Discussion group rules :

1. Anyone can ask any question they want of anyone else in the group.

2. Anyone can simply say, “I don’t want to discuss that.” In which case the entire group must drop that topic for that person. In other words, you do not need to discuss anything you do not want to. You may choose how personal you want your comments to be.

3. Anything said in the group stays in the group, and is not discussed outside of class.

Respect student confidentiality – in other words, a student’s name should never be attached to comments. For example, you can not say, “Sally said she …”. I have never had a case of this happening. However, if it dos, the person that broke the student’s confidentiality will be taken out of all groups and be assigned an activity unrelated to groups.

Ch. 1 Perspectives of Sexuality

How did you develop your attitudes, values, and beliefs about sex?

1. Which country did you grow up in? How has that culture influenced your attitudes and sexual behavior? How does these differ from someone raised in America?

2. Are you religious? If so, which religion? How has your religion influenced your sexual behavior and attitudes? Has your sexual behavior gone against your religion? If so, how?

3. How did you learn what you consider appropriate sexual behavior for your gender?

What do you feel is the appropriate sexual behavior for your gender? For you? How did you decide?

How did you develop your feelings about sex?

4. Where is the line for you between sex and not sex? Have you encountered the feeling that oral contact is not real sex? What are your feelings about it?

5. Have you heard women say they are orgasmic with oral sex but not intercourse? How did they feel about that? How would you feel in that situation?

6. What type of sexual behavior would make you feel guilty doing? Why? What behaviors would make you feel good about yourself? Why?

7. How did you develop your feelings and ideas about sex?

8. Why did you take this class? What would you like to get out of this class?

The previous class had a long discussion on virginity, so I added some questions from that discussion.

Virginity questions:

1. I recall a student who had anal intercourse, and oral intercourse, but not vaginal intercourse. She considered herself virgin. Is she one-third virgin? Some of you may be one third or two thirds virgin and did not know it!

2. What happened in American culture to change our attitude toward virginity? Fifty years or more ago virginity was highly praised, but not as much today? Why?

3. What could be the practical value of virginity to a culture that strongly supports it?

If cultural norms support a behavior, it usually is seen as having practical value.

Why is that not the case in America?

4. With birth control, why are we still more concerned about female virginity than male virginity? Or are we?

5. Have you lost your virginity as much if you only had one partner as if you have had 20 partners?

6. Do you think women have sex for the first time for the same reasons men do? What are those reasons? Why did you have sex the first time?

7. If you are virgin (or not) what do you feel are the benefits (or disadvantages) of your decision? Would you make the same decision again if you could?

8. The virgin bride concept developed when people would get married at perhaps 12 years old with arranged marriages. If you will not get married until perhaps 25 years old, is it still applicable? What if you do not marry until 35 years old, or never? At what age is it ever fully appropriate to have sex if you are not married?

9. What age is too young to have sex? How do you decide? Is this age different for girls or boys? Why?

10. What behaviors do you feel constitutes sex for you? For example, is kissing or oralgenital contact actually sex?

11. How has the “sex for procreation” legacy affected your attitudes toward sex?