A. Describe the past year’s accomplishments and the current status of this Action
Guided Self-paced
DEV 085
Instruction using
MyMathLab software
Guided Self-paced
DEV 108
Instruction using
MyMathLab software
DEV 108
Guided Inquiry
Results and Status
Compared to the non-pilot group there was
significant increase in student success after
uniformity in course materials, quizzes, and tests was
implemented. The success rate average is 50%. Our
African American students tend not to be as
successful- the success rate average is 29%.
Compared to the non-pilot group there was no
statistically significant change after uniformity in
course materials, quizzes, tests, and new text book
supplement was implemented. The student success
rate decreased each quarter: Fall 56%, Winter 52%,
Spring 35%. The success rate average is 48%.
Compared to the non-pilot group there was no
statistically significant change after uniformity in
course material, quizzes, tests and a new book
supplement was implemented. The success rate
average is 49%.
MAT 191
MAT 192
Same Content as
MAT 101-102 with
embedded Math
Study Skills and
additional classroom
Compared to the non-pilot group this group
continues to show the most significant increase in
student success rates. Uniform course materials,
quizzes, tests; one-on-one meetings with students
obtaining <75% marks on the first tests; bi-weekly
tests and final exam reviews; video clips for select
topics seem to be the important contributing factors.
The success rate average is 54%.
OLN ReviVison
A team consisting of math faculty (Jim Willis, David
Hare, and Karl Hess) revised the curriculum and
course delivery of MAT 101 for the OLN Grant. This
development incorporated a new online lab
component into the 4 hour class. The design required
students to be in class for two hours of instruction
and two hours of lab work. The lab was adjacent to
the classroom and was staffed with faculty and
tutors. The success rate average is 46.3 which is
slightly higher than the non-pilot average of 44%.
MAT 193
MAT 101
Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project.
The team represents both academic and administrative areas across the college
including faculty from Academic Foundations and Mathematics, and their
respective Deans. The following administrative areas are represented: Research
Analytics and Reporting (RA&R), Student Services, Strategic Planning, and
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Budgeting. Faculty and Academic advisors make up 48% of the team. While 71%
of the team members represent Instruction, the other 29% represent
Administrative Support Services.
Linda Pastore program Director for Achieving the Dream, and Surinder Jain,
Interim Associate Dean of Science, Mathematics and Engineering lead the AQIP
Team and have contributed countless hours working with the team on the pilots,
which are part of the Achieving the Dream initiative.
Math Department Chair, Tony Ponder, has taken an active, hands-on role in the
MAT 190 series project. Richard Uchida, Assistant Professor in Mathematics,
lead the MAT 190 series team as the faculty coordinator. Jim Willis, Associate
Professor in Mathematics led the MAT 101 ReVisioning faculty team.
Academic Foundations Chair, Teresa Prosser, provides leadership for the
developmental math area pilots. Faculty members Jim Brooks, Patty Clark, and
Patti Fernandez coordinate the developmental math pilots.
MAT 101 ReVisioning Faculty Team started evaluation of various software
packages as well as visiting various colleges to narrow down to Carnegie software
for AY 2008-09. This pilot is funded by Ohio Learning Network Grant as a part
of the AQIP Project.
The RA&R team has helped define the best approach to evaluate each project.
They are responsible for the data analysis and reporting.
Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project.
Academic Foundations:
 Meet in early fall with chairs, faculty, and deans to review the trend data from
the pilots from the following courses:
DEV 085, Basic Mathematics-II
DEV 108, Introduction to Algebra
 Analyze the success data from the MAT 190 series and design new pilots to
incorporate what has been learned from the teaching strategies used in the
MAT 190 series.
 Review and revise the Action Plan for DEV 085 and DEV 108.
 Review and revise curriculum for DEV 108 to coordinate with MAT 191 and
MAT 101.
Math Department:
 MAT 101, Elementary Algebra (ReVisioning Grant): Increase pilot to 12
dedicated sections each quarter. Pilot additional software in online and face-to
face sections.
 Review and analyze implementation of using calculators in MAT 101 and
MAT 190 Series.
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Revision and realignment of the Technical math series – MAT 131 and MAT
Update online version of MAT 105
Standardization of course materials and content for MAT 101 – Pilot (5)
Describe any “effective practice(s)” that resulted from your work on this
Action Project.
Increase in success for MAT 190 series can be attributed to following strategies:
 The students used MyMathLab for homework and quizzes and required
students to work on math 6 days per week.
 The course emphasized hands-on, active engagement during every class
 All sections used the same course materials, schedule and methods. The
faculty met bi-weekly as a community throughout the academic year to
discuss results and ways to improve the course.
 Faculty development for faculty teaching in the MAT 190 series.
MAT 101 “ReVision” used a faculty learning community to meet weekly to
discuss student progress. This resulted in faculty updating and making changes to
course materials and teaching strategies each quarter.
Classroom activities and extensive use of software seem to greatly improve
student engagement.
Organizational structure for students and faculty seem to improve success.
What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project?
 Mathematics success and retention is a national problem that has challenged
colleges for a long time. Our Academic Foundation and Mathematics
Department have tried different approaches and strategies over the past 10 to
15 years. Finding new strategies or variations on old strategies that will
produce improvement is still a challenge.
 Increasing enrollment in pilot sections has been a challenge for the MAT 190
series. Advisors have received information about the success rates and still do
not encourage students to register for MAT 190 instead of the faster paced and
more difficult course MAT 101.
 Funding for part-time faculty development
If you would like to discuss the possibility of AQIP providing you help to
stimulate progress on this Action Project, explain your need(s) here and tell
us who to contact and when.
Who should be able to see this annual update?
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