Vital Statistics with School Performance Indicators (Principal/President) Draft Samples - Food For Thought Much more work is needed on this document in order to set credible indicators but this is a start. Drafted by S Guptill, Southern Asia Pacific Division Director of Education, 2005 AAA Accreditation (*1 required) AAA Term of Accreditation in years (3 or > normal) check annually Unacceptable: Not accredited or offering programs that are not accredited Acceptable: 3 or > years of accreditation Exceptional: 5 year accreditation *Percent of AAA recommendations fulfilled (>90% normal) check monthly Unacceptable: < 70% full completed Acceptable: 70-80% of recommendations fully completed or fulfilled Exceptional: 90% > of recommendations fully completed or fulfilled Spiritual /Philosophy (*2 required) *The number of students from Adventist homes (> 65% normal if not mission school status). Check annually. Unacceptable: <65% Acceptable: 65-75% Exceptional: >75% *Academy: Students from non-Adventist homes baptized each year (20% per year normal) chk quarterly Unacceptable: <20% Acceptable: >19% Exceptional: >25% *Mission school: Students voluntarily taking Baptismal classes outside school requirements (25% per year normal) Check quarterly Unacceptable: <10% Acceptable: >10% Exceptional: 25% or > Baptized students from Adventist Homes (100% by senior year normal) Chk quarterly Unacceptable: <95% Baptized Acceptable: 85-95% Baptized Exceptional: 95-100% Baptized Students rate spiritual atmosphere on campus as having a positive influence in their lives; – check annually Unacceptable: <65% Acceptable: 65-85% Exceptional: 85% or > Financial (*3 required + 3 more ) *The working capital is % (>100% normal) check monthly Unacceptable: <100% or >200% Acceptable: 100% to 200% Exceptional: 125% to 200% *The liquidity % (>100% normal) check monthly Unacceptable: <100% or >200% Acceptable: 100% to 200% Exceptional: 125% to 200% Southern Asia Pacific Division, Draft 2005, 1 *The student accounts receivable Check monthly Unacceptable: > 7% of the total student fees and expenses Acceptable: < 5% of the total student fees and expenses Exceptional: <3% of the total student fees and expenses Faculty paid on SSD approved union wage scale following and factor check annually Unacceptable: < approved wage factor or different scale Acceptable: Follow approved scale and factor faithfully for this school year Exceptional: Follow approved scale and factor faithfully for this school year and past 2 years The current academy enrollment (>350 normal) check annually Unacceptable: < 275 Acceptable: >275 Exceptional: 350 or more The Student/Faculty & Staff FTE Ratio is (25/1 normal) check quarterly Unacceptable: <20:1 or > 35:1 Acceptable: 20:1 to 35:1 Exceptional: 25:1 to 30:1 Operating gain per year (inflation + recovery + growth : normal) Check annually Unacceptable: No gain or less than inflation Acceptable: inflation + recovery + 3% growth Exceptional: inflation + recovery + 5% growth Aged Student account receivables (aged < 2 years after leaving school) check annually Unacceptable: No aging, write off policy or > 3 years Acceptable: Policy and practice of write off after 2 years or provide for equal doubtful debts Exceptional: Acceptable level plus collection system of letters and contacts outstanding results Accounts payable: Given in percent of total monthly expenses Check monthly Unacceptable: >5% outstanding after 1 month Acceptable: <5% outstanding after 1 month Exceptional: <1% of outstanding after 1 month GCAS Audit opinion (Clean opinion normal) check annually Unacceptable: Unable to give an opinion or qualified opinion Acceptable: Clean opinion for this year including policy compliance Exceptional: Clean opinion for past 3 years including policy compliance Percent of total salaries and benefits paid by tuition ____ (>70% normal) check annually Unacceptable: <70% Acceptable: 70% - 100% Exceptional: 100% Tuition increase percent (yearly inflation plus recovery plus growth plus charity- normal) check annually Unacceptable: < inflation and school charity & scholarships Acceptable: yearly inflation plus recovery plus growth plus charity Exceptional: increases yearly for past 3 years according to inflation charity with no need of recovery Workers school accounts (fully settled each month- normal) check monthly Unacceptable: Not settled by the end of the month Acceptable: Settled by the end of the month Exceptional: Policy and practice of settlement by the end of the month for past 3 years Southern Asia Pacific Division, Draft 2005, 2 Student Monthly Tuition & Fees for secondary school – still needs rational and norms - check annually Unacceptable: <10% of the wage factor Acceptable: 10% of the wage factor Exceptional: 10-12% of the wage factor Buildings and Equipment Depreciation Unacceptable: No depreciation schedule; no funding for depreciation Acceptable: Depreciation schedules for each building and equipment with consistent partial funding Exceptional: Acceptable level with building & equipment funding program for past 3 years Retirement for faculty and staff Unacceptable: Not fully funding retirement Acceptable: Fully funding retirement Exceptional: Fully funding retirement for past 3 years Physical Plant (*2 required + 1 more) *Paint, windows, plaster/concrete, lights (no visible repairs needed normal) check quarterly Unacceptable: Visible repairs needed in several areas Acceptable: No major visible repairs needed Exceptional: Systematic plan with scheduled painting and maintenance of each building and room. *Landscaping and grounds (well groomed free of trash normal) check monthly Unacceptable: Visible trash, uncut lawns or untrimmed bushes Acceptable: Well groomed campus Exceptional: 3 year reputation for groomed campus with attractive flowers and student participation. Classrooms, dormitories, library, laboratories, faculty homes (meet school needs normal) check annually Unacceptable: Urgent need for better or more facilities Acceptable: Buildings and equipment meet school needs and contribute to school mission Exceptional: Master plan with capital budget for meeting future campus facility needs. Restrooms and sanitation (clean and free of smell normal) check monthly Unacceptable: Unpleasant odor, water leaks, broken or out of order facilities Acceptable: Clean, odor fee, well maintained facilities Exceptional: Hotel standards as example for student’s personal pride Concrete and Plaster walks and walls Unacceptable: Visible cracks, holes or broken areas Acceptable: All cracks and holes repaired Exceptional: Areas of major repairs are resurfaced to look like new Administration - Board, Administration, Planning, Directing, Personal relations (* 2 required + 1) *Strategic plans are made and reviewed (board review annually normal) Unacceptable: No comprehensive plan, no board planning or vote. Acceptable: Strategic plans addressing issues in this document are developed, approved and acted on. Exceptional: Strategic plans made and fulfilled over the past 3 years addressing vital statistics *Vital Statistics are reported (reported by 14th of the month) Unacceptable: no report or after the 14th of the month Acceptable: received on or before the 14th of the month Exceptional: received on or before the 14th for last 9 months Vital statistics monitored (Board reviews monthly and sets goals normal) Unacceptable: No figures gathered for vital statistics Acceptable: Board and Administration reviews figures monthly and sets goals normal Southern Asia Pacific Division, Draft 2005, 3 Exceptional: Admin. tracks figures monthly with graphs; board provides incentives for performance Administration provides school phone and email/fax for consistent communications - check annually Unacceptable: No permanent phone in the name of the school; email not answered 3x per week Acceptable: School phone answered before 4 rings, message for when out of office. Email: Exceptional: School phone, fax, email, web; quick reply to each. Administration maintains financial, student and faculty records and files safely and accurately. Unacceptable: Records not kept private or secure. No backup or provision for fire or loss. Acceptable: Records kept in locked, fire proof safe with backups in off-campus safe Exceptional: Well-organized files in neat cabinets well secured and backed up. Board, faculty, and constituency are generally happy with the leadership Unacceptable: Concern and dissatisfaction with leadership commonly expressed in surveys Acceptable: General satisfaction for leadership of administration in surveys Exceptional: Enthusiasm and appreciation expressed for leadership in surveys Administration, faculty and students have positive relationships Unacceptable: Concern and dissatisfaction relationships commonly expressed in surveys Acceptable: General satisfaction with relationships expressed in surveys Exceptional: Enthusiasm, appreciation and loved expressed about relationships in surveys Academic- Faculty, Programs, Policy, Library, instructional support, equipment (* 2 required + 1) *Teachers are Adventist Certified (>90% normal) check annually Unacceptable: <90% Acceptable: 90% or more Exceptional: 95% or more Union approved textbook (100% normal) check annually Unacceptable: Some textbooks are not on the union approved textbook list Acceptable: Every textbook is on the union approved list Exceptional: All approved pus active in finding or developing new syllabi for Adventist schools SSD Bible textbooks with teacher’s edition (every class and student normal) Unacceptable: Not using all SSD books or not one for every child Acceptable: Using all books with teacher’s manuals – copies for every child Exceptional: Translation of books into language of children and printed and used; Adapting for religious and cultural backgrounds of students with approval from SSD; Faculty evaluations by administration (2 times/yr normal) Unacceptable: No forms, no regular evaluations, no record of past evaluations Acceptable: Evaluation forms available to teacher, Done 2x per year, discussed, signed and filed Exceptional: Student, peer and administrative evaluations all done with positive improvement results. *Approved course outlines and lesson plans with IFL (Every subject for 3 yrs normal) Unacceptable: Outlines and lesson plans not done or reviewed by administration Acceptable: Outlines done the first week of school, Lesson plans approved weekly, includes IFL Exceptional: Acceptable level plus review by peers for additional suggestions Library (*2 required +1) *Trained librarian (half time or > normal) Unacceptable: < 2 library classes Acceptable: Library degree: BA, Master or AIIAS Exceptional: Pass national examination for librarian or equivelant Southern Asia Pacific Division, Draft 2005, 4 *Percent of total salaries and benefits spent on library acquisitions last year (>3% normal) check monthly - prorate Unacceptable: < 3% of total school budget – not including major industries Acceptable: 3% - 4% or more Exceptional: >4% New library titles added each month (1 per 5 students normal) Unacceptable: < 1 per 5 students Acceptable: 1 per 5 students Exceptional: > 1 per 5 students Active student reading program (3 books per month per student normal) Unacceptable: No student reading program Acceptable: Student personal reading program; > 50% of students reading 3 books per month Exceptional: Acceptable level plus > 70% student participation Student Services – (* 2 selected + 1) Policy, handbook, dorms, food service, advising, social, student government & publications Dorms provide an orderly, neat, safe, spiritual home away from home (qualified dean normal) Unacceptable: Dean not qualified because of age, people or leadership skills, Acceptable: experienced, organized, loved, Exceptional: Mentoring Food service is consistent with Adventist values relating to eating between meals, junk food, vegetarian meals, and balanced diet (directed by qualified nutritionists normal) Unacceptable: Meal plans not approved by dietitian; Non vegetarian meals, Acceptable: Meal plans approved by dietitian to ensure balanced vegetarian meals Exceptional: Food director is graduated dietitian with experience in vegetarian food service *Social activities planned with student leadership opportunities. (Clear guidelines and supervision normal) Unacceptable: No written guidelines or direct supervision for music, program content or dress. Acceptable: Carefully developed and approved guidelines enforced by faculty sponsors; Exceptional: Students eagerly adopting guidelines as personal values while planning outstanding activities and program Students assigned an advisor who makes personal appointment each term with students and is available for needs other times. (Every student normal) Unacceptable: No personal advisement program for students each term Acceptable: All students are assigned a faculty advisor who meets with them privately each term Exceptional: Acceptable level plus trained counselor/career guide is available for students needs. *Student Handbook or Bulletin clearly explains academic, attendance, and other policies (One for every student normal) Unacceptable: Some students do not have a copy; not updated or complete Acceptable: Carefully developed with policies and student responsibilities; every student has one Exceptional: So complete and well-done students appreciate it for its helpfulness in info. External Relations- Alumni, parents, church, community (* 2 required + 1) *Alumni mailing list by graduating class (current addresses maintained normal) Unacceptable: No list with current addresses arranged by year Acceptable: Alumni list by year with >50% of the addresses current Exceptional: >70% of the addresses current Southern Asia Pacific Division, Draft 2005, 5 *Church visits for recruiting and promotion (2 per month normal) Unacceptable: Only an occasional church visit by school personnel Acceptable: Systematic church visitation plan with student participation Exceptional: Acceptable level plus: appointed church representatives to follow up interests and provide info and materials. School paper for alumni and friends donors (4 times per year normal) Unacceptable: No school paper or not circulated to alumni and donors Acceptable: Quarterly paper sent to alumni mailing list with stories about school and alumni projects Exceptional: Acceptable level plus students have major role in paper development Homecoming annually- date (same weekend with honor classes normal) Unacceptable: No regular homecoming Acceptable: Annual homecoming with special alumni activities Exceptional: Highlight of the year, time for major gifts, great programs by alumni and students; special classes honored. Home and school association (meets monthly normal) Unacceptable: No regular meeting; no clear guidelines for purpose; no projects Acceptable: Meetings at least 5 times a year; school improvement projects; parent seminars Exceptional: Acceptable level plus operating strongly for 3 years with records of accomplishments Community service project (2 per year normal) Unacceptable: Little contact or contribution to community – only take not give Acceptable: School actively nurtures community involvement with at least 2 projects a year Exceptional: School has a reputation as a provider of service to the community for 3 years or more Southern Asia Pacific Division, Draft 2005, 6