STUDENT’S RATING SCALES (SRS) FOR EVALUATION OF COURSE AND INSTRUCTOR (SSD, 2005) INSTRUCTIONS Please make your response to each of the twenty items below on the scale from A (the highest rating) to E (the lowest rating). Please do not omit any item. The highest and lowest extremes of each item are described to help in the rating process. Mark all your answers ON THE ANSWER SHEET provided by filling in the space corresponding to the number you have chosen. Use a pencil. Please do not use any type of ink pen. The information from this questionnaire will be used to help upgrade the quality of your educational experience. Your response are anonymous. Your instructor will receive only a computerized class summary. Thank you for your careful response to each item. NOTE: Mark the course I. D. (Given to you by the instructor) in the appropriate space at the top of your answers sheet. See the example on the answer sheet. Highest Rating Lowest Rating 1. COURSE OBJECTIVES A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Clearly stated; worthwhile expectations defined 2. COURSE ORGANIZATION A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Well organized; systematic logical progression 3. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Inappropriate amount for the course; vague; busywork; arbitrary A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor actively solicits feedback from student; verifies student understanding 7. ADJUSTING TEACHING Instructor frequently misses important ideas, overEmphasizes trivial details A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Appropriate amount for the courses, contribute to under standing, reasonably challenging 6. MONITORING UNDERSTANDING Students disruptive; classroom Lacks control; free-for-all A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor usually selects important concepts; omits unimportant 5. ASSIGNMENTS Lacks of org. sequence is disorderly, difficult to follow A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Efficient; students orderly and attentive 4. JUDGEMENT OF VALUES Unstated; vague, unrelated to class activities or emphasis Instructors seems unaware of students’ difficulty in understanding; ignores students’ questions for clarifications A_____________B_____________C_____________D____________E Instructor uses varied teaching strategies to meet students needs consistent with course objectives Developed by Southern Asia Pacific Division, Instructor does not vary teaching strategies to accomodate student needs and interest 1 8. PACING A_____________B_____________C_____________D____________E Students are moved through course objectives efficiently and at an appropriate speed 9. CLASS DISCUSSION A_____________B_____________C_____________D____________E Appropriate amount of discussion for course; stimulates interest in the subject 10. ENTHUSIASM AND INTEREST Instructor careless in dress, speech, posture, and personal grooming A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Excellent mastery of subject; instructor demonstrates awareness of recent developments related to the subjects 16. INDEPENDENT STUDY Instructor appears to be poorly prepared; class notes not kept current A_____________B_____________C_____________D____________E Instructor neatly and appropriate dressed, well groomed, speaks distinctly and fluently 15. SCHOLARSHIP Instructor seems to discourage contact outside class; office Hours are odd or kept A_____________B_____________C_____________D____________E Instructor shows definite evidence of careful preparation 14. PROFESSIONAL BEARING Students find instructor difficult to approach; instructor Seems antagonistic to student A_____________B_____________C_____________D____________E Instructor easy to see outside class; seems ready to help keeps appointment faithfully 13. PREPARATION FOR CLASS Classes drag; students are bored or indifferent A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor demonstrates personal concern for students; is friendly and easily approached 12. AVAILABILITY OF INSTRUCTOR Inappropriate amount of discussion for course; uninteresting; frequently ramles A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor keeps students interested in subject; stimulates thinking 11. INSTRUCTOR’S CONCERN The subject is covered too slowly or too quickly to Accomplish course objectives Knowledge frequently inadequate; instructor seems unaware of recent development related to the subject A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor encourages independent study and new or creative investigation Developed by Southern Asia Pacific Division, Instructor stifles creative investigation; library resources are ignored 2 17. LAB./”PRACTICAL” EXPERIENCES A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor provides opportunity for students to put theory into practice; instructor guides students in applying knowledge 18. RELIGIOUS BELIEFS A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Instructor appropriately integrates course work and religious ideals 19. COURSE APPRECIATION Instructor intolerant of others’ religious views; doesn’t appropriately integrate course work and religious ideal A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Course generates appreciation for the subject; inspires students to pursue further activity in the area of the course work 20. OVERALL EVALUATION Instructor does not help stud. move from theory to practice; students have little opportunity for prac.application of learning Course does not generates appreciation for the subject Or inspire continued activity in the area A_____________B_____________C_____________D_____________E Excellent course; well taught would recommend to others Developed by Southern Asia Pacific Division, Below average course; hesitate to recommend to others; a drag 3 Teacher Evaluation Form Date:__________ Teacher’s Name________________________ Class___________ Teacher Qualifications: Do they have appropriate training in the area they are teaching? Check Self-Study Would they be qualified to teach this class in a public school or quality private school? Adventist Teaching Credentials with endorsement in this area? Preparation: Does the teacher have a well prepared, written lesson plan for the day? Week? Lesson plans show an understanding of a variety of teaching methods. Is there evidence that lesson plans are checked regularly by the principal? Signature? Is there an outline for the course that shows and over view of the course and schedule when each major subject will be covered, when tests, exams, field trips, papers, reports, projects etc are planned. Textbooks are consistent with Union approved list and ALL students have one. Lesson plan shows specific plan for integration of Faith and Learning in the days topic. Discipline: Is the class orderly with the teacher in control? Does there appear to be class procedures and rules which are being followed? Is the class too rigid and formal so learning is tedious and restrictive? Are students learning lessons of self-discipline, respect for others and courtesy? Classroom Appearance: Are things neat and orderly? Supply room? Equipment room? Are the desks, chairs, windows, floors clean? Is the classroom attractively decorated to appeal to the students? Is the evidence that this is a Christian classroom? Is there a flag and/or a picture of the national leader? Is there fire escape routes posted near the doors? Is the furniture and paint in good condition? Are the areas around the door handles and other high use areas clean from hand prints? Teaching Methods: Teacher does teach and not just assigns work but actually teaches the students. Teacher gives reason for or importance of subject and motivates students to want to learn. Teacher explains, demonstrates, models for students Teacher checks for understanding before assigning guided practice. Teacher gives guided practice before independent practice to insure they don’t practice wrong Teacher double checks for understanding. Teacher gives independent practice. Teacher makes class fun and interesting. Teacher gives students reason to love and respect him/her Teacher creatively mixes Adventist values and Biblical truths throughout the class. Evaluation Methods Do the students clearly know how they will be graded and on what basis? Does the teacher use the evaluations to learn how to help the students learn better? Is there are clear description of what will be the covered in the course and is it reflected in the evaluations? Are the most important lessons given the most emphasis in the evaluations? Is there evidence that the appropriate material is being covered in the course? How do the students perform on national examinations in this subject? This year? Past years? Teaching equipment and supplies: Classroom shows evidence that there is appropriate equipment for teaching the subject. Laboratory has sufficient supplies for every student to participate. Are there maps, charts, models, teaching equipment appropriate for the subject. Evaluator Signature______________________ Teacher Signature___________________________ Developed by Southern Asia Pacific Division, 4 Teacher Evaluation by Administration Course outline prepared and followed according to guidelines Lesson plans on time and well done IFL Integration of Faith in lesson plans and teaching Relationship with Students Relationship with other faculty & staff Relationship with Administration Meeting participation and attendance Class attendance, punctuality Spiritual leadership on campus Use of Library in class work Student motivation Student scores in teaching area on National or Union examinations Classroom discipline Grades turned in on time Enforcement of school rules Classroom decorations / bulletin boards Supportive of school programs Dress codes Professional development - reading books & JAE, summer classes, etc. Teaching certificate and subject endorsement Low High 1 2 3 4 5 ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Student evaluation of teaching ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Special efforts or programs ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Areas of special effort in the future ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Teacher ________________________________ Date_________________________ Evaluator _______________________________ Date_________________________ Developed by Southern Asia Pacific Division, 5