Greek Religion, Philosophy, and the Arts

Greek Religion, Philosophy, and the Arts
1. ____________ended Athens Golden Age of Accomplishment. The Golden Age
was between _________and ____________. Athens became wealthy from
_____________, ____________________, and ________________. During this
time, Athens also made achievements in the ________, __________________,
___________________, and _____________________.
2. ______________was the most famous man in Athenian politics. He made
___________ that strengthened democracy. The most important change was
to have the city ________________________ to its officials. This meant poor
citizens could afford to hold ______________________. One of the greatest
accomplishments under Pericles was the construction of the
3. The Greeks worshiped a family of gods and goddesses called the
_________________________. They also tried to avoid _______________the
gods. The main differences between gods and humans were the gods
were_______________ and had awesome ________________.
________________ was the king of the gods. Every four years they honored
Zeus with ____________________games or festival. *** The five most
powerful gods were ____________, ________________,
_____________,___________________, and _____________________.
4. People looked to the gods for ______________ or advice. They visited the
____________, sacred site where they believed the gods spoke. The advice was
very important. Head of governments sought advice on
____________________ and __________. This advice was taken seriously and
had a great impact on Greek history. The advice was given in
__________________ or in _______________________ by priests.
5. Most Greeks believed the gods were responsible for all _______________
events. Before the Golden Age of Athens, some ______________________,
believed people could use the power of the ___________ and _____________
to understand natural events. ______________believed water was the basic
material of the world. He believed everything was made from it.
____________________said everything is made of tiny particles
called________________. Socrates wanted people to think. He wanted them to
consider the true meaning of ________________ and ________________. He
made people think by asking questions. His main lesson was
“____________________”. He was put on trial for dishonoring
the______________ and misleading the ____________________.
____________________, a student of Socrates founded the first university. He
wrote the __________________ his views on the perfect society.
6. The ancient Greeks devoted attention to the _______________. They glorified
the gods in sculptures and architecture. __________________is best known for
making Athens beautiful. The center of religious life was the
______________________. The Parthenon was built to honor the goddess
___________________. Characteristics of Greek work: full of
_______________; balance and ______________; and lifelike and
__________________. ________________________ were the first to write
dramas. A ___________________is a serious story that usually ends in disaster
for the main character. Comedies made fun of _________________________
and ________________________.
7. The citizens of Greek city-states had strong patriotic feelings and valued
their________________. They were able to develop new ideas in philosophy,
religion, government, and the arts because they placed value on
_________________________. There were many city-states in Greece. They
spoke the same language and had many customs. They called themselves
8. The first Olympic Games were held in ___________. Athletes from all over
Greece competed in ________________________, ___________________,
__________________, and many events.