U n i t

United States History
Chapter 15
The Spirit of Reform
American Literature and Art
Early America used the art and literature that they brought with them from other
Soon, though America began developing her own __________________ and
voice in literature and art.
Famous American Writers: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau,
James Fennimore Cooper, Herman _________________, Edger Allen Poe
Notable American Scientists
__________________ advanced during this time period
Using the __________________ _________________, men and women began
to study creation and discover more deeply how things worked.
Medicine, astronomy, physics, physical sciences and geology all took
_________________ forward.
Early Education in the U.S.
In the 1830’s reformers began demanding better schools
________________ School Movement – Led by Horace Mann, wanted to raise
the standards of schools across the country and pay for them through taxes.
Most people didn’t pay any ______________in the 1830’s and they didn’t
support paying a school tax
Minorities Education
____________________ only received a basic education if any (they were
taught morals & manners)
___________________ Americans were generally not allowed any education
(some exceptions existed on the lower levels)
Hearing & Visually ____________________ were also not educated prior to
the early 1800’s
– 1817 the first school for the hearing impaired opened, and in 1831 the first
school for the blind opened.
Prison Reform
In the early 1800’s many wanted to reform ___________________.
Focus turned from _____________________ to reforming prisoners.
Most reform came through work and _____________________ study.
Mentally Ill
Dorothea __________ studied the New England prison systems for two years.
She investigated hundreds of ___________________.
Her greatest achievement was convincing many states to open hospitals for the
mentally __________, and stop treating them as _______________________.
Temperance Movement
In the early 1800’s many saw ______________________________ as a
primary reason for higher crime rates, poverty, and abuse.
The __________________________ movement was a campaign against
drinking alcohol.
The movement called for the _____________________, or banning, of alcohol
all together.
Southerners really pushed for prohibition
1851 Maine banned the manufacture and sale of alcohol, several other states
Second Great Awakening
• This was a time period were people wanted to renew religious faith and
______________ the evils of society.
• Religious groups and revival meetings increased, and thousands of new
________________________ were created.
• Charles Finney was influential as a “_________________preacher” (or
traveling preacher).
• This era saw the birth of “_______________________________ Theology”.
• Many different denominations and sects began during this time as a split
emerged from Christian ____________________________.
• Examples of groups: ____________________, Shakers, Campbellites, Seventhday Adventist, The _________________ Community.
• Communal groups or communal living became a popular idea from some
groups in attempt to create a “__________________” here on Earth.
Antislavery Movement
By 1840 nearly ___________ million slaves were in the south.
South depended on slave labor.
Northern states ______________________________ slavery by 1804 and
slaves tried to escape to the north.
Antislavery movement began with the _____________________ in 1775
By _____________ antislavery groups were popping up all over the U.S.
American ________________________ Society was established in 1817.
Created a colony for ___________ blacks in West Africa called Liberia
Most free blacks didn’t want to leave the U.S. and felt like this was an
attempt to remove free blacks and their ______________________ to
slavery from the U.S.
____________________________ were people who wanted to end slavery
They demanded the immediate __________________________, or freeing, of
Abolitionists created the American _____________________________ Society
in 1835.
There were many famous abolitionists:
– William Lloyd ______________________, Angelina & Sarah Gimke, Elijah
Lovejoy, Horace Greeley, Wendell Phillips, & Sojourner______________
– Most famous was ___________________________ Douglas
• A former ________________ that escaped in 1838 and began writing and
preaching about the brutality of slavery.
Underground Railroad
• This was not a real railroad, but a series of “_____________houses” called
stations, that were used to transport runaway slaves from the south to the north.
• _________________________ were those that helped guide runaway slaves
from station to station.
• The most famous conductor was _____________________ ________________
– Former slave that returned to the south _______ times and led over 300
slaves out of the south.
– Slave ______________________ offered a $40,000 reward for her dead or
Response to Anti-Slavery
• North
Many northerners _____________________ the movement
They did business with the south and ___________________ that this would
hurt business
– Northern factory workers ________________ that freed slaves would come
north and take their jobs
– Abolitionist speakers were __________, ridiculed, attacked, and some killed
• South
– Southerners ____________________________ slavery
– Southern way of life was ____________________________.
– Southerners wanted abolitionist materials suppressed by the government
• The Anti-Slavery Movement helped ______________ the gap between the
North & the South
Women’s Rights Movement
______________________ were a large part of the Anti-Slavery Movement.
As they fought for _______________________, many women began to
question their own social status
Women could not ____________, hold public office, _______________ in
public, & their husbands owned all property.
Movement Begins
• 1840 ________________ women from the U.S. attended the World AntiSlavery Convention in London.
– They were not allowed to _______________ the convention.
– Two of those women decided to form a convention back in America and
make a stand for women’s rights
• Lucretia Coffin _______________ & Elizabeth Cady _______________formed
the Seneca Falls Convention eight years later.
Seneca Falls Convention
• July 19, 1848 the first women’s rights convention was held in ______________
________________, New York
• They created the Seneca Falls Declaration which said “all men and women are
created equal”
– They attached many _________________, one of which was the right to
vote (__________________).
• This was a bold move that narrowly passed at the convention
• Women ________________win all things that they wanted, but some states
began to slowly give women more rights, such as ___________________
Lucy Stone and Susan B. Anthony
___________ ______________ was a large part of the Women’s Rights
– She paid her own way through college (some help from her ___________)
– Stone became a public speaker for the women’s rights movement in 1847.
___________________ B. ______________________ brought experience and
organization skills to the movement
She had participated in the Temperance and Anti-Slavery movements
Became _________________________ of the American Woman Suffrage