CSE-ECE Instructional Dilemma Prepared by: Richard J. Enbody and P. David Fisher College of Engineering Michigan State University Draft: September 21, 2000 Introduction The origin of computer science education here at Michigan State University can be traced to electrical engineering education at MSU. In the mid 1960s, some faculty members from the Department of Electrical Engineering became the core faculty in the newly formed Department of Computer Science, and some courses that had previously been offered as EE-coded courses were renumbered to instead be offered as CPS-coded courses. It was a conscious decision on the part of each department’s faculty to minimize the duplication of courses; hence, the courses and (and faculty expertise) that left EE for CPS were not duplicated within EE. The evolution of electrical engineering education, computer science education and computer engineering education at Michigan State University—coupled with the changing supply and demand for professionals in these fields—has resulted in the creation of a dilemma, which we refer to as the “CSE-ECE Instructional Dilemma.” This report is an attempt to identify the origin and magnitude of this dilemma. With both undergraduate and graduate education considered, we address four core issues: supply, demand, access, and possible actions to solve the dilemma. Finally, we also examine faculty-hiring trends in each department. Undergraduate Education 1. Supply a. Freshman trends (See TABLES I-IV) i. In the fall of 1991, 57 freshman indicated a preference for Computer Engineering (CpE). This number swelled to 157 in the fall of 2000. ii. In the fall of 1991, 146 freshman indicated a preference for Electrical Engineering (ECE). This number dropped to 78 in the fall of 2000. iii. In the fall of 1991, 119 freshman indicated a preference for Computer Science (CS). This number swelled to 242 in the fall of 2000. b. Junior level major targets and actual (FS00 actual data is not available) i. CpE target = 40; actual = 58 (FS99), with a minimum GPA of 3.0 required for admits. ii. CS target = 90; actual = 110 (FS99), with a minimum GPA of 3.0 required for admits. iii. EE target = 120; actual = 115 (FS99), with a minimum GPA of 2.8 required for admits. iv. CSE-coded courses of general interest to EE and CpE majors are at capacity. v. ECE-coded courses, which are in the CpE subject area are at or near capacity. 1 98887724 2. Demand a. CpE (and CS) majors and enrollment demand for courses are increasing, without new resources internal or external. Both are 30% over the original enrollment targets, and the difference should be greater when Fall 2000 data becomes available. b. GPA cutoff for junior-level entry into the CpE and CS undergraduate programs i. Is there a desirable GPA target, e.g., 2.8? ii. Is some GPA level too high, e.g., 3.5? c. National and State of Michigan Trends i. Nationally in 1989 there were 22,929 BS degrees were awarded in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In 1998, this had dropped by 45.5% to 12,498. ii. Nationally in 1989 there were 4,398 BS degrees awarded in Computer Engineering. In 1998, this number had risen by 67.4% to 7362. iii. Within Michigan in 1991, there were 216 BS degrees awarded in Computer Engineering. In 1998, this number had risen by 38.4% to 299. iv. Within Michigan in 1991, there were 1,106 BS degrees awarded in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In 1998, this had dropped by 38.4% to 681. v. In 1998, the State of Michigan produced 5.5% of the BS Electrical and Electronic Engineering graduates produced nationally, while it produced 4% of the Computer Engineering produced nationally. In 1993, both stood at the national level of 5.5%. 3. Access a. Should admissions targets for CpE, EE, and CS be equitable, i.e., the same GPA for all three programs? b. Should EE majors, undergraduate and graduate students, be allowed into undergraduate upper-level CSE courses related to CpE, e.g., CSE 410, 420, 422? c. Should there be Computational-X programs allowing majors from major "X" access to upper-level CSE courses? Examples of existing requests for "X" include Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Business. (Computational Mathematics exists). 4. Possible Actions a. Adjust GPA higher for undergraduates wanting to major in CS, CpE and EE b. Redirect resources within department, college, university i. Within CSE and ECE departments by altering faculty hiring practices and laboratory space utilization practices; ii. Within the college by altering faculty hiring practices, TA appointment practices and laboratory space utilization practices. Graduate Education A significant number of EE graduate students have complained about not having access to certain courses at MSU that they believed were critical for their program of study. To better understand the issue, the academic programs of the most recent 230 EE-coded graduate students were examined. Some of these are recent graduates are at all different stages of their graduate programs. The following data was extracted from these programs (See TABLES V-VII). 2 98887724 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. These 230 students collectively selected 504 CSE-coded courses (2.2 per student). These 230 students collectively selected 1268 ECE-coded courses (5.5 per student). These 230 students collectively selected 210 MTH-coded courses (0.91 per student) These 230 students collectively selected 30 PHY-coded courses (0.13 per student) These 230 students selected 133 STT-coded courses (0.58 per student) Courses in other subject areas made up a very small number and are not included in this survey. 7. The typical EE graduate student's program surveyed is as follows: a. ECE-coded courses--5.5 (59%) b. CSE-coded courses--2.2 (24%) c. MTH-coded courses--0.91 (10%) d. STT-coded courses--0.58 (6%) e. PHY-coded courses--0.13 (1%) f. Total Number of Courses--9.32 (100%) From this survey of 230 EE graduate students’ academic programs and interviews with many of these graduate students, we are able to draw the following conclusions. 1. Supply a. Insufficient ECE-taught CpE courses exist, e.g., one 800-level course per semester over last five years. b. Some ECE students' MS programs have only two or three courses taught by ECE faculty. 2. Demand a. One quarter of all ECE graduate student courses are taught by CSE faculty. b. Few CSE students take ECE-taught courses—e.g., FS'00 ECE 809 has no CSE students. c. ECE-taught CpE courses have very high enrollments when compared with ECE Department averages for ECE-coded graduate courses. d. During the past two years, faculty members in the ECE-CpE Faculty Group advised 54% of the EE MS graduates (TABLE VIII). e. During the past two years, faculty members in the ECE-CpE Faculty Group advised 24% of the EE Ph.D. graduates TABLE VIII). f. For the new EE graduate students who entered MSU in the fall of 2000, 65% expressed the CpE area as their preference (TABLE IX). 3. Access a. Should EE grad students be able to take courses in a variety of areas, such as CSE, PHY, MTH, BUS only on the advice of their advisor? b. Should the ECE Department offer more ECE-taught CpE courses? 4. Possible Actions a. Redirect resources i. Within department, college, university; ii. Adjust faculty hiring priorities; 3 98887724 iii. Adjust strategic departmental planning. b. Create more ECE-taught CpE graduate courses c. Other i. Modify course descriptions with respect to access; ii. Change the marketing of programs; iii. Change admissions practices into the graduate programs. Faculty Trends The faculty represents the single greatest resource for any academic unit. We examined faculty hiring trends and enrollment data in various subject areas. With respect to faculty hiring trends we were able to deduce the following (See TABLES XXII). 1. Faculty Size a. The total number of ECE faculty has remained virtually constant at about 25 FTEs between the years 1987 and 2000. b. The total number of CSE faculty fluctuated somewhat between 1987 and 2000. Between the years 1987 and 1993, the faculty grew from about 22 FTEs to a peak of about 26 FTEs. Since then, it has dropped to about 24 FTEs. 2. New Faculty Hiring a. In the last five years, the ECE Department hired eight new faculty members. One of these was hired in the CpE area; however, he left after being on the faculty for only two years. b. In the last five years, the CSE Department hired seven new faculty members. 3. ECE Faculty Teaching Loads in CpE Subject Area a. Fall Semester of 2000 Enrollment Data i. ECE 230--3(3-0)--Two Lecture Sections (130 students total) ii. ECE 331--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and six Laboratory Sections (90 students total) iii. ECE 410--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and six Laboratory Sections (54 students total) iv. ECE 411--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and four Laboratory Sections (49 students total) v. ECE 482--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and eight Laboratory Sections (46 students total) vi. ECE 809--3(3-0)--One Lecture Section (32 students total) b. Fall Semester of 2000 Summary: i. Seven lecture sections and 24 laboratory sections, with an average of 57 students per lecture section. 4 98887724 ii. The total SCHs generated is 1442, which is 32% of the department’s total for the fall of 2000 for ECE-coded courses taken by EE and CpE majors. c. Spring Semester of 2001 Enrollment Data i. ECE 230--3(3-0)--Two Lecture Sections (98 students total) ii. ECE 331--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and six Laboratory Sections (62 students total) iii. ECE 410--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and six Laboratory Sections (52 students total) iv. ECE 411--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and four Laboratory Sections (50 students total) v. ECE 482--4(3-3)--One Lecture Section and six Laboratory Sections (36 students total) vi. ECE 813--3(3-0)--One Lecture Section (15 students total) vii. ECE 921--3(3-0)--Not currently scheduled for the spring of 2001; however, C.-L. Wey has requested that he be permitted to offer a section in the spring of 2001. d. Spring Semester of 2001 Summary i. Seven (or eight) lecture sections and 22 laboratory sections, with an average of 45 students per lecture section. g. The total SCH generated is projected to be 1139, which is 32% of the department’s total for the spring of 2001 for ECE-coded courses taken by EE and CpE majors. 5 98887724 LIST OF TABLES Table Page TABLE I—Computer Engineering Enrollment Trends at MSU .....................................................7 TABLE II—Electrical Engineering Enrollment Trends at MSU ....................................................8 TABLE III—Computer Science Enrollment Trends at MSU..........................................................9 TABLE IV—Distribution of Honors College Students ...................................................................9 TABLE V—CSE and ECE-Coded Courses on EE Graduate Student Programs ..........................10 TABLE VI—Distribution of CSE-Coded Courses on EE Graduate Student Programs ................12 TABLE VII— Distribution of ECE-Coded Courses on EE Graduate Student Programs .............12 TABLE VIII—MS and Ph.D. Degrees Awarded in EE (1998-2000) ...........................................12 TABLE IX—Interest Areas for New EE Graduate Students Entering in the Fall of 2000 ...........13 TABLE X—Number of CSE and ECE Faculty Members (1985-2000)........................................13 TABLE XI—New ECE Faculty Members (1996-2000) ...............................................................14 TABLE XXI—New CSE Faculty Members (1996-2000).............................................................14 6 98887724 Table I—Computer Engineering Enrollment Trends at MSU (Three-year Moving Average) Year Fresh Soph Junior Senior F89 F90 F91 F92 F93 F94 F95 F96 F97 F98 F99 F00 57 66 66 68 71 91 111 130 143 157 32 40 43 41 41 45 57 71 89 105 25 30 34 37 33 34 32 38 44 56 19 25 29 30 36 35 35 33 37 45 7 98887724 Table II—Electrical Engineering Enrollment Trends at MSU (Three-year Moving Average) Year Fresh Soph Junior Senior MS PhD F79 F80 F81 F82 F83 F84 F85 F86 F87 F88 F89 F90 F91 F92 F93 F94 F95 F96 F97 F98 F99 F00 197 221 230 241 258 283 273 238 204 178 146 124 113 112 104 97 99 96 85 78 166 210 248 266 276 276 283 272 243 206 181 139 114 87 86 82 83 86 85 74 133 138 144 141 151 143 132 119 117 118 115 123 123 126 115 112 116 127 128 125 133 143 152 164 166 172 162 158 151 147 144 142 145 143 141 137 127 132 136 151 34 37 44 47 49 55 62 78 85 88 83 84 89 88 76 71 76 93 108 117 15 19 22 23 24 27 32 40 47 54 56 55 52 50 52 56 54 49 46 47 8 98887724 Table III—Computer Science Enrollment Trends at MSU (Three-year Moving Average) Year Fresh Soph Junior Senior MS PhD F79 F80 F81 F82 F83 F84 F85 F86 F87 F88 F89 F90 F91 F92 F93 F94 F95 F96 F97 F98 F99 F00 302 380 432 447 383 311 227 181 152 134 119 103 95 97 113 136 176 209 220 242 177 225 288 301 288 227 184 153 132 124 109 95 81 75 81 92 118 147 168 173 99 112 122 140 131 112 85 85 91 88 78 72 71 71 72 78 85 94 102 110 111 112 122 132 147 123 106 81 88 91 92 89 85 89 96 101 105 121 136 156 43 40 48 65 78 83 92 110 123 122 107 89 81 82 87 88 91 87 81 69 11 12 13 14 17 21 29 36 42 49 60 68 69 63 57 57 55 57 58 56 Table IV—Distribution of Honors College Students Academic Program Number of Honors College Students Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer Science 41 41 87 9 98887724 Table V—CSE and ECE-Coded Courses on EE Graduate Student Programs Course Number Course Title Number of EE Grad Students CSE 232 CSE 330 CSE 331 CSE 360 CSE 410 CSE 420 CSE 422 CSE 450 CSE 460 CSE 470 CSE 472 CSE 479 CSE 480 CSE 802 CSE 803 CSE 807 CSE 808 CSE 812 CSE 814 CSE 820 CSE 822 CSE 824 CSE 830 CSE 835 CSE 838 CSE 841 CSE 845 CSE 860 CSE 880 CSE 890 CSE 891 CSE 898 CSE 910 CSE 914 CSE 941 ECE 302 ECE 303 ECE 305 ECE 330 ECE 331 ECE 332 ECE 360 ECE 410 ECE 411 Introduction to Programming II No Title Available Algorithms and Data Structures No Title Available (Course Dropped) Operating Systems Computer Architecture Computer Networks Translation of Programming Languages Computability and Formal Language Theory Software Engineering Computer Graphics No Title Available (Course Dropped) Database Systems Pattern Recognition and Analysis Computer Vision Computer System Performance and Measurement Modeling and Discrete Simulation Advanced Operating Systems Formal Methods in Software Development Advanced Computer Architecture Parallel Processing Computer Systems Advanced Computer Networks and Communications Design and Theory of Algorithms Algorithmic Graph Theory Design of Parallel Algorithms Artificial Intelligence Knowledge-Based Systems Foundations of Computing Advanced Database Systems Independent Study Selected Topics Master's Project Selected Topics in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems Selected Topics in Formal Methods in Software Development Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence Electronic Circuits Electronics Laboratory Electromagnetic Fields and Waves I Digital Logic Fundamentals Microprocessors and Digital Systems Microprocessors and Digital Systems Laboratory Signals and Linear Systems Digital Electronics/VLSI Design Electronic Design Automation 10 1 5 1 2 79 6 66 3 1 9 1 1 7 23 11 30 2 56 5 84 26 11 33 1 1 5 1 1 10 11 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 19 98887724 ECE 413 ECE 435 ECE 457 ECE 458 ECE 466 ECE 474 ECE 476 ECE 482 ECE 483 ECE 484 ECE 490 ECE 491 ECE 801 ECE 802 ECE 809 ECE 813 ECE 818 ECE 823 ECE 824 ECE 825 ECE 826 ECE 827 ECE 829 ECE 831 ECE 832 ECE 835 ECE 836 ECE 841 ECE 842 ECE 847 ECE 850 ECE 863 ECE 864 ECE 865 ECE 866 ECE 874 ECE 875 ECE 885 ECE 899 ECE 921 ECE 925 ECE 929 ECE 931 ECE 960 ECE 963 ECE 966 ECE 989 ECE 999 Control Systems Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Communication Systems Communication Systems Laboratory Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design Principles of Electronic Devices Electro-Optics Capstone: Computer Systems Design Capstone: Integrated Circuit Design and Fabrication Capstone: Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits Independent Study Special Topics Independent Study Selected Topics Algorithms and Their Hardware Implementation Logic Design Principles/Advanced VLSI Design Robotics Power System Stability and Control Power System Operation and Control Alternating Current Electrical Machines and Drives Linear Control Systems Nonlinear Systems Analysis Optimal Multivariable Control Analog Circuit Theory Analog Integrated Circuit Design Advanced Electromagnetic Fields and Waves I Advanced Electromagnetic Fields and Waves II Fourier Optics Quantum Electronics Analog and Digital Communications Electrodynamics of Plasmas Analysis of Stochastic Systems Detection and Estimation Theory Analog and Digital Communications No Title Available Physical Electronics Electronic Devices Artificial Neural Networks Master's Thesis Research Advanced Topics in Digital Circuits and Systems Advanced Topics in Power Advanced Topics in Electromagnetics Advanced Topics in Electronic Devices and Materials Advanced Topics in Control Advanced Topics in Systems Advanced Topics in Signal Processing Advanced Topics in Plasma Doctoral Dissertation Research 11 5 4 6 25 24 4 8 2 8 2 1 7 53 12 130 96 18 5 9 8 148 17 9 29 18 35 17 6 8 12 10 58 22 25 7 130 40 18 78 20 3 11 12 4 1 14 5 38 98887724 Table VI Distribution of CSE-Coded Courses on EE Graduate Student Programs Percent of Program in CSE Courses Number of Students 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% 108 19 15 17 24 32 10 1 2 2 Table VII Distribution of ECE-Coded courses on EE Graduate Student Programs Percent of Program in ECE Courses Number of Students 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-80% 80-90% 90-100% 3 1 14 29 22 28 28 32 38 35 Table VIII—MS and Ph.D. Degrees Awarded in EE (1998-2000) Year MS (CpE) MS (Total) PhD (CpE) PhD (Total) 1998-99 1999-00 25 31 47 56 4 1 10 11 TOTALS 56 103 5 21 12 98887724 Table IX Interest Areas for New EE Graduate Students Entering in the Fall of 2000 Subject Area Number of Students Computers Communications & Signal Processing Control Systems Circuits and Devices Electromagnetics Power 24 3 7 1 1 1 Table X—Number of CSE and ECE Faculty Members (1985-2000) Year Number of CSE Faculty (Three-year Average) Number of ECE Faculty (Three-year Average) 21.8 23.6 24.2 25.1 25.8 26.2 26.0 25.2 24.4 23.7 23.9 24.0 24.0 25.0 25.3 25.0 25.1 25.0 25.0 25.4 24.9 24.5 24.0 24.3 25.0 25.2 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 13 98887724 Table XI—New ECE Faculty Members in Last Five Years Name R. Nowak V. Ayres N. Xi L. Kempel B. Kim T. Hogan F. Peng H. Radha Arrived Area 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 2000 2000 Communications Materials Manufacturing Electromagnetics Computers Materials Power Communications Departed 1999 2000 Table XII—New CSE Faculty Members in Last Five Years Name L. Dillon S. Mahadevan C. Owen K. Stirewalt S. Kulkarni P. Mohapatra J. Lee Arrived Area 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 Departed Software Engineering Machine Intelligence Multimedia Software Engineering Systems Networks Compilers 14 98887724