ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT Employee Performance Evaluation System 2011 A. Describe the past year’s accomplishments and the current status of this Action Project. The HR Office proceeded with a more in-depth analysis to include additional discussions with the vendors and reference checks. As a result, Halogen was selected as the vendor. Halogen has experience with community colleges. B. Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project. The AQIP Performance Management team is comprised of employees who represent all employee category groups, i.e., faculty, administrators, support staff and professional staff. The team is divided into sub-committees and charged with specific assignments. These assignments included developing a training plan, developing a marketing strategy to announce the new system and an implementation strategy. C. Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project. Now that the AQIP Performance Management team selected the primary vendor, the HR Office began to outline the processes and accompanying time-lines that will lead up to the college-wide implementation. The plan is as follows: Year One: FY 2010 Compression Planning of Project Benchmarking of Existing Systems Evaluation of Various Vendor Offerings Select the most suitable performance management system Year Two: FY 2011 Worked with Vendor to Customize Options and Set-up system from the Training of HR Personnel on Halogen System Developed the training for end users including supervisors, Selected appropriate candidates to pilot the new system and made administrative standpoint managers and employees modifications based on feedback Year Three: FY 2012 Tool Training and Coaching Training implemented for all supervisors and managers Tool Training implemented for all nonsupervisory, nonfaculty employees (August – September, 2011) (July - August, 2011) Tool Training and Coaching Training implemented for all Deans and Chairs who supervise non-faculty employees (September, 2011) Build website, provide ongoing training for new hires (As needed) Year Three Projected: FY 2012 Additional Coaching Training and implementation of actual system for all supervisors and managers Self Appraisal Training implemented for all non-faculty employees Continue to monitor system and how it is used. Process feedback and modify as needed. (April - May, 2012) (April - May, 2012) (June, 2012 Training on the Halogen Performance Management System is currently taking place. All managers and supervisors have been trained on the use of the tool have been trained on the importance of the coaching engagement with employees are currently engaged in coaching training Employees are currently taking part in training sessions that will provide direct knowledge of the performance assessment tool being made aware of the expectations for the use of the performance review tool being made aware of the timeline for completion of the performance appraisal All non-faculty employees will be formally evaluated using the new performance review system in June, 2012. D. Describe any “effective practice(s)” that resulted from your work on this Action Project. One "effective practice" was the ability for the team members to utilize their individual strengths and skill sets outside their normal work areas. As an example: New and different training methods using technology will also be explored to accommodate the different learning styles of our employees. E. What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project? At this stage of the project, the only challenges we are facing are the time constraints in scheduling and conducting the training sessions in addition to the HR staff’s daily work. F. If you would like to discuss the possibility of AQIP providing you help to stimulate progress on this Action Project, explain your need(s) here and tell us who to contact and when. n/a G. Who should be able to see this annual update? Anyone