Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade LANGUAGE ARTS (Viewing) Use picture clues to predict content Explain personal thoughts and feelings after viewing visual media Distinguish characteristics between: fantasy and reality good and evil right and wrong Ask and respond to questions as a means to understanding content when viewing written and/or visual media State the main idea or message in visual media Gather and sequence events from visual media selections Use visual media as a means to witness and serve Recognize that God’s ideal for quality viewing is and important factor of developing Christian character Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes LANGUAGE ARTS (Listening) Maintain Eye contact Use appropriate posture facing the speaker Avoid distracting or interrupting others, including the speaker, or being distracted by others Provide immediate feedback; e.g., nod, applaud, laugh, etc. Ask and answer relevant question briefly and politely Determine purpose for listening Contribute to group/class discussions Listen and respond appropriately in various situations; e.g. formal conversations, presentations, group learning activities, media presentations, drama, directions, and messages Listen to Bible stories and God’s Word with reverence Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes LANGUAGE ARTS (Visually Representing) Create visual media to connect information with personal experiences: drama charts illustrations videos photographs tables Create visual media to demonstrate understanding Produce visual media to differentiate real and imaginary information; e.g. t-chart Create visual media to promote the spreading of the gospel Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade LANGUAGE ARTS (Reading) PHONICS: Expand phonics elements; e.g. letter sound correspondences, spelling patterns, syllables, and meaningful word parts Apply phonics elements in reading and writing; e.g. identify and decode simple prefixes and suffixes FLUENCY: Recognize sight words Decode words in isolation and in connected text Increase speed of reading while maintaining accuracy Read aloud in a way that communicates meaning Communicate effectively through the avenues of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and non-verbal language Read silently for pleasure VOCABULARY: Apply a variety of strategies to learn word meanings Make connections between words and concepts COMPREHENSION: Communicate with others about what is read Use comprehension strategies to improve comprehension: instinctively read top to bottom, left to right, front to back identify and explain problems and solutions Recognize story elements: plot setting characters Apply a Christ-centered perspective as a basis of literary studies Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes LANGUAGE ARTS (Speaking) Apply rules for conversation: use correct vocabulary or speech take turns raise hand to speak focus attention on speaker behave with Christian courtesy Use different voice level, phrasing, and intonation for different situations: informal discussion class discussion reports to the class language used at home language used in school Convey clear and focused main idea with supporting details appropriate to audience and purpose Ask questions to clarify information Communicate effectively, applying a Christ-centered perspective in all forms of personal expression Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade LANGUAGE ARTS (Writing) WRITING Practice the writing process: prewriting drafting revising editing publishing Write for various purposes to: share inform explain invite Begin using characteristics of good writing: ideas and content organization voice word choice sentence fluency conventions Use visual media when appropriate to convey an idea Generate friendly and thank-you letters, descriptions, narratives, reports and rhymes Use a variety of descriptive words in writing activities Write complete sentences with correct sentence structure Develop paragraphs with one topic and at least four supporting details Identify and organize related information connecting information from different subjects Evaluate one’s own and other’s writing Identify and write sentences that are declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory Write from a Christ-centered perspective CAPITALIZATION Capitalize proper nouns, months, days of the week, titles, and initials PUNCTUATION Write basic rules of punctuation correctly: commas in dates items in a series greeting and closing of a letter Use quotation marks to show conversation USAGE Use standard English Understand word and sentence order Use correct verb tenses HANDWRITING Use correct margins Form letters and words so they can be easily read Leave proper spacing between words, sentences and paragraphs SPELLING Transition from invented to conventional spelling Correctly spell high-frequency sight words Use phonetic patterns and spelling rules Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade MATH NUMBER AND OPERATIONS Count and understand numbers with 3 digits Skip count by two, e.g. 23, 25, 27 Understand and use ordinals 1-20 Understand even and odd numbers Understand place value of hundreds, tens, one Given a math fact, construct the other three in the fact family Know addition and subtraction facts through 20 by recall Add and subtract 2 digit numbers with renaming Add and subtract 3 digit numbers with no renaming Add a series of three numbers Using a number line, explain rounding to nearest ten Write, add, and subtract money using appropriate symbols Understand situations that entail multiplication and division, i.e. equal groupings of objects and sharing equally ALGEBRA Use patterns to make generalizations and predictions Analyze patterns in tables and graphs Describe qualitative and quantitative changes involving addition and subtraction Understand equivalence concepts using symbols, such as 5 + 3 = 8 and 8 = 5 + 3 or GEOMETRY Investigate and predict the results of assembling and disassembling 2- and 3-dimentional shapes Find locations using simple coordinates Recognize prisms, pyramids, cylinders and cones Relate ideas in geometry to number and measurement MEASUREMENT Select and use appropriate measuring tools Select and use appropriate units of measurement Use different units to measure the same thing Use nonstandard units to compare weight of real objects and capacity of real containers Estimate the weight of an object Apply and use measurements in problems and “real life” situations, e.g. gathering data for mi/kmodometer and map reading Tell time to the nearest minute (digital), and the nearest 5 minutes (analog) Use and compare A.M. and P.M. time designations Count coins and dollars to $5.00 Determine correct change to $1.00 by counting Estimate to the nearest dollar Demonstrate the “real world” practice of spending money to the penny Use correct symbols in writing money amounts Understand one hour of elapsed time Identify days and dates on a calendar Understand one week before and after a certain date on a calendar Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes DATA ANALYSIS AND PROBABILITY Construct and interpret data using a simple bar graph Interpret data as represented in a simple table or chart Make predictions and test validity Do a probability study with 50/50 chance Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade SCIENCE (Biological Science) ANIMALS Amphibians: Identify the characteristics of amphibians Explain how amphibians adapt to the environment Birds: Identify the characteristics of birds Identify common birds Describe the migratory habits of birds Explain how birds adapt to the environment Insects/Arthropods: Identify characteristics of insects Identify common insects Explain how insects adapt to the environment Identify stages in the life cycle of an insect Distinguish between moths and butterflies Mammals: Identify the characteristics of mammals Explain how mammals adapt to the environment Describe how humans adapt to the environment Describe the migratory habits of mammals Reptiles: Identify the characteristics of reptiles Explain how reptiles adapt to the environment CAREER EDUCATION Careers: List biological careers Provide opportunity for exposure to careers in a biological science ECOLOGY Environmental Issues: Understand personal responsibility for wise use of natural resource Explain responsible methods for decreasing pollution Natural Resources: Identify resources found in mountains Identify plants and animals that live in mountain Identify resources found in oceans Identify plants and animals in oceans Identify resources found in plains Identify plants and animals that inhabit plains Explain the importance of the rich soil found in the plains Identify resources found in deserts Identify plants and animals that inhabit deserts Describe adaptations of plants and animals in deserts HUMAN BODY Body Organization: Recognize the organization of the body’s systems and organs PLANTS Classification: Identify common plants Resources: Explain how plants adapt to the environment Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade SCIENCE (Earth/Space Science) CAREER EDUCATION Careers: List earth and space careers Provide opportunities for exposure to careers in earth and space science GEOLOGY Dinosaurs: Identify examples of common dinosaurs Understand dinosaurs varied in size Earth’s Structure: Understand God created a perfect Earth for human habitation Describe the surface features of the Earth Define mountain Define ocean Define plain Define desert Define oasis Define island Fossils: Understand fossils as the remains or evidence of living organisms that once lived on Earth Explain a creationists interpretation of fossils METEOROLOGY Climate: Explain how mountains affect climate Explain how oceans and large bodies of water affect climate Explain how plains affect climate Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade SCIENCE (Health Science) CAREER EDUCATION Careers: List health careers Provide opportunity for exposure to careers in health science CONSUMER HEALTH Health Care: Explain ways medical personnel help us maintain good health Identify people who help us maintain good health DISEASES/DISORDERS Infectious/Noninfectious Disease: Define disease Describe how the body fights disease Understand the relationship of good health habits to disease prevention DRUGS Drugs: Define drug Define drug abuse Describe the effects of abusing drugs Drug effects: Describe the effects of alcohol Describe the effects of nicotine Inhalants: Define inhalants Describe the effects of inhalants on the body Medicines: Understand the value of medicines Identify where to find the telephone number for the poison control center FAMILY/SOCIAL HEALTH Relationships: Recognize the uniqueness of each person Understand the importance of treating others with respect HEALTH PRINCIPLES Natural Laws: Identify the benefits of good health Explain the importance of exercise to health Explain the importance of rest to health MENTAL/EMOTIONAL Decision Making: Describe the decision making process Explain how one uses the power of reason Understand the importance of making appropriate decisions Define values Identify important personal values Emotions: Define emotion Identify appropriate ways of controlling emotions Understand that God makes provision for our emotional needs Self-Concept: Recognize one’s significance as a unique individual Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Understand that God’s love is unconditional NUTRITION Food Pyramid: Recall the food pyramid as a guide for choosing a balanced diet Recall principles of vegetarianism SAFTEY/FIRST AID Accidents: Understand that medicines should not be taken without adult supervision Identify common hazards at home Public Safety: Recall rules for school safety Recall rules for motor vehicle safety Recall rules for pedestrian safety Recreational Safety: Identify rules for safety in and around water Identify safe camping practices Identify rules for safe hiking Demonstrate safe practices when riding a bicycle Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade SCIENCE (Physical Science) CAREER EDUCATION Careers: List physical science careers Provide opportunity for exposure to careers in the physical sciences CHEMISTRY Matter: Understand that matter exists in three forms Identify the characteristics of the states of matter Understand that matter can change form ENERGY WAVES Heat: Define heat Describe how heat affects matter Describe how heat is conducted Explain how heat is essential to everyday life Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes SCIENCE (Method/Processes) MANIPULATION SKILLS Classification: Develop skills for organizing scientific data Communication: Develop skills for sharing scientific information Conclusions: Develop skills for reaching explanations from scientific experiences Experimentation: Develop skills for investigating and testing hypothesis Hypothesizing: Develop skills based upon observation and inferences Lab Safety: Develop skills for practicing safe behavior in the science lab Measurement: Develop skills for measuring a variety of quantities in science Observation: Develop skills for observing objects and events in science Organization: Develop skills for organizing scientific data Prediction: Develop skills for predicting the outcomes of experimentation Processing Data: Develop skills for collecting and displaying scientific data Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade INTEGRATED (Spiritual Values/Attitudes) GOD Creator: Accept God as the creator of the universe Eternity: Understand God’s gift to us is eternal life Knowledge: Accept God as the source of all knowledge and wisdom Revelation: Value God’s created works as a source of His revelation Sin: Recognize the effects of sin on God’s original plan Truth: Have a developing knowledge of God’s word as truth NATURE Creation: Develop an appreciation of god’s creation Design: Value God’s craftsmanship of beauty and harmony Environment/Ecology: Assume an active role in preserving and nurturing one’s environment Natural Laws: Understand the purpose of God’s law and order in the universe Sin: Understand that sin brought a curse upon nature revealing both good and evil MANKIND Attitudes: Evaluate lifestyle choices based on Biblical principles Human Beings: Understand God created us in His image Health/Nutrition/Physical Being: Recognize that human existence depends on God’s natural laws for health Sexuality: Exhibit lifestyle choices consistent with Biblical principles Sin: Understand that sin has brought the degeneration of man Values: Apply Biblical principles of Christian morality, integrity, and ethical behavior to all aspects of life Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Curriculum Guides Checklists North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Second Grade INTEGRATED (Thinking Skills) Analyzing: Develop skills for identifying key elements or relationships among elements Application: Develop skills for applying scientific information to new situations Cause and Effect: Develop skills for recognizing the relationship between cause and effect Compare and Contrast: Develop skills for determining the characteristics of items and events Evaluation: Develop skills for evaluation scientific data and events Follow Directions: Develop skills for following both oral and written Problem Solving: Develop skills for using critical thinking to solve problems Reference Skills: Develop skills for the use of photos, drawings, diagrams, charts, and graphs Sequencing: Develop skills for ordering items and events Synthesis: Develop skills by using deductive reasoning to draw conclusion and give explanations based on observation and experimentation Vocabulary Development: Develop skills for the understanding and usage of scientific words Date(s) Taught/Completed Textbook Pages and Notes Created & shared by Juliette Horton, Ruth Murdoch Elementary School Grade 2 Teacher, 2007