Department of Public Safety Surviving the Worst

Department of Public Safety
Surviving the Worst
Subject Training
The Department of Public Safety and Sinclair Police take pride
in maintaining a safe campus for staff, faculty, students and
This PowerPoint© presentation is part of the department’s
on-going program to provide informative training that the
campus community may study and learn from.
Sinclair Police officers that patrol the campus are available to
answer any questions.
In addition, the Sinclair Police Speaker’s Bureau can provide
an officer to speak to any campus group by contacting the
department at (937) 512-2700.
Surviving the Worst
• You have to come first.
• Let no one take your freedom away from you.
• You may be a target.
• Your may be a first responder.
• You may be a witness.
• You can reduce your risk of becoming a victim.
• Your must survive no matter what!
Surviving the Worst
• Statistics say a person is 10 times more likely to survive if you are
prepared and react with conviction.
• Proficiency increases your survival.
• The other 10% of self defense is physical skills. This begins with an
awakening of the physical power within you.
• Sharpen your mental and physical survival skills by signing up for selfdefense classes.
Crime is UnPredictable
• We do not guarantee that the advice and techniques we present
will work in all circumstances. WHY NOT?
• Attackers are unpredictable.
• The crimes are initiated by the attackers. No one knows what their
motive may be or if they are under the influence of drugs and/or
• Attackers shop for opportunity, plan their work, and then work
their plan.
What Are the Goals?
• We want to increase your safety awareness at Sinclair, at
home, where you work, where you socialize.
• Understand your survival mindset. We want to know when
to be nice and when to be mean and rude.
• We want to provide you with simple survival skills that you
can use if the worst happens.
• You are the only person you can count on.
• You are your best defense. Don’t depend on someone else.
• Don’t “pretend” it cannot happen to you.
• Prepare yourself ask yourself “What if.”
• Ask yourself, “Where are they? Where are you? Where is
safety? What tools do I have to get me there?”
• Fear saves lives. Focus on your options and possible actions.
• Most importantly, believe in yourself.
Where Are the Attackers?
Facebook & Twitter
Parking lots
What Are Tactics of Predators?
• Always be aware of your surroundings. Don’t bury your head
in your cell phone or tablet while walking or jogging.
• A potential predator may “interview” you.
• The predator may make “me too” statements to show
empathy and try to connect emotionally to you.
• The predator may ignore you when you say, “No.”
• The predator may act very charming and make promises to you.
• Are you providing too much detail about yourself to a charming stranger??
Thinking Ahead & Be Prepared
• Prepare yourself mentally. Visualize yourself being attacked and what
you will do to survive.
• Focus on taking action and surviving the attack.
• Turn your fear into survivor power.
• Ask yourself, “How would I get in a situation and how would I get out.”
• Make good personal choices and never compromise your safety.
What Are Your Options?
Figure Out – this where planning ahead may save your life.
Get Out – do whatever you can to get out of a situation. This is no
time to be nice. Get mean and rude – your life could be in jeopardy.
Call Out – Yell or scream “Help,” “Fire,” “Get out” or anything that
would attract attention. Use your cell phone to call 9-1-1.
Hide Out – After getting away from a predator, you may have to find
a suitable hiding spot.
Take Out – a last resort may be to do anything you can physically
to take out the predator. Self-defense techniques may work but
so does punching, kicking, scratching, pulling hair, etc. Aim for
eyes, throat, groin, knees, shins. Use whatever means necessary
to get out of the situation.
Prevention Is the Key
• Be aware of your surroundings (we can’t say this enough times).
• Be confident and know that you will survive and that you will be okay.
• As you are walking past a stranger, make eye contact and/or say hello.
A potential predator does NOT like to be recognized or acknowledged to.
• Walk with a sense of purpose, stay erect and sound powerful.
• Put the cell phone away – check your messages later. You can’t be aware
of your surroundings if your head is buried in a screen.
Prevention Is the Key
• Listen to your gut, and trust it. It’s never wrong!
• If something does not feel right, it’s not right.
• Immediately take actions to get away.
• Don’t feel bad about staying safe. Utilize safety services.
• You have been blessed with the secret power. of Intuition. Use it!
Use your power of perception.
Changing Your Mindset
• Sometimes you have to have a warrior mindset. You can still be
nice to people but be ready to switch gears if things start to
get uncomfortable or dangerous.
• Accept the responsibility for yourself. Don’t depend on someone
to come to your rescue.
• Never accept defeat.
• Believe in yourself.
• Practice yelling or being aggressive. Visualize if the worse
happens and what you would do to save yourself.
Reporting the Attack
911 – Calls made to 911 will be systematically transferred to CSCC Police. (Emergency)
CSCC Police – (614) 287-2525
CSCC Emergency Phones – Blue Emergency Phones, Elevators, and placed throughout CSC
COLUMBUS POLICE (614) 645-4545
DELAWARE SHERIFF (740) 548-4730
(614) 287-2525 OR 2166
Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO)
The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) is the sexual violence interv
24-Hour Rape Helpline number: (614) 267-7020
Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)
1-(800) 656-HOPE (toll free)
Vine-Ohio Attorney General’s Office
Victim Information & Notification Everyday