Institutional Review Board (IRB) CHARGE FOR IRB REVIEW OF COMMERCIALLY SPONSORED PROJECTS The charge for IRB review is a one-time only fee of $2500.00 per IRB review which will include all subsequent amendments and continuing review. If this commercially sponsored research project should be granted a waiver of the onetime only IRB review fee (i.e., a small grant or contract), written justification in the form of a separate letter must be submitted to the IRB administrative office. Please complete the following information and submit this form to: UNMC/UNO/Children’s Hospital & Medical Center IRB, Room 3000, Academic and Research Service Building, Zip 7830. IRB # Title of IRB Proposal: Identification of Commercial Sponsor: Method of payment for one-time IRB fee of $2500.00: ___ Payment Attached Direct from Commercial Sponsor, check # ___ Company/Center Number to be Direct Billed, c/c # ___ Company/Center Number applied for, c/c Number Pending The investigator will notify the IRB when the grant account is open, to be direct billed. ___ A waiver of the one-time IRB review fee is requested. A separate letter of justification is attached. ___ Other (please specify): ____________________________________ Signature of Principal Investigator __________ Date 08-04-2011 gdk Academic Research & Services Building 3000 / 987830 Nebraska Medical Center / Omaha NE 68198-7830 402-559-6463 / FAX 402-559-3300 / Email: /