Department of Public Safety Domestic Violence Training

Department of Public Safety
Domestic Violence Training
Subject Training
The Department of Public Safety and Sinclair Police take pride
in maintaining a safe campus for staff, faculty, students and
This PowerPoint© presentation is part of the department’s
on-going program to provide informative training that the
campus community may study and learn from.
Sinclair Police officers that patrol the campus are available to
answer any questions.
In addition, the Sinclair Police Speaker’s Bureau can provide
an officer to speak to any campus group by contacting the
department at (937) 512-2700.
Domestic Violence: What Is It?
• Domestic and Family Violence is an abuse of
power perpetrated mainly (but not only) by
men against women in a relationship or after
• It occurs when one partner attempts to
physically and/or psychologically dominate
and control the other.
Domestic Violence: What Is It?
 Physical abuse:
Kicking, slapping, hitting, punching, pushing, pulling,
choking and property damage.
 Emotional abuse:
Jealously, anger, intimidation, controlling, neglect,
humiliation, threats, isolation and verbal abuse.
 Social Abuse:
Being stopped from meeting or seeing friends or family, not
allowed to leave the home and/or being stalked.
Domestic Violence: What Is It?
 Sexual abuse:
Forcing and coercing sexual acts, rape and having sex
without wanting to.
 Economic Abuse:
Controlling access to money and other resources, forced
to live without money.
Domestic Violence: Myth VS Truth
• Myth: Domestic and Family violence only occurs in working or poorer
• Truth: Domestic and family violence happens in all communities, from all
social and cultural groupings.
• Myth: Violent men cannot control themselves, their behaviour is “out of
their control”
• Truth: If men cannot control their violent behaviours then they would try
to dominate and control everybody including their bosses, their work
friends and all other people they come into contact with.
• Myth: Women enjoy being abused, otherwise they would leave the
• Truth: There are many reasons why women do not leave violent
situations. They fear social isolation, community stigma and financial
problems. Also after long-term abuse, their self esteem is very low and
they do not have the support systems to build their confidence.
Domestic Violence: Myth VS Truth
• Myth: Loving caring partners do not use violence.
• Truth: Violence can happen even in the most loving and caring
• Myth: Only small numbers of women have experienced domestic &
family violence.
• Truth: one in three to five women will experience domestic & family
• Myth: Alcohol and stress are to blame for domestic violence.
• Truth: Alcohol and stress are not an excuse for domestic violence, it only
acts as a excuse. It is up to the person who commits domestic violence
to accept responsibility.
Domestic Violence: Myth VS Truth
Myth: Domestic Violence is rarely spoken about, it is a private family matter.
Truth: Domestic Violence is a crime. It is not part of any relationship.
Myth: Domestic Violence only happens where there is unemployment and
poverty in the family.
Truth: Women from all backgrounds, all ages, all cultures, employed and
unemployed are likely to be victims of domestic violence.
Myth: Women know their rights and can leave the situation if they want to.
Truth: A strong sense of silence and secrecy often go with Domestic
Violence. Women fear speaking out. The violence causes low self-esteem
and no one wants their family to break up. Most women hope the violence
will stop.
Myth: Some women provoke violence and they are part of the problem.
Truth: No family deserves violence, dealing with problems in ways that don’t
involve violence is the key, not blaming the victim.
Domestic Violence: Causes & Excuses
 Financial pressure on the family causing stress.
Drug & alcohol abuse by one or more family members.
Gambling by either partner.
Abuse within extended families, generational abuse.
Typical and acceptable “male” behaviour.
Culturally acceptable behaviour.
Domestic Violence: Causes & Excuses
Financial pressure: in particular the financial pressure of supporting
relatives in the home country and the pressure of unemployment.
Changes in women’s attitudes, expectation and roles.
Relationship difficulties, including issues relating to children, which were
seen to put pressure on relationships that may lead to Domestic
Cultural differences, in the context of mixed marriages.
Provocation from women experiencing the freedom of women's rights.
Domestic Violence: Indicators
 Physical injuries, including broken bones, no explanation for injuries.
Threats to safety, intimidation or harassment.
Current or previous police involvements.
Feelings of sadness or depression, low self esteem.
Difficulty in concentration or focus.
Being denied access to funds or resources and/or repeated requests for
financial assistance.
Domestic Violence: Indicators
 Over protective of children and avoidance of discussing children.
Current or previous separation in the relationship.
Extensive use of medications.
Lack of self esteem or self confidence.
Problems with sleep & sleeplessness.
Nervous or withdrawn behaviours.
Domestic Violence: Indicators
 Aggressive behaviours or language.
 Isolation from friends, family & community.
Medical or psychosomatic illness, such as headaches or stomach
problems, frequent visits to hospital or doctor.
Eating disorders.
Difficulty with friendships.
Domestic Violence: If You Need Help
 If on campus dial 9-1-1 from any campus phone if the incident is in the
process of occurring.
 If on any campus, contact Sinclair Police at 937-512-2700 for immediate
assistance, to file a report or to get questions answered.
 If off-campus dial 9-1-1 if the incident is in the process of occurring.
 Contact your local police department for immediate assistance, to file a
report or to get questions answered.
On-Campus Resources
Resources for Students
Campus Ministry - (937) 512-2768
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator (937) 512-4294
Counseling Services: (937) 512-2752
Sinclair Police: (937) 512-2700
Resources for Employees
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator (937) 512-4294
Employee Care (full-time employees): (937) 208-6626 or 1-800-628-9343
Sinclair Police: (937) 512-2700
Off-Campus Resources
Montgomery County
 Artemis Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence, Dayton
Phone: (937) 461-5091
Services offered include crisis intervention, court advocacy and crime victim
compensation assistance.
 Dayton Children’s Hospital, Dayton
Services offered are strictly for children and adolescents and include sexual assa
 Good Samaritan Hospital, Dayton
Services offered include sexual assault examinations, STI prevention treatment a
24 hour care.
Off-Campus Resources
Montgomery County – continued
Victim/Witness Division / City of Dayton Prosecutor’s Office (for
misdemeanors only)
(937) 333-4100
Off-Campus Resources
Preble County
 Butler County Rape Crisis Program, Oxford
Hotline: (513) 523-4149
Phone: (513) 523-4146
Services offered include hospital advocacy, SART participant, police
advocacy, court advocacy, protection order assistance, victim
compensation assistance, support groups and counseling.
Off-Campus Resources
Preble County – continued
 Preble County DV Shelter
Hotline: (937) 456-5307
Services offered include protective temporary emergency shelter for
women and their children in life-threatening situations, case
management and referrals for legal and human services, support groups
for women in the community and shelter clients who have left battering
relationships, 30-60 day emergency housing for women, including meals,
case management, basic skills and other supportive services.
Off-Campus Resources
Preble County - continued
 Victim Witness Services Division of the Warren County Prosecutor's
(937) 456-8156
Services offered include 24 hour advocacy to victims of crime and their
families 365 days a year, assist in obtaining Civil Protection Orders
(CPOs), act as a liaison between victims and prosecuting attorneys, keep
victims informed of court dates and case developments and offer
emotional support to victims and their families throughout the Court
Off-Campus Resources
Warren County
 Abuse and Rape Crisis Shelter of Warren County
(513) 695-1185
Services offered include hospital advocacy, SANE program, SART
participant, police advocacy, court advocacy, protection order assistance,
victim compensation assistance, case management, support groups,
survivor needs kits and prevention education.
Off-Campus Resources
Warren County - continued
 Victim Witness Services Division of the Warren County Prosecutor's
Services offered include 24-hour response to law enforcement requests
for intervention and assistance, court advocacy, escorts and support
during all stages of the criminal justice process, assistance in completing
a Victim Impact Statement, assistance with VINE registration/State
Victim Notification Program, referrals to appropriate social service
agencies, notification and explanation of all court proceedings and
Victims of Crime Compensation application assistance.