Winter 2009 QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT Online Student Services Action Team March 31, 2009

Winter 2009
Online Student Services Action Team
March 31, 2009
A. Describe the past quarter’s accomplishments and the current status of this
Action Project.
The major accomplishments of the AQIP Online Student Services Action
Team for winter quarter are outlined below Activities
1. Strategy meeting with representatives from Instruction, IT and student
2. Open forums with faculty
3. Faculty and staff focus groups for those who have attended Phoenix,
Capella, or Franklin
4. Site visit to Franklin
5. Participated in USO CRM RFP planning session
6. Contacted Santa Fe CC regarding their experience with Right Now CRM;
phone call scheduled
7. Developed first draft of OSS roadmap
8. Attended One Stop Shop audio conference
9. Attended virtual tutoring audio conference
Projects Underway
1. Academic Advising
a. Investigating use of Adobe Connect for eAdvising
2. Academic Testing - New web based software developed by SCC, to be
piloted in Spring Quarter
a. Learning Centers and Courseview will be fully functional testing
b. Challenge – Cannot deliver paper-based tests off campus
3. Placement testing
a. Delivered at Learning Centers and Courseview
b. Other “Brand” tests accepted – problems with cutoffs and
4. Orientation
a. Online orientation will be developed using Adobe Presenter
b. Investigating use of web-based forms and JavaScript to customize
orientation based on student type
5. Career Services, Tutorial
a. Reviewing CENTSS audit with intent of proposing projects
b. Attended online tutoring audioconference on 3/24
c. Adobe connect demonstration scheduled for 4/8
6. Help Desk, Call Center, and Academic Advising
a. Investigating Knowledgebase and chat
7. Class Schedule
Requested investigation of pop-up for special section requirements
when adding to personal schedule
Planned Projects
1. Tutorial Services
a. Virtual tutoring center using Adobe Connect
i. Live tutoring
ii. Archived lessons
2. Library
a. Online Library instruction using Adobe Connect/Presenter archives
B. Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project.
A cross-divisional team was selected and approved by Associate Provost Tom
Huguley, Provost Helen Grove, and Senior Vice President Robert Johnson.
The team is composed of representatives from all major functional areas of the
C. Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project.
Continue work with individual departments to assist them with shifting
services to an eFormat..
D. Describe any “effective practice(s)” that resulted from your work on this
Action Project.
This is a very large project, prioritizing services and working on a few services
at a time has made it easier to manage.
E. What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project?
Implementation and buy-in to the project plan.