Name _______________________________________________ Period ___________

Name _______________________________________________ Period ___________
Chapter 7, Ancient Greece, Lesson 3-The Spread of Greek Culture, P. 216-222
1. Who was Alexander the Great’s tutor? P. 216 ______________________________________________________
2. What occurred causing Alexander the Great to become king? P. 218 ____________________________________
3. At what age did Alexander the Great become king? P. 218 ___________________________________________
4. How long did it take for Alexander the Great to conquer Persia, Egypt, and other lands? P. 218 ______________
5. Wherever he went, Alexander the Great would establish what? P. 218 __________________________________
6. How many battles did Alexander the Great lose? P. 219 ______________________________________________
7. After Alexander the Great died, what happened to his empire? P. 220
8. After each conquest, what did Alexander the Great hope local cultures would do? P. 221
9. Despite Alexander the Great’s wishes, the societies of the people he conquered did not become dominated by
which culture? P. 221 _________________________________________________________________________
10. Alexandria, Egypt became famous as a center of trade for what? P. 221, 1)_______________ & 2)____________
11. What did Alexandria, Egypt boast for having? P. 221 ________________________________________________
12. What branch of math did Euclid develop around 300 B.C.? P. 222______________________________________
13. Who calculated the distance around the earth? P. 222 ________________________________________________
14. What did Archimedes discover that people can do? P. 222____________________________________________
Define the following terms:
1. assissinate:__________________________________________________________________________________
2. barbarians:__________________________________________________________________________________
Identify the following people/places:
3. Alexander the Great: _________________________________________________________________________
4. Hellenistic:_________________________________________________________________________________