interdisciplinary programs under the umbrella of the UHM Interdisciplinary Studies Program (ISP) as well as try to identify UHM interdisciplinary programs that are not within the ISP umbrella (Fall 2013 Report). Review concerns from previous CAPP committee reports that have dealt with this issue and then make recommendations (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 10.13 | Counting Course Credits on Cross Listed Courses (COMPLETE Recommendation – CAPP Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): CPM Last Update: Spoke with University Registrar and gathered information on the issue. See issue index for more details. Some considerations that resulted, should the Chancellor design a system to allow tuition dollars to follow student credit hours, he should be mindful of unintended consequences on cross-listed courses. We don't want to institute an approach that discourages interdisciplinary course offerings, especially since crosslisting courses encourages units to offer a variety of courses which help students graduate in a more timely fashion (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 10.14 | Policy Proposal – Exclusion of Non-System Junior College Credits in Excess of 60 Credits (In Progress – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: Memo sent to AVCAA Kyrstyna Aune in response to OVCAA memo to the SEC dated Sept 26, 2013 to reconsider the existing policy. Given the information collected, CAPP not inclined to recommend changing the current policy (CAPP Memorandum). ISSUE 11.14 | Policy Proposal – Class Attendance (In Progress – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: CAPP will wait for data to be received from VCAA office before proceeding with this issue (Fall 2013 Report). 1 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) Action Item(s): Obtain information on comparative attendance policies at our peer and benchmark institutions (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 12.13 | Admissions Policy (In Progress – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: Waiting for data on the impact upon admissions and enrollment of raising the minimum GPA for all transfer students to 2.5. Asked Manoa Faculty Senate GRA to look through the senate archives to see if this policy originated in the faculty senate and if so, what was the rationale/discussion around this issue. Will proceed with issue once data is received (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 13.13 | Streamlining of Administrative Procedures with Regard to Course Approvals (Recommendation) Other Committee(s): MAC Last Update: Q&A with people from Kuali. Work on the Kuali implementation team to begin sometime in Spring 2014 (Fall 2013 Report). Feedback and suggestions collected regarding the streamlining of UHM-1 and UHM-2 forms (Spring 2013 Report). Action Item(s): Review the Kuali Curriculum Management system (Fall 2013 Report). CAPP member to be appointed to work on the Kuali implementation team (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 13.14 | Kuali Curriculum Management System (In Progress – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: SEC to recommend faculty members to assist VCAA office in the (1) crafting of the items (questions) required for the course approvals; and (2) in the discussion of what assessment items, if any, should be included in the system (VCAA Memoranda 10-2013). Issue referred to CAPP (11-2013). ISSUE 21.13 | Advising Students (In Progress – CAPP Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): CSA Last Update: Work continues on this issue and action items we identified by the subcommittee investigating the issue. The transfer of advisors from A&S to respective colleges has not been implemented yet. Committee will wait until Spring semester to see if any more progress has been made (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 23.12 | High DFIW Course Follow-Up (Tabled-CAPP Fall 2013) Other Committee(s): MAC, GEC Last Update: MAC reports that working group did not meet Spring 2013 and will perhaps reconvene during the 2013-2014 academic year (Spring 2013 Report). GEC waiting on an update from the 2 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) working group (Spring 2013 Report). Working group with CAPP, MAC, and GEC members met during Fall 2012. Reviewed updated list of “below success rate” courses provided by MIRO. Since they consulted with departments with general education courses on the list the previous two years, they did not consult with them in 2013 (Spring 2013 Report). Action Item(s): Table issue until data is supplied that lists courses with high D & F grades and those with high I & W grades separately, as they are seen as separate issues (Fall 2013 Report). CAPP suggests another working group should be constituted Spring 2014 to continue the work on this issue and possibly explore the student perspective on the “below success rate” courses that they find themselves in (Spring 2013 Report). ISSUE 24.14 | SAT / ACT Admissions Requirements for International Students (OPEN) Last Update: Issue referred to CAPP (02-2014). Information provided comparing UH Policy with Peer, Benchmark, and Competitor Institutions (02-2014). ISSUE 26.12 | Undergraduate Degree Plan Implementation (Tabled – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: Two CAPP members working on this issue, however the issue has been tabled for now to focus on higher priority issues (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 46.12 | Policy Proposal – Suspension of Academic Actions (Follow-Up – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: Motion on Suspension of Academic Actions was approved (02-2012). Issue referred to CAPP (08-2012). Action Item(s): Follow up needs to be done on this issue (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 54.12 | Policy Proposal – Grade Replacement Policy Task Force (Follow-Up – CAPP Fall 2013) Last Update: Motion to amend grade replacement policy passed (02-2012). Action Item(s): Follow up needs to be done on this issue (Fall 2013 Report). ISSUE 55.12 | Proposal – Office of Student Affairs Course Subject Code (Follow-Up – CAPP Fall 2013 / Not Yet Engaged - CPM Fall 2013) Committee(s): CSA, CPM Last Update: Committee completed extensive research on the issue including historical and archival material, but concluded to table the issue (Fall 2012 Report). Action Item(s): 3 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) CPM to discuss this issue again in the Spring 2014 semester (Fall 2013 Report). CAPP to follow-up on the issue (Fall 2013 Report). Summary report completed by: Rebecca Fraser Manoa Faculty Senate Research Assistant April 11, 2014 4 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) ISSUES REFERENCE ISSUE 3.14 | Leavers Survey Year: 13-14 Committee(s): SEC, CAPP Status: OPEN awaiting SEC (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report CAPP is waiting further developments from SEC on this issue before we move forward. 8/19/2013 Senate Executive Committee Subcommittee: (1) Bontekoe, (2) Roberts, (3) Stephenson; Prepare data for Committee on Academic Policy and Planning to consider; Report back in late October 2013. 8/12/2013 Vice Chancellor for Students Hernandez / Assistant Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education Cambra / Lucy Arellano, Research & Assessment Specialist Leaver's Survey Highlights: Why Students Left UH Leavers Survey Instrument PowerPoint entitled "Students Who Enrolled in the 2011-2012 Academic Year But Did Not Return in Fall 2012" Authored by Dr. Lucy Arellano, Research and Assessment Faculty Specialist, OVCS ISSUE 9.13 | Governance of Interdisciplinary Programs Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN In Progress (CAPP Fall 2013) 2/28/2014 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning External Reviewers Report of the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies Program Review Selfstudy 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report The sub-committee dealing with this issue plans to review the list of interdisciplinary programs under the umbrella of the UHM Interdisciplinary Studies Program (ISP) as well as try to identify UHM interdisciplinary programs that are not within the ISP umbrella. The subcommittee will also review concerns from previous CAPP committee reports that have dealt with this issue and then make recommendations. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report Two CAPP members (Sammons and Sherstyuk) worked on this issue during the fall. See our Fall CAPP report. Frankly, this issue proved too difficult and complex to get a handle on (for 5 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) one thing, interdisciplinarity is both a teaching and a research concept; that is, there are interdisciplinary programs for students and interdisciplinary programs for faculty researchers). Investigating this issue was also too much work for two people. We suggest either making it an issue for a MFS working group next year or even setting up a task force if the new SEC considers it important enough. Some guidance would also help either group. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report Two CAPP members (Sammons and Sherstyuk) are working on this. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Added issue from input provided in faculty feedback survey. ISSUE 10.13 | Counting Course Credits on Cross Listed Courses Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CAPP, CPM Status: COMPLETE Recommendation (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report The sub-committee dealing with this issue talked to the University Registrar, Stuart Lau, and he said that cross-listed courses are indeed tracked using STAR and BANNER; however, a course might not be listed as cross-listed if a department chair does not note that when submitting the list of courses for the new semester. However, the Registrar might still catch that though since that would be a problem if the two CRNs are meeting at the same room at the same time. As an interesting aside, he added that the Registrar also handles some of the large classes in the same way of linking related classes. For example, there might be 400 students signed up for one HISTORY 151 class, but the students might be divided up into 10 CRNs since they meet with different labs. We don't know if the last problematic IRO report measuring campus teaching productivity recognized this when examining average numbers of students in a course. Should the Chancellor design a system to allow tuition dollars to follow student credit hours, he should be mindful of unintended consequences on cross-listed courses. We don't want to institute an approach that discourages interdisciplinary course offerings, especially since cross listing courses encourages units to offer a variety of courses which help students graduate in a more timely fashion. 11/25/2013 Committee on Professional Matters Fall 2013 Report CPM will discuss this issue in the Spring semester 11/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Subcommittee [Andrew, Meda, Fata] Subcommittee Report Reporting for my sub-committee, I talked with University Registrar: Stuart Lau today about the 6 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) question of cross-listed courses. He said that cross-listed courses are indeed tracked using STAR and BANNER; however, a course might not be listed as cross-listed if a dept. chair does not note that when submitting the list of courses for the new semester. However, the Registrar might still catch that though since that would be a problem if the two CRNs are meeting at the same room at the same time. As an interesting aside, he added that the Registrar also handles some of the large classes in the same way of linking related classes. For example, there might be 400 students signed up for one HISTORY 151 class, but the students might be divided up into 10 CRNs since they meet with different labs. We don't know if the last problematic IRO report measuring campus teaching productivity recognized this when examining average numbers of students in a course. Mr. Lau did not have any information about how departments get credit for offering cross-listed courses. Obviously, this will be an important question if there becomes more of a connection between department or faculty assessment or income in relation to tuition dollars. In such a case, departments probably will want to look again at course allotments for cross-listed courses. Lastly, he explained that Registrar only handles fall and spring courses. We assume that OC has their own way of tracking Summer and Outreach Summer courses. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report Issue was put in abeyance because CAPP was understrength. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report The issue is in abeyance because CAPP is understrength right now. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Added issue from input provided in faculty feedback survey; Review process for allocating faculty course credits. ISSUE 10.14 | Policy Proposal – Exclusion of Non-System Junior College Credits in Excess of 60 Credits Year: 13-14 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN In Progress (CAPP Fall 2013) 1/28/2014 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning CAPP Memorandum Sent to AVCAA Kyrstyna Aune in response to OVCAA memo to the SEC dated Sept 26, 2013 to reconsider the existing policy limiting to 60 the number of transfer credits non-system/out-ofstate junior college students can count toward the 120 total credits required for graduation. 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report Krystyna Aune (Interim Associate VCAA) and Lisa Wong (from Student Academic Services) were invited to and recently attended that November 13th CAPP meeting to provide 7 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) background on the differing treatment of transfer credits for system and non-system junior college students to UH Manoa. They both clarified that there is only one existing UHM policy that limits the amount of transfer credits non-system/out-of-state junior college students can count towards their120 total credits to graduate (60 max). There is no similar policy for UH system/in-state transfer students. They both see a problem with the differential treatment of these two groups of students and suggest that CAPP consider eliminating the existing 60 credit policy for non-system/out-of-state students as a way to make things more equitable. In other words, they suggested that there be no limit to the number of transfer credits a junior/community college student can count towards their 120 total credits to graduate. In their opinion, the consequences of moving in this direction may have a positive impact on retention and graduation rates and numbers of transfer students wanting to come to UHM while decreasing the number of disgruntled students. However, they were unable to give us specific data on how many students this policy change would affect. Therefore, CAPP agreed that the Council for Academic Advisors (CAA) and/or the VCA's office need to provide data that answers the following questions before CAPP can make an informed decision on what should be done: (1) what is the number of students that this policy change might affect in a given year? (2) what are the standards/existing policies for transfer of junior/community college credits from our peer and benchmark institutions? The CAPP Chair contacted Krystyna & Lisa after the November 13th meeting asking for this data. Krystyna quickly responded saying they are working to gather the data for us. CAPP will wait until this data is received before proceeding with this issue. 10/7/2013 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning 9/26/2013 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Issue Request Memorandum re: Policy of Exclusion of Non-System Junior College Credits in Excess of 60 credits ISSUE 11.14 | Policy Proposal – Class Attendance Year: 13-14 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN In Progress (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report The CAPP Chair contacted the VCAA on October 9th asking his office to provide information on comparative attendance policies at our peer and benchmark institutions. This data is essential to making an informed decision on what kind of policy, if any, makes sense for UHM. He responded soon after (10/10/13) saying that his office will be gathering the data for us and will forward it to us as soon as it is ready. CAPP will wait until this data is received before proceeding with this issue. 8 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) 10/7/2013 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning 9/26/2013 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Issue Request Memorandum re: Class Attendance Policy ISSUE 12.13 | Admissions Policy Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN In Progress (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report The sub-committee dealing with this issue is currently looking into the history and rationale behind the admissions office transfer policies, which require a minimum GPA of 2.0 for Hawaii residents, while non-Hawaii residents are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.5. These provisions differ from those in the Executive Policy on Student Transfer and Inter-Campus Articulation (E5.209, 8/25/2006) which-instead of using Hawaii residency as a standard- states that UH community college students with 24 credits or an AA degree will be admitted to UHM with a 2.0 GPA. We are currently waiting for the admissions office to provide us with data on the impact upon admissions and enrollment of raising the minimum GPA for all transfer students to 2.5. CAPP learned that the policy that designates a different GPA requirement for resident and nonresident transfer students happened when Dave Robb (faculty specialist) was head of the admissions office-- probably in the 1980's. The sub-committee has asked the Manoa Faculty Senate GRA to look through the senate archives to see if this policy originated in the faculty senate and if so, what was the rationale/discussion around this issue. We are awaiting this data. 9/2013 Senate Executive Committee Issue Update Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; consider requiring a minimum 2.5 GPA for all students transferring to Manoa. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report One CAPP member (Le) and a former CAPP member (Roberts) worked on this. See our Fall 2012 CAPP report. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report One CAPP member (Le) and a former CAPP member (Roberts) are working on this. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee 9 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Examine admissions policy, are minimum standards being upheld, are weak students gaining access through CC transfers, etc.; Change minimum required GPA for CC students transferring early to Manoa from 2.0 to 2.5; 2004 Resolution on Admissions (Follow-Up from Chair's meeting); Require 4 years of high school math for undergraduate admission; Memo from former Committee on Research and Graduate Education Chair Senate Executive Committee re: high school math requirements [4/11/2012] 5/2/2012 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution on Proposal Regarding PhD Program Admissions [Passed 36:21] 5/5/2004 Manoa Faculty Senate Draft Resolution on Admission Standards [Vote Unknown] 4/21/2004 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution on ACT/SAT Exams [Passed 43:2] 1/22/2003 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution Relating to Admissions Criteria for Home-Schooled Applicants [Passed 39] 9/26/2001 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution Relating to Suspension of Differential Grade Limitations for Transfer of Credits [Passed 39:3] 9/20/2000 Manoa Faculty Senate Proposed Relating to the Adopting of Freshman Admissions Requirements for "Home Schooled" Applicants [Passed unanimous] 9/20/2000 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution Relating to the Calculations of a Transfer Grade Point Average Exclusively for the Purpose of Admitting Transfer Students to the Manoa Campus (not programs) [Passed unanimous] 9/20/2000 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution Relating to the Suspension of Differential Admission Requirements on First-Time, First-Year Students [Passed unanimous] 3/19/1998 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution on Admissions [Passed unknown] 10 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) ISSUE 13.13 |Streamlining of Administrative Procedures with Regard to Course Approvals Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CAPP, MAC Status: OPEN Recommendation 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report On the issue of simplifying course approval and modification policies, CAPP has become involved in reviewing the Kuali Curriculum Management system at the SEC request. Once CAPP member and the SEC liaison to CAPP attended a Q&A session with the Kuali folks earlier in the semester. It appeared to CAPP members who attended the Q&A that the project is on a "fast track" at the system level, with very little faculty input. That said, the initial impression of those CAPP members who reviewed the Kuali Curriculum Management system was that it appeared to offer some real promise, specifically in streamlining the course approval process. It also appears that the system is far easier to use than the Kuali financial system that the campus is now using. That said, CAPP members are monitoring with more care the efforts to conflate the course approval system with the UH assessment system, something the community colleges are calling for given the requirements from Junior WASC. With these concerns in mind, CAPP invited Myrtle Yamada from the VCAA's office to attend the October 23rd CAPP meeting to give us more background on the project. At that time we requested that when the design and implementation of the system is ready to begin that the VCAA contact the SEC to identify a Manoa faculty senator (likely from CAPP) to be a part of the team to make sure Manoa faculty interests are heard. The VCAA recently followed through by asking the SEC to recommend a member of CAPP to represent Manoa faculty on the Kuali implementation team. A CAPP member will be identified at the November 27th meeting and the name forwarded thereafter to the SEC. Work on the implementation team will begin sometime in Spring 2014. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report Approvals. Two CAPP members (Di and Saffery) worked on this issue. They collected feedback from CAPP members and their colleagues about the UHM-1 & 2 forms as well as the VCAA guidelines for completing these forms. They asked folks to share their ideas about how to improve, streamline, and clarify these documents so that the forms are more user friendly. They have begun the process of going through and organizing the feedback. They also spoke to the heads of the different offices (Catalog, Registrar, Graduate Division, VCAA) that deal with the UHM-1 and -2 forms in order to better understand the role each of them plays in the approval, transmission, and processing of the forms. They suggest developing a document to add to the guidelines that explains the kuleana of each office and what kinds of questions these offices can answer. This way faculty members can identify the right person or office to address their questions to when completing the forms, thus reducing the amount of mistakes that need to be corrected later. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report 11 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) Two CAPP members (Di and Saffery) are working on this. They have consulted with people who know the most about UHM-Forms 1 & 2 1/14/2013 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Added issue from input provided in faculty feedback survey; Streamlining UHM-1 & UHM-2 Procedures ISSUE 13.14 | Kuali Curriculum Management System Year: 13-14 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN In Progress (CAPP Fall 2013) 11/13/2013 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning 10/25/2013 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Issue Request VCAA Memoranda re: Implementation of Kuali Curriculum 9/30/2013 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Issue Request Kuali Curriculum Management System software; demo video for course proposal system used as University of Maryland (20 minutes); Michelle Appel, implementation leader for Kuali Curriculum at the University of Maryland, will host a question and answer session for the Curriculum Central campus administrators and interested curriculum people on Friday, Oct 4, from 1:00-4:00, in Kuy 203; contact Myrtle Yamada, Program Officer, at myrtle@hawaii.edu. ISSUE 21.13 | Advising Students Year: 12-13 Committee(s): CSA, CAPP Status: OPEN In Progress (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report CAPP learned from the SEC that this issue has several parts: 1) how good is the advice students are getting, especially with respect to linking to the 15 to Finish program? 2) how well is the transfer of advisors from A&S to its respective colleges working? (if not already being examined by the A&S senate), and 3) what is the current state of articulation and transfer of credits from community colleges to Manoa? The sub-committee investigating this issue decided to take the following actions: a) Set up a meeting with VP Johnsrud to determine administrative expectations in relation to generating and disseminating the report, 15 to Finish. Questions to ask include: What is the impact of students who take longer than 4 years to graduate? Given the kind of mandate they have, can the community colleges accommodate such an initiative so that 12 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) students finish in two years? b) Conduct a survey of academic advisors to find out their perceived role and responsibilities in relation to achieving an increase in the number of students graduating in 4 years. c) Meet with the head of the unit in Undergraduate Education, Manoa Transfer Coordination Center. d) Gather information from the Academic Advising and Transfer Network UH System conference that was held on October 25th. e) Invite the head of the Council of Academic Advisors and Ron Cambra (he sponsors an annual conference for this group) to speak to CAPP. The transfer of advisors from A&S to respective colleges has not been implemented yet (according to conversations with two academic advisors involved in the reorganization). It seems that finding space for the advisors at the colleges needs to be resolved. The committee will probably need to wait until the Spring semester to see if any more progress has been made. 5/2013 Committee on Student Affairs Spring 2013 Report Our assignment was to examine academic advising to address such things as who decides on exceptions to the rules and to look at other issues that impact the quality of academic advising on the Manoa campus. We were also asked to address the two campaigns that have been instituted at the University of Hawaii and their impact on academic advising. The first campaign is called 15 to Finish and the second is called Do it in Four. The 15 to Finish is a system-wide campaign and the Do it in Four is a Manoa program. The committee set about to research this issue and decided to invite Vice President Linda Johnsrud and Assistant Vice President Joanne Itano to get more clarification of these campaigns and to understand how this impacts Academic Advisors and their ability to advise students. That meeting was held on January 9, 2013 and was very informative. We then met with Pua Anthony, the Chair of the Council of Academic Advisors, on February 12th to get her perspective on these campaigns and the role of the academic advisors in their implementation. Pua shared some very interesting data about the impact of the campaigns, even at this early date, and she felt that this is making a difference in students' decisions regarding their academic experiences. Finally, we met with Dr. Ron Cambra, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education, on March 12th to further our research on the campaigns. His information added significantly to our investigation, and we decided that we would report on our findings at the April Faculty Senate meeting. During our discussions of the issue of academic advising and finishing in a timely manner, some tangential issues emerged: one of those issues is that, in some departments, requiring students to take 15 credits a semester could have detrimental effects on the quality of the student's education. Another was the question of what impedes the progress of graduate students in a PhD program and keeps them from finishing in a timely manner? The committee requests that the CSA committee follow up and address the issues raised above. We also recommend that the CSA track the two campaigns to see if there is any difference in outcomes for students and for the university. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report Two CAPP members (Le and Wong) worked on this issue. When they asked CAPP for advice or information regarding this issue, CAPP suggested contacting other departments. They decided first to contact advisors from their own departments (Family and Consumer Sciences and Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, respectively) about the issues regarding 13 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) "Advising Students." Wong met with the advisors from her department to discuss this issue; and Dr. Samuel Ka‘ahanui, advisor for Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language, sent his manao to Wong; his thoughts were also circulated to all CAPP members. (Because of Le's professional obligations, this pair did not meet during the last two months of the spring semester.) They did consult with members of the Council of Academic Advisors last fall. 12/2012 According to the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report Two CAPP members (Le and Wong) are working on this. They have consulted with members of the Council of Academic Advisors. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Student Affairs ; Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Added issue from input provided in faculty feedback survey; Examine academic advising; who decides on exceptions on rules; examine relationship of advising to 15-to-Finish and Do-it-in-4 programs; improve advising. ISSUE 23.12 | High DFIW Course Follow-Up Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAPP, MAC, GEC Status: OPEN Tabled (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report CAPP is waiting data the separates courses with high D & F grades from courses with high I & W grades as we see them as separate issues. CAPP has tabled this issue until such data is supplied. 5/2013 General Education Committee Spring 2013 Report The inter-committee working group was convened. The GEC is awaiting an update from the working group. 5/2013 Manoa Asessment Committee Spring 2013 Report Sang-Hyop Lee and Adam Pang were MAC representatives on this working group. The DFIW working group reviewed past reports for recommendations based on 2005- 2010 data. This working group did not meet during the Spring 2013 semester and will perhaps reconvene during the 2013/2014 academic year. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report A working group with CAPP, GEC, and MAC members met during the fall. See our Fall 2012 CAPP report. As an addendum to that very brief report, we can say that the Manoa Institutional 14 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) Research Office provided us with an updated list of what they are calling “below success rate” courses. A couple of the courses on previous lists have disappeared from the most recent lists. No courses not on the previous lists are on the most recent list. Since we consulted during the previous two years with departments with general education courses on the previous lists, we decided not to consult with any of them this year. We do think, though, that another working group should be constituted next year to continue the good work of this and previous working groups on this important issue. One avenue yet to be explored: the student perspective on the “below success” courses that they find themselves in. 12/2012 General Education Committee Fall 2012 Report The inter-committee working group was convened. 12/2012 Manoa Assessment Committee Fall 2012 Report Sang-Hyop Lee and Adam Pang were MAC representatives on this working group. The DFIW working group (WG) reviewed past reports for recommendations based on 2005-2010 data. The WG found that some actions have already been taken, e.g., Psy 100 (unit mastery) has been restructured, and College of Natural Sciences has tutors in Learning Emporium targeting 100 and 200 level Math, Bio, Chem and Phys courses. The WG is set to review updated data from MIRO for Fall 2010- Spring 2012 to determine/update target courses. These and other issues will continue to be worked on by this group. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report A working group with CAPP, GEC, and MAC members is meeting regularly." According to the Manoa Assessment Committee's Fall 2012 Report, "Sang-Hyop Lee and Adam Pang were MAC representatives on this working group. The DFIW working group (WG) reviewed past reports for recommendations based on 2005-2010 data. The WG found that some actions have already been taken, e.g., Psy 100 (unit mastery) has been restructured, and College of Natural Sciences has tutors in Learning Emporium targeting 100 and 200 level Math, Bio, Chem and Phys courses. The WG is set to review updated data from MIRO for Fall 2010- Spring 2012 to determine/update target courses. These and other issues will continue to be worked on by this group. 8/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning & Manoa Assessment Committee & General Education Committee; Added carryover issue to 2012-13 issues index. 4/30/2012 Working Group on High DFWI Courses Report on High DFIW Follow Up [Joe Jarrett, Chair] 7/26/2011 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral 15 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) Certain undergraduate courses at Manoa have disproportionately high (combined) F, I, and W rates. Some of these courses are part of the general education core. Committee on Academic Policy and Planning, Manoa Assessment Committee and General Education Committee formed a collaborative working group to review the problem of courses with high F, I and W rates and made recommendations that were endorsed at the April 2011 Senate meeting. The committees are asked to form a joint working group to address implementation of the recommendations and report at the April 2012 Senate meeting. ISSUE 24.14 | SAT / ACT Admissions Requirements for International Students Year: 13-14 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN 2/28/2014 Manoa International Education Committee Spreadsheet Comparing UH Policy with Peer, Benchmark, and Competitor Institutions Article from Inside Higher Education on the Minimal Impact SAT Alone has as a Predictor of College Success 2/3/2014 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Manoa International Education Committee (MIEC) is considering no longer requiring the SAT for admission of international students; See MIEC Minutes of 11/26/2013. 12/12/2013 Nicole Deville, Senate Research Assistant ACT/SAT Admissions Requirements for International Students at UHM Peer and Benchmark Institutions ISSUE 26.12 | Undergraduate Degree Plan Implementation Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN Tabled (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report Tabled for now so time could be spend tackling some of the higher priority issues. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report Two CAPP members (Saffery and Wong) are working on this; at our invitation, AVCAA Ron Cambra came to a CAPP meeting to talk about this issue. 8/6/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Added carryover issue. 16 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) 7/26/2011 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral The AVCUE and advisors, with assistance from departments, have developed 4-year undergraduate degree templates for each department/degree. These templates are designed to help students plan their course of study and facilitate graduation within 4 years. Some departments may not offer courses in a sequence that would enable students to follow the template. Committee on Academic Policy and Planning is asked to study the issue and make necessary recommendations that would eliminate what some currently believe is a ‘truth in advertising’ problem with some 4-year degree templates. The committee is asked to report to the Senate by April 2012. ISSUE 46.12 | Policy Proposal – Suspension of Academic Actions Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN Follow-Up (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report Follow-up 8/20/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning; Added issue as follow-up item. 2/15/2012 Manoa Faculty Senate Transmittal Motion on Suspension of Academic Actions [Passed 57:1] 9/1/2011 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning 9/1/2011 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs VC for Academic Affairs request sent via. e-mail to Senate Executive Committee ISSUE 54.12 | Policy Proposal – Grade Replacement Policy Task Force Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAPP Status: OPEN Follow-Up (CAPP Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report Follow-up 17 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report Issue needing little attention other than following up 8/20/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Added issue as follow-up item for the Committee on Academic Policy and Planning 2/15/2012 Manoa Faculty Senate Motion to Amend Grade Replacement Policy [Passed 36:16] 11/07/2011 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning 11/03/2011 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Issue Referral Memorandum 05/04/2011 Manoa Faculty Senate Motion to Adopt and Transmit the New Grade Replacement Policy to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs to be Implemented as Manoa Executive Policy [Passed 42:23] Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Powerpoint Presentation 04/27/2011 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Committee Response to Council of Academic Advisor's comments Council of Academic Advisors's Comments Data on Repeated Courses 04/11/2011 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Memorandum to Senate Chair 04/10/2011 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Report on Repeated Course Grading Option and Formulation of a New Policy on Grade Replacement Data Sample of Student Transcripts ISSUE 55.12 | Proposal – Office of Student Affairs Course Subject Code Year: 11-12 Committee(s): CAPP, CPM, CSA Status: OPEN Follow-Up (CAPP Fall 2013) Not Yet Engaged (CPM Fall 2013) 12/2/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2013 Report Follow-up 18 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) 11/25/2013 Committee on Professional Matters Fall 2013 Report CPM will discuss this issue in the Spring, 2014 semester. 5/27/2013 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Spring 2013 Report Issue that we eventually decided to table. 12/2012 Committee on Academic Policy and Planning Fall 2012 Report Committee tabled the issue. 12/2012 Committee on Student Affairs Fall 2012 Report This was a carry-over from 2011-2012, and our committee had done extensive research during that academic year, meeting with key people including, Vice Chancellor Francisco Hernandez, Vice Chancellor Reed Dasenbock, Jan Javinar, the OSA Faculty Senate, and others. We also reviewed all of the historical and archival material collected over many years, and concluded that we would like to table this discussion and not bring it before the full Senate at this time. 8/26/2012 Senate Office Historical Summary [compiled by Kaiulani Kauahi, Senate Research Assistant] 8/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning & Committee on Student Affairs; Added as carryover issue. 4/18/2012 Manoa Faculty Senate Resolution on Role of Specialist Faculty in Teaching [Passed 39:2] 3/20/2012 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Committee on Academic Policy and Planning & Committee on Student Affairs; Forwarded issue, along with OSA Senate comments, for review to Committee on Academic Policy and Planning, as lead, & Committee on Student Affairs and to Committee on Professional Matters for review of E5:221 re: specialist faculty "do not themselves teach or conduct research." 3/19/2012 Office of Student Affairs Faculty Senate Current courses taught by OSA Faculty which would fall under the requested SD (Student Development) course designation Provided at Senate Executive Committee's request. 19 MĀNOA FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC POLICY AND PLANNING (CAPP) 3/2/2012 Office of Student Affairs Faculty Senate Review and endorsement of the subject code Submitted to Senate Executive Committee for further action. 11/17/2011 Office of Student Affairs Faculty Senate Expects to complete review by February 2012. 11/07/2011 Senate Executive Committee Issue Referral Office of Student Affairs (OSA) Faculty Senate. 11/04/2011 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs / Vice Chancellor for Students Request Memorandum 20