Simulation of Rare Events in Communications Networks J. Keith Townsend Zsolt Haraszti

Simulation of Rare Events in
Communications Networks
J. Keith Townsend
Zsolt Haraszti
James A. Freebersyser
Michael Devetsikiotis
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
• Rare event probabilities in communication
• Require prohibitively long simulation times
• How to reducing simulation execution time
while retain the ease and flexibility of
simulation? --- Importance Sampling based
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
What is IS?
• Combination of analysis and simulation.
• Modifying (biasing) the underlying
probability mass so that the rare events
occur much more frequently.
• Results are weighted to yield a statistically
unbiased estimator.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
• Significant reduction in the number of trials
while maintain the estimator precision.
– Which parameter(s) of the system to bias?
– How much to bias each of them?
– What is the speedup?
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Importance Sampling example
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
• Modification of Individual Stochastic
• Global Modification via Trajectory Splitting
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Modification of Individual
Stochastic Elements
• Modifying the probability distributions of
one or more random number generators in
the simulation model.
• Requires considerable prior knowledge
about the system.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Global Modification via
Trajectory Splitting
• Assumption: some well identifiable
intermediate system states are visited much
more often than the target states and behave
as gateway states to reach the target states.
• Entering the intermediate states triggers the
splitting of the trajectory.
• Step-by-step evolution of the system
follows the original probability measure.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Trajectory splitting Example DPR
• DPR - Direct probability redistribution
• Partitions the state-space S into m subsets,
S1, S2, … Sm.
• Oversampling factors, 1 < 2 < ... < m.
• Every state Si is visited i more times.
• Unbiased factors are obtained by weighting
a subset-dependent factor 1/ (Si).
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Tuning/Optimization of
• Large deviations, effective and decoupling
• Stochastic optimization
• Conditional biasing
• Iterative balancing for trajectory splitting
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
LDT - Large Deviation Theory
• Specify the biased distributions as  conjugate exponentially twisted versions of
original, unbiased distribution.
• Effective bandwidths is invoked to
determine the value of .
– A() = lim n (1/n)log E exp[ ni=1 Ai]
– d() = A() /  is the effective Bandwidth.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
LDT Continued
•  value is equal to the service rate in a
single queue with deterministic service.
• Additive property of effective bandwidths is
used to describe multiple streams sharing
the same queue.
• Decoupling bandwidths is used to provide
sufficient conditions of a specific tagged
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Stochastic Optimization
• The mean field annealing (MFA) algorithm
is a variant of simulated annealing (SA) that
avoids local minima and arrives at optimal
solutions in more rapid convergence.
• The stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
algorithm can potentially zero in on
favorable bias parameter settings fast by
exploiting more information at hand.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Conditional Biasing
• An important IS technique that is effective in
uniform probability distributions (UPD).
• Prior knowledge is used to partition the UPD into
intervals that result in the important events or not.
• Requirement: occurrence of any sequence of
random variables resulting in an important events
not be excluded from the biased random variable
selection process.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Iterative Balancing for Trajectory
• To find appropriate partitioning
• To choose the correct amount of splitting
• Near optimal  setting is when the subset
probability masses are equalized.
• A simple iterative procedure can explore
subset probabilities in a step-by-step
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
Application Examples
• Steady-state simulation of cell loss probability
– Regenerative method or A-cycles
• Application of stochastic optimization
– Tandem ATM network
• Application of Conditional Biasing
– ATM switch is described using operational approach
• Application of DPR-based Splitting Simulation
– Systems with internal loop
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen
• Proves to be effective although it requires
problem-specific analytical phase
• Simulation will be used to evaluate more
complicated networks
• More reliable networks will be
characterized by rarer events
• IS is more important in the future.
CSE808 F'99
Xiangping Chen