Chapter 6, Section 1 New England Colonies Pages 150-155

Chapter 6, Section 1
New England Colonies
Pages 150-155
Directions: Copy each question on notebook paper, then answer each question in a complete
Describe the land in New England.
What is subsistence farming?
What was the most important fish and how was it used?
What did the most adventurous sailor hunt and how was it used?
Define the terms exports and imports.
Name the important whaling centers.
What new industry developed because of the forests?
Name the colonies that built most of the ships.
Why did England encourage shipbuilding in the colonies?
10. What other jobs developed because of shipbuilding?
11. How did women play an important role in the developing the economy in
New England colonies?
12. Name two important trading ports (harbors) in New England.
13. What was triangular trade?
14. Name two reasons why reading was important to the Puritans.
15. In what colony did they establish the first public schools?
16. What was the name of the first college in the colonies?
17. What was the center of New England life?
18. Why were town meetings so important?
19. Town meetings were an important step towards what?
Chapter 6, Section 2
Middle Colonies
Pages 157-162
(Do NOT Write On Handout)
Directions: Copy each question on notebook paper, then answer each question in a complete
1. How were the people of the Middle colonies different than the people of New England?
2. What advantages did the farmers of Middle colonies have?
3. What are cash crops?
4. What crops were grown in the Middle colonies?
5. Besides grain, what else did they trade?
6. What were the two important shipping cities?
7. What type of wagon did the Pennsylvania Dutch (Amish) create and how were they used?
8. What system started by the Dutch continued in New York?
9. What groups prospered because of agriculture?
10. What country influenced the homes built in New York?
11. What did the different people bring to the Middle colonies?
12. What German custom spread through the Middle colonies?
13. How did the Middle colonies educate their children?
14. What was the frontier?
15. What people were drawn to the frontier?
16. Unlike city people, frontier settlers developed few what?
Chapter 6, Section 3
Southern Colonies
Pages 163-66
(Do NOT Write On Handout)
Directions: Copy each question on notebook paper, then answer each question in a complete sentence.
1. How was life in the Southern colonies different than life in the other colonies?
2. Define urban and rural.
3. Who were the first settlers in the Southern colonies?
4. The Southern settlers made their living from what?
Name the two groups.
5. Describe the land along the Southern coast.
6. What were the cash crops in the Southern colonies?
7. Where was the Tidewater located? What did it affect?
8. What was grown near the swampy coastal lands of South Carolina and Georgia?
9. What was grown in the highlands of South Carolina?
10. Who introduced this crop and how was it used?
11. Where did the colonist sell their goods?
12. Where did the colonist get the first Africans slaves?
13. Later, where did they get the African slaves?
14. What was the Middle Passage?
15. How did the colonist feel about slavery? Why did they feel this way?
16. What were the slave codes?
17. What couldn’t slaves do?
18. Where did the Africans try to find refuge when they ran away?
19. How could Africans gain their freedom?
20. What word means the plantation was able to supply almost all its needs?
Chapter 6, Section
Democracy Takes Root
Pages 167-171
(Do NOT Write On Handout)
Directions: Copy each question on notebook paper, then answer each question in a complete sentence.
1. While the colonies were being settled, what caused turmoil in England?
2. What happened in the colonies while the turmoil was happening in England?
3. Who became king of England in 1660?
4. How did the king change things in the colonies?
5. Who became king in 1685?
6. Which colonies did this king make part of the Dominion of New England?
7. Who governed the Dominion?
8. The governor of the Dominion tried to replace the Anglican Church with what church?
9. Why did Parliament remove James as king of England?
10. Who replaced him on the throne?
11. What was this peaceful ousting of the king called?
12. What did the new monarchs agree to allow the people to make?
13. What was Bacon’s Rebellion? What was the result of this rebellion?
14. Besides armed revolt, what was another way to protest the rule of colonial governors?
15. Who was John Peter Zenger? Of what was he accused?
16. Zenger’s case was the first in the Americas to protect what freedom?
17. What is mercantilism?
18. Why were the colonies important to England?
19. What were the Navigation Acts
20. What rights were given to English citizens?
21. What groups were excluded from voting in the colonies?