A. Describe the past year’s accomplishments and the current status of this Action
Developmental Math:
Dr. Kathleen Cleary, Dean of Liberal Arts, Communication, and Social Sciences worked
extensively with the math faculty in the Academic Foundations Department to refocus the
work for developmental math. The faculty visited Cleveland State Community College, a
member of Achieving the Dream, to learn more about their ATD math initiatives. The faculty
also collaborated with members from the Department of Math Education at the University of
Dayton to better align math practices from K-12. During the Spring Quarter the faculty
designed two projects to pilot during the 2010-2011 academic year.
The math department continued to refine the Math 190 Series which continues to show
promising results:
 Student enrollment in the MAT 190 series produced a steady increase each term. The
enrollment rates increased 26% during AY 2009-10 compared to AY 2008-09.
 Success rates in the MAT 190 series increased from 50% to 56% during the AY 2009-10.
The MAT 190 series continues to have higher success rates compared to the 47%
success rates in the MAT 101-102 series.
After reviewing years of student success data the following academic policy was approved:
 Effective Fall Quarter 2010 there will be a one-year time limit for math prerequisites.
Students registering for a math course are required to have completed the prerequisite
course not more than one calendar year prior to the quarter for which they are registering.
Math 101-102
 MAT 101 Pilot: Faculty standardized course materials and content, and implemented the
use of MyMathLab in 7 pilot sections during the winter quarter.
 Each quarter (8) sections of Computer Enhanced MAT 101 using Carnegie Learning
System were piloted during AY 2009-10.
 Implemented the use of scientific calculators in all MAT 101 and MAT 191 courses
beginning Fall 2009.
MAT 131-133 Tech Math Series
Tech math curriculum was revised to meet the TAC/ABET accreditation requirements.
Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project.
Linda Pastore, Program Director for Achieving the Dream, and Surinder Jain, Interim Associate
Dean of Science, Mathematics and Engineering lead the AQIP Team. The team represents both
academic and administrative areas across the college including faculty from Academic
Foundations and Mathematics, and their respective Deans.
Math Department Chair, Tony Ponder, provides leadership for the mathematics department and
coordinates the pilots. Marie Stroh, Professor in Mathematics, led the MAT 190 series team as
the faculty coordinator. Jim Willis, Associate Professor in Mathematics and David Hare,
Associate Professor in Mathematics led the MAT 101 Computer Enhancement faculty team. Len
Ruth, Professor in Mathematics led the MAT 101 MyMathLab faculty team.
Academic Foundations Chair, Bernice Brown, provided leadership for the developmental math
area pilots. Patty Clark, Professor in Academic Foundations and Patti Fernandez, Associate
Professor in Academic Foundations coordinated the developmental math pilots.
Research, Analytics, and Reporting helped define the best approach to evaluate each project and
are responsible for the data analysis and reporting.
Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project.
Academic Foundations:
Analyze and review data each quarter from the following new pilots:
 Math Boot Camp
 Math Lab Emporium
Math Department:
 Computer enhanced sections will no longer utilize Carnegie Learning Systems online
system due to the high learning curve associated with using the system for both students
and faculty; the system also cannot be expanded to include Intermediate Algebra.
For FA 2010, the department will offer 8 computer enhanced sections of MAT 101; 4
sections will use MyMathLab Plus (an enhanced version of MyMathLab) and 4 sections
using Hawkes Learning System. Dave Hare and Jim Willis will continue to coordinate
the computer enhanced sections.
Also for FA 2010, the department will offer 3 computer enhanced sections of MAT 102
using Aleks and in Winter 2011, the department will offer computer enhanced sections of
MAT 102 using both Hawkes and MML Plus. This will be the first time the department
has offered computer enhanced sections of MAT 102.
For FA 2010, MyMathLab will be required in ALL sections of MAT 105, Business
Math. Glen Lobo will coordinate this pilot. A common course shell in Angel will be
developed and all sections will be required to utilize common syllabi and grading
policies. This pilot will be repeated during Winter 2011 and Spring 2011 unless data
collected indicates otherwise.
Describe any “effective practice(s)” that resulted from your work on this
Action Project.
Extensive use of computer software seems to improve student engagement and
success. There is also a need to evaluate the computer enhanced software in order to
determine if it will provide easy access and usage for both faculty and students. The
math department will no longer use the Carnegie System due to the steep learning
curve for faculty and students. The department will evaluate MyMathLab plus for
What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project?
 Mathematics success and retention is a national problem that has challenged colleges for
a long time. Our Academic Foundation and Mathematics Department have tried different
approaches and strategies over the past 10 to 15 years. Finding new strategies or
variations on old strategies that will produce improvement is still a challenge.
 Increasing enrollment in pilot sections still is a challenge for the MAT 190 series.
Advisors have received information about the success rates and need toencourage
students to register for MAT 190 instead of the faster paced and more difficult course
MAT 101.
 Faculty training on computer/web-based enhanced technology.
 Student access to broadband internet.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of AQIP providing you help to stimulate
progress on this Action Project, explain your need(s) here and tell us who to contact
and when.
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