Exam #1 – “Do You Remember?” Study questions -... Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective 

Exam #1 – “Do You Remember?” Study questions - Ch. 1,2,3 & 4
Ch. 1 The Sociological Perspective
 Who is the father of Sociology?
 Who wanted you to see “The general in the particular”?
 Who wanted you to see how personal problems become public issues?
 What are the three main Sociological theories?
 Which two theories are macro focused?
 Which one looks at society as an integrated system?
 Which one looks at how we interpret the meanings of words and symbols?
Ch. #2 Sociological Investigation
 What is an hypothesis
 What do we want when measuring a variable?
 What is a spurious correlation?
 What three things are needed to say one thing caused another?
 What two important things do we need in research?
 What is the difference between a sample and a population?
 What would be a good method to study:
 Student attitudes toward NSCC?
 A successful presidential candidate?
 Which of two teaching methods works best?
 What is the main thing drug experiments need to control for?
 What is the difference between:
 Open and closed questions?
 Control and experimental groups?
 Hawthorne effect and placebo effect?
Ch. #3 Culture
What happens when you visit another culture?
What you believe is what type of culture?
How does language effect out perception of the world?
How does culture control us?
What will cause American culture to change?
What causes parts of a culture to change at different rates?
What is the difference between a subculture and a counter culture?
What will I demonstrating if I believe another culture is wrong simply
because their beliefs are different than mine?
Ch. #4 Society
 What four major things cause social change?
 What stages do the Lenski’s cite as examples of technological change causing
social change?
 Who started the conflict perspective?
 What is false consciousness?
 What is Class consciousness?
 What is alienation?
 How did these factors help create the current union management
relationships we have today?
 Who focused on rational thought changing society?
 How did the thinking of preindustrial and postindustrial societies differ?
 Who focused on social bonds changing society?
 How did the social bonds of preindustrial and postindustrial societies differ?