Absence E-mail Tips

Absence E-mail Tips
absent—adj I will be absent today.
absence—n Please excuse my absence.
attend—V-T I will attend class again on Friday.
excuse—V-T Please excuse my absence.
There is no excuse for not doing your homework.
because—conj I will be absent today because I have to work. Because I have work to
do, I will be absent today.
because of—prep I will be absent today because of my job.
We say “Thank you for your understanding.” (not appreciation or consideration)
We say “This is [your name].” (not “I am [your name].”)
Learn to spell tomorrow correctly.
Do NOT use BE + Base Form: X I am not come today.
Do not use absent as a verb: X I will absent today.
Do NOT punctuate a because clause as a complete sentence: X Because I am sick.
DO follow a Modal with a Base Form: X I will ready (adj) for the test when I return.
DO follow the standard rules for punctuation, spelling, and capitalization. X r u there?
DO give your e-mail an appropriate subject line, such as Absence on November 3rd .