1 Various Anesthesia Machine and Related Troubleshooting Notes Reason Called CO2 trace on the monitor does not look correct, possibly sucking air from outside of the circuit. Offending Machine Resolution Notes Sample line connection at the water trap loose. Tightened 2 turns problem solved. I always check the connections first. Many times these are loose or cross threaded. However, I Agilent gas analyzer. have seen several the Change Aquaknot on water traps with Sam Module, cracked threads, Change ETCO2 Line causing a similar and Check Sodasorb leak. for saturation All connections were tight, there was mist in the tube, chest rise, 100% sPO2, but CO2 Trace - nonno CO2 return.... existent: The CO2 Replace the sample When carefully trace was visible on Agilent gas analyzer line examined, the the monitor, but was or Phillips MP90 Sample line had been "Flat line" even monitor Replace Aquaknot pinched and almost though the patient and change sodasorb fused together during was properly shipping. There was intubated. a long flat section of the sample tube that could not pass air of any sort. CO2 Trace is flatline. Always check the Receding the gas connections and have Agilent gas analyzer bench on the a good rapport to the Anesthesia Machine. Anesthesiologists on duty. CO2 sample line is occluded Gas bench sample line on GE Carestation some techs, an Dr's replaced sample line, feed the sample line it was kinked through the swivel arm that carries the 2 the monitor cables on the anesthesia machine to a central organizer, there isn't a lot of room in the channel and the sample line gets smashed flat. We have been asked not to do this. Phillips Monitor not displaying information other than the time or is off completely. Fabius Anesthesia machine not working!! A very panicked call from the room Phillips Drager Fabius Many times the outlet has not been working and the anesthesia machines If a blank screen is internal back-up present, change the power only powers power cord outlet. If the machine and not only the Date/Time the monitors. The stamp is on the docs raise and lower screen, re-seat the the monitors arm on cable leading from the side of the the data module into machine the housing. continuously throughout the day Reboot monitor and and eventually, the check all power connective cable connections connection works its way loose but appears to be connected. All of the control lines for the pneumatic valves in the manifold had been disconnected. At this facility, the anesthesia technical service providers do not turn-over rooms. A new pst (perioperative services tech) had disconnected the lines and did not tell anybody, and the anesthesia provider did not do a vent check before the case started. 3 Reason Called Bis Monitor is not reading that the sensor is attached CO2 not reading Machine wont pass morning check Offending Machine BIS Monitor Resolution Notes The cables become damaged where they enter the patient interface box from constant bending back and forth. Since these cables are accessories, they have to be Replace the entire purchased. A cable. Order refurbished cable replacement cables cost $1800 with a to attach to the box trade-in. The because the cables replacement cables are damaged. without the box cost: between $120.00Check power $200.00, depending connections and BIS on which portion of cable and strips the cable you need. They are easy to change out. Just open the box and unclip the plug from the board; clip the new cable in and close the box by screwing the screws back in. Drager Gas bench broken Changed the CO2 tubing and the defend cartridge. Did not help. Replaced Gas bench with another one and CO2 worked fine. Sent bad gas bench to Bio-med for repair Daytex Anesthesia Machine Gas bench, sodasorb and condensation collector look dry on the outside. Take off the bench, collector and sodasorb drain every piece and let air dry then reassemble. If you have an extra set 4 of these parts (like we do :) then you can put them on and get rolling right away. Scavenger bag is Daytex Anesthesia filling up and alarms Machine sounding Blood pressure cuff not cycling Monitor went black First I would check the hose it may not be connected all the While patient is way. Then I would intubated doc calls look down by the you to the room scavenger bag and because his twist the little black scavenger back looks knob ever so slightly like a model good in the direction that year blimp!!!! allows the bag to What’s happening? drain the waste gas and the bag flattens out again. After checking blood pressure hose which inflates the cuff and assuring there was no split or crack. Went to side of machine and discovered that the opposite end of the B.P. hose was not connected to the monitor. therefore it could not inflate the cuff. Removed hose completely and reattached to monitor. Dr. was satisfied and there were no more problems. Easy fix! G.E. Aisys monitor Called to room tonight because blood pressure cuff wouldn't cycle. G.E. Aisys monitor checked the Called to room connections and all because monitor quit were fine. Called working. Bio-med and they replaced with a Check all power temporary monitor. 2 connections weeks later the 5 monitor was back repaired. Called to room because pt fico2 was GE care station over 9 and rising, pt Aisys monitor co2 high Called to room because anesthesiologist had a large leak during case. Air was escaping for anesthesia machine. Reason Called CO2 not reading when machine checked. Checked CO2 sample line, then noticed co2 scavenging reservoir bag was full, checked the scavenge pipeline-it was disconnected. connected the pipe line and readings went back to normal I had turned that room over prior to case and had done a leak test so I knew the circuit was good, I ask the Dr if she had changed the soda lime, she stated she had, I replaced the GE care station disabled canister, anesthesia machine and the leak went New Daytex away. I to have had Anesthesia Machine this problem and I've been working with the store room in making sure that when the shipment of canisters come in. That the case or box that it comes in is not damaged. Offending Machine GE Aestiva/5 when the anesthesia machines get moved to different locations it is imperative to check and make sure the machine is plugged in and all components are working before starting a new case the soda lime canister appeared to have been dropped as it had a large crack in it. I'm not a fan of keeping extra disposable canisters in the rooms because if they get dropped or knocked over they crack and no one notices till its too late. I make it a point to check the canister for cracks when I am putting a new one in. Also, sometimes the drain valve is open below the canisters which can create a very large leak. Resolution Notes Checked CO2 sampling line, checked defend trap. Defend trap had popped out ever so When pushed back in, it began working after a few minutes. Sometimes you have to turn the machine 6 slightly preventing the machine from checking the gas sampling line. Problems with the APL valve sticking during a general GE Aestiva/5 anesthesia case using an LMA. No CO2 end-tidal reading on the anesthesia machine at all Daytex Anesthesia Machine off and then back on again, in order for the machine to recheck the gas sampling line. Dismantle the working portions of the anesthesia machine according to the maintenance instructions for cleaning. Clean and sterilize/disinfect as recommended. In between terminal cleaning times, change out parts that are excessively wet that you can if the problem reoccurs. Remove the manifold if necessary and dry thoroughly. Retest for leaks when you reassemble the machine. I do not know when these machines had last been taken down and thoroughly cleaned. My thought was that it needed to be cleaned. The CRNA's thought it was something wrong with the valve itself. The GE service rep. thought it was just moisture. As it turned out it was excessive moisture and mold growth in the machine. Once it was cleaned and the excess moisture removed, the Check valve filter for machine functioned excessive without problems. condensation If the problem is not fixed, with the patient in the room, I I will check the CO2 would bring a new sampling line to anesthesia machine make sure there are and will prepare to no kinks as well as connect the circuit to the defend trap. Also the patient -- push discuss with the back the anesthesiologist dysfunctional about any solution to machine and bring the problem. the new one closer to the patient and hoping that there is a CO2 end-tidal 7 reading. If your anesthesia machines have modules for the ETCO2, BP, etc.; it is easier to change the module out first, than the whole machine. I have had this occur before and when the module was switched the problem was corrected. The faulty module was sent to Bio-Med who sent it off to be repaired. The circuit check failed. Call to the room because the bellows were not filling up call to room for dfend alert Datex Anesthesia Machine I will check the circuits to the machine are connected properly. I will check also the sampling line is connected to the circuit and to the machine because sometimes it is loosely attached. If the circuit check fails again, I will put brand new circuits on the anesthesia machine. I thought I tried everything, except one thing that I haven't thought of is the sodasorb there are no indications of color change but there is a small crack under the canister. So changing the sodasorb then rechecking the circuit will result to a passed circuit for the next new patient case. Datex-Ohmeda I checked the plastic tube that sits over the bellows and made sure it was seated in place. I'm surprise how it would get bumped enough that would cause a leak. Datex-Ohmeda checked the d-fend trap and it did have water in it and it was pop out enough for the alert it was time to replace the d-fend trap so i put in a new one and pop it in place and everything worked find 8 put the part back on the right way and ran another test and everything worked circuit leak Problem with bellows Bad CO2 Reason Called Datex-Ohmeda circuit leak test keeps failing found that the machine had been taken apart for It is very important cleaning and not put to perform a leak test back on right after cleaning the machine. Prevents headaches later. Excel exel210 stated doing a pressure test found the night before they change the sodalime they didn`t do a pressure check and it was not adjust properly . realigned to pressure test back in service. talk to my co-worker never change nothing if you are in rush to go home (the patient was in room and almost was put sleep ) RGM got in the room check sample line it look go then I check the filter it was change two days ago it was good too . Them I check when was the last time that it was calibrated and is was about two weeks when it was calibrated . Took some calibrating gas re-calibrated . talk to all the anesthesia tech everytime they change the filter on a RGM to calibrated with calibrated gas .And to too regular calibration twice a day. Resolution Notes I called our Service rep who thought it might be the vacuum that I was hearing. Disconnected the vacuum/scavenger hoses, leak This machine had been tampered with and when I turned the machine on to perform a machine check after replacing the circuit, sampling Offending Machine Audible Leak issuing from under table top Excel 210 of Excel Anesthesia machine 9 continued. The machine was taken out of service until the rep came to repair it. The leak was coming from the machine on/off switch. The switch was replaced and the leak was corrected. line and such, I heard an audible leak. It did not affect the machine check or leak test. When the rep removed the table top, we noticed that one screw that holds the switch stable was completely out and off to the side. The other was halfway out. He stated that in 17 years of working on these machines he had never seen the screws work loose on a machine. Checked all connections and discovered loosened bellows cap. Tightened bellows cap and achieved a proper seal Bellows cover had come untwisted and didn't have a seal. I always check the bellows cap between each case now. O2 flush valve stuck GE Carestation in or in the on anesthesia Machine position Could not duplicate--Called Bio Med--Bio med cleaned debris from inside machine around valve. Anesthesiologist stated this was dangerous and could have given pt a pneumothorax. Called to room because the "Do anesthesia check out" display was on. Anesthesia was very upset as the case was underway. There was Switched the nothing I could do machine during the aside from switching case. When the case out the machine. As was done a complete the machine seemed calibration check out to be fine we left the was done, and the machine. We machine passed. checked the log on the , and it had been more than 24 hours Bellows won't drive ventilator G.E. Aisys Carestation GE Carestation 10 since the last test.The Dr. had me write an incident report, as if something had happened during the case and the precheck hadn't been done he and the anesthesia tech working am would have been in trouble as neither noticed the machine had not been calibrated before starting the case. Reason Called Offending Machine pediatric patient blood pressure and heart rates are giving Phillips Monitor alarms on normal values for pediatric pts. Flow sensor failure mid case Resolution Notes If you change the user from adult to pediatric or neonatal, the label changes to pediatric or neonatal but the alarm parameters are the same unless you change the patient change the patient Profile to pediatric or Profile to pediatric or neonatal neonatal. The screen goes black for a half a second then shows the patient’s profile and alarm parameters are for the appropriate age group. We had to devise a way to ventilate the patient while Drager Apollo removing the flow Anesthesia Machine sensors which requires taking the patient off the ventilator. We The only other alternative would have been to bag the patient and switch machines mid-case. We were not comfortable with that plan of action unless 11 hooked an Ambu bag we had to in order to to the side O2 port minimize infection and let the chances. anesthetist bag the patient. Then, two of us had practiced on a different machine in a downed room. We then used the RedHandled Allen Wrench to unlock the chamber and remove the top housing. We unscrewed the valve covers and replaced both the inspiratory and expiratory sensors at the same time. Reseated the top housing and attached the housing to the circuit and finished in all of Fifty-Three seconds. The patient was reattached to the machine and within 2 minutes the alarms stopped and gave accurate readings. Circuit leak Midcase The Sodasorb canister had a small crack on the back side of the housing which couldn’t be seen from the front but when I knelt down I could hear a faint whisper of air during breaths. Replaced canister and of course, the leak disappeared. Changed the circuit twice. Changed the water trap to ensure no leak. We could not hear any leak at the patient’s airway and the cuff held pressure. The crack was only a millimeter or two in length but was enough of a crack to create a considerable leak. 12 Circuit leak during leak test Reason Called Called to room because the left screen went blank and machine failure appeared on the screen Offending Machine Datex-Ohmeda The CO2 tubing can sometimes cross thread if forced onto the water trap. Switched out tubing. sometimes, you may reverse the connections to the water trap and circuit and obtain the same result. Resolution Notes I had the CRNA bag the patient and I rebooted the machine and the screen came back normal Finish the case and then I called the service rep to check out the machine further. Called to the room because of vaporizer Datex-Ohmeda failure I had the CRNA bag I called the service the patient as I rep to fix the switch out the machine machine I was in the room when the CRNA had Datex-Ohmeda Air supply pressure lost The machine air hose was connected into a Y connector so OR could their equipment up to air and it was drawing too much air pressure from the Anesthesia machine. So I switch to Air reserve gas cylinder. Called to the room because there wasn't Datex-Ohmeda a CO2 tidal volume reading I would check the tracheal tube for any leaks then I would change the sampling line then if I'm still not getting a reading then I would change the module. Called to the room because the patient monitoring display went blank. There is an assumable, hard to recognize button on the side of the monitor. I rebooted Datex-Ohmeda If you reach to move the monitor from the side. You will turn the monitor off. 13 the monitor and continued the case. Air Alarm was going off when I was Belmont Rapid priming the Rapid Infuser Infuser Power Fail Alarm Cell Saver Centrifuge error Reason Called The Rapid Infuser was not priming properly. The Cell Saver was tripping before it reached the volume needed to wash a There was something on the sensor so I cleaned it with a damp cloth. Acutronic Jet Ventilator We do not use the Jet Vent very often so when I was called for this alarm I had to get Biomed right away. We had to bring them a new Jet Vent because the other one needed a new battery and it could not be changed in the room Cell Saver 5+ The bowl was not properly seated and therefore was not allowing the centrifuge to spin. Took bowl out and reseated, error message gone. Offending Machine Resolution Notes Belmont The Reservoir tubing that attaches to the machine was too tight and was causing the roller to not work correctly. I moved the reservoir down and restarted the prime, it worked fine. I always double check the reservoir level prior to priming the pump. Cell Saver 5+ The Machine had not been QC correctly. Therefore, the tubes had to be clamped This should only been done in non emergency cases. If you cannot do it then 14 bowl. off and the machine you can run the had to be turned off. machine in manual I ran a QC a second mode time and it worked as it should. When the Air Tank was put on it had been tightened too I was called into the much and there was room because the air GE Datex - Ohmeda causing and error. It tank was reading Aisys could have also empty. The tank had caused damaged the just been changed. pin system if they continued to tighten them too much. Called to the room because the Cerebral Oximetry was Somanetics alarming a yellow Cerebral Oximetry code. Output device not connected. During the case the machine had been moved and the connection to the PC had been pulled out. After reconnection the alarm went away. Fluid Detected in the Cell Saver 5+ centrifuge The Waste bag was too full and was not allowing the waste to go anywhere. Once we emptied the bag the alarm went away. Reason Called O2 flush button stuck open circuit leak test failed Offending Machine Resolution GE Aisys Could not get the flush to stick. Called Biomed to check out. Biomed took the machine apart and cleaned all parts. Could not duplicate GE Aisys Checked all connections of the CO2 tubing, elbow, hoses, sodasorb canister, breathing Notes 15 bag. Checked for moisture in the flow sensor, and condenser. Set APL valve between 30 and 70. Filled breathing bag with O2. Released using the drain valve on the condenser. Lots of moisture was released. Did this several times. Circuit leak test passed. GE Aisys Checked all connections on circuit and CO2 tubing. Reset defend cartridge. Still would not pass. Changed out the CO2 canister and test passed. Found a small crack in the housing of the CO2 canister Vaporizer won't seat GE Aisys Sevo vaporizer won't seat. Keeps popping out. Changed to a new vaporizer and sent offending vaporizer to Biomed for repair. FICO2 reading above 7 GE Aisys Changed sodasorb canister. easy fix Draeger While checking the Draeger machine in OB, The pressure was not steady. Leaking. I reset the absorbers and checked the Spiromed. This fixed the problem. I think the sodasorb Circuit leak test failure Pressure test not steady 16 canisters were not seated tightly. Cell Saver Error, Air Detected in Fill Cell Saver Cycle The placement of the tubing in the valves was not seated correctly, removed and reseated. Quick fix Called to room for blank screen on Glidescope Glidescope The Cable had been damaged and had to be sent to Biomed to be fixed Pump Error Cell Saver 5+ The tubing next to the roller pump had not been inserted correctly and was keeping the pump from rolling. Adjusted the tubing and problem solved. High Pressure Alarm Belmont Rapid Infuser The Patient was checked and the rate had to be lowered. Reason Called Black Spots on Screen Art Line Cable not working No light in the laryngoscope Offending Machine Storz Fiberoptic Bronchoscope GE Aisys Laryngoscope Resolution Notes Some of the Fibers had been broken and scope had to be sent to Biomed to be fixed. Very important to hold scope properly or it will break the fibers and it is very expensive to fix! Replaced the cable with a new one. Sometimes the cables can be worn down and become cracked. Replaced the batteries Try replacing all need to check the batteries before each case. 17 weak batteries weekly or twice a week if necessary. Check batteries on Tuesdays and Fridays. monitor went blank, during case It makes it easier if you check your batteries on a weekly or biweekly basis and replace any that are not bright. I do this on my laryngoscope handles and intubating bronchoscopes. I got lucky, discovering this cord Checked all circuit wasn't functioning. I breaker pop out took a cord from buttons. All were another room and fine. Checked power replaced the bad one. Draeger cord and discovered Had Biomed replace Narkomed(our old it had no power cord in the other anesthesia machines) supply. Replaced room the next day. power cord and No more problems. monitor came back If something similar online. were to happen I would check the power cord first. Laryngoscope handle Heine handles light flickering .replaced batteries and the problem persisted. Took the handle apart and discovered moisture had accumulated inside the handle. Took handle completely apart and dried all pieces. Also, took sandpaper and cleaned the connection between the batteries and the bulb, where slight corrosion had accumulated. put it all back together, and no more problems w/that handle. our laryngoscope handles get wiped down with disinfectant between each case. So occasionally they get moisture inside. 18 Over temp Light flashing and alarm sounding No sound During intubation screen went black Bair Hugger You can touch any button on the screen to turn off the alarm but you should also unplug the machine and call your Bio Med Tech to service the machine. Replaced with a different Bair Hugger GE Dash 300 Monitor Tried to increase the volume on the screen but no sound still. Changed the batteries and there was still no sound. Had to get a new monitor and take the other one to Biomed. Storz Fiberoptic Bronchoscope Doctors had turned the screen really hard towards them in panic to see better and when they did so they pulled the cord out of the back of the monitor. Just had to plug it back in and we were up and running. Check to make sure the cord to the monitor is secure in the back before giving machine to doctors. Turned up the suction rate as high as I could with out damaging the RBC but not change. Then i found that someone taken a second set of tubing from the surgeon and placed it on the reservoir. This was causing the main tubing to not have proper suction. If you need a second set of tubing you should either get another Cell Saver or attach another reservoir to IV pole and give the surgeons another set of sterile tubing Suction not working Cell Saver 5+ correctly When hooking up the Bair hugger make sure that nothing is blocking the airflow. If the flow of air is blocked or impeded in anyway; it will cause the machine to read "Over Temp" and alarm. 19 Reason Called No waveform Offending Machine Resolution Notes Checked the monitor to see if the parameters were set to the appropriate Pressure Transducer scale they were so (ART, CVP, PA) then I made sure that the parameters were turned on…which, they were not. Problem fixed. Vaporization cassette keeps popping out of GE Carestation, machine, wont stay Aladin2 cassette in The locking mechanism was worn and the cassette would not stay latched. Replaced the cassette with a new one, problem solved. this problem has just started happening with a few of the machines our machines are about 3 and a half years old Called to room there GE Carestation is a "large leak" you anesthesia machine could here it The machine had passed the circuit leak test prior to case starting, but the anesthesia doc had replace the disposable co2 canister during current case, and had not seated the canister cradle firmly enough, I released the canister and reseated it into the cradle, problem solved this happens alot when the anesthesia provider changes the soda lime cannister, because they are busy multitasking, I wish they would just call us to do it. Called to room because the GE Carestation resolution buttons on patient monitor the side of the patient display. monitor would not work The touch sensitive buttons on the side of the monitor were cracked (I believe this is caused by the cleaning wipes we use) and flaking off. I called bio med and I've asked if we should use different cleaning wipes, but have been told by the GE reps that the ones we use are the recomended ones 20 they replaced the interface key pad with a new one, as we don’t stock those parts, problem solved. Called to room for suction not working Datex-Ohmeda Always when turning over a room the i check the hose suction should be could not see check and also anything wrong then before the case the i check the anesthesiologist connections to the should also check. canister and could see that the lid was It is the ultimate not put on tight this responsibility of the was a easy fix. anesthesia provider to check their When setting up a machine before each new suction canister, case to ensure there always apply suction are no problems with until you hear a the machine and that small pop. This lets there is working you know that the suction available; but top is sealed. Also we all know who check your gauge to will get yelled at if make sure you have something is wrong working suction. or there is not suction. Intubation Fiberoptic Bronchoscope When the dr. went to The scope should be use the light was out check before going on scope i replace in the room. the battery. Bellows not raising Draeger-Apollo Talk to supply Check machine is support to very good change circuit careful when and it work take old opening boxes with circuit test in other knife because of machine it had knife what happen and I cut. show them the circuit. Bad waveform pressure transducer( ART) Check monitor pass no problems change transducer and go it The transducer that I change took the lot number and made 21 working. Pressure cuff Nerve Stimulator is not working Battery safety issue report to see if we will get some more defectives transducer. peds size Talk to my coworker to be careful when turning over a Would not pick up room and always set and I when check out the machine for the machine it was proper cases from set for an adult. I adult to peds. went change setting This does not happen everything back to on the Aestiva/5: it normal. will read the BP regardless of what it is set on. Micro-Stim Nerve Stimulator Usually these machines do not work properly if the battery is weak. If it is the wires that Replace battery first. are the problem, If it still doesn't work replacing them replace the wires (if usually resolves the they are being used). issue. Rarely is it the If all else fails, send actual machine. it to Bio-Med. I always keep an extra 9 volt battery on each anesthesia cart because you never know when it will be needed. Infus O. R. syringe pumps Received a safety alert from the company stating that Energizer batteries can cause the pump to malfunction or fail and to stop using them. Monitor reading "no probe" on sp02 GE Care station monitor. Use Duracell "C" cell batteries Pt arms were tucked During long cases at sides during open especially ones heart surgery, unable where arms are 22 to get under drapes to check probe or connections. I got the spare trunk cable out of the anesthesia machine and placed a forehead probe on pt. Immediately got a tracing and a o2 sat reading of 100% tucked it’s a good idea to place the probe sensor on an area that’s not confined. When the case was over and we removed the arm sleds, I noticed the finger probe was smashed and moved off the finger. fluid level was low Called to room Baxter Hot line fluid refilled with because fluid warmer warmer hydrogen peroxide/ was alarming sterile water solution Called to room because they had set up the art line and Carestation GE they could not get "Art Line" to show up when connecting the cable Could not get Fico2 reading on top monitor Reason Called Airway Pressure High GE Carestation Offending Machine Fabius Tiro The screen was not configured to show Art line. I went to monitor set up, went to screen one set up and added Art line to the wave form screen Some anesthesia docs change screen set ups for their cases and don’t switch them back, its a good idea to check this after each case The interface module that allows information to be shared from main monitor to the slave monitor in a more prominent form on top of the machine was broke, called bio med and they brought up a new module. Machine was still usable and there is a fico2 reading on the main monitor its just not as easy to see Resolution Notes Checked the hose system on the machine and found there was a kink in 23 the hose. Error message Fabius Tiro "Check APL Valve" The APL bypass valve connection and become disconnected. Easy Fix Error message "Fresh Gas Low" Tanks were all full so next I checked the breathing circuit and found there was a leak. Replaced circuit and problem solved. Fabius Tiro Called to room for Daytex Ohmeda monitor not working The anesthesiologist The monitor went not happy about this black during case I but I made sure that check all the when biomed was connections coming he also made everything looked sure he had a good to me. I called monitor with him so biomed and we we could save time. pulled the monitor All of our rooms and put a new one on were going so I and everything could not get a worked out fine. monitor from another room Called to room for blood pressure cuff not working Datex Ohmeda I checked the blood pressure hose and found a split in the hose. I went and got a new hose and replace it and everything worked out Datex Ohmeda I change the oxygen sensor on her finger and still wasn’t working. I took the O2 sensor box from the anesthesia machine and replace it with another o2 sensor box and it worked out. i then Called to room for 02 sensor not working 24 sent the bad box to biomed to be checked out CO2 gas bench not registering on monitor Baer Hugger not heating EKG not working after case started One of the cylinders does not connect to the ceiling The drawer of the anesthesia machine is broken Fluid warmer was alarming Draeger Found monitor cord unattached from gas bench. Screws to hold in place stripped. called biomed and had cord replaced Baer Hugger Turned off Baer Hugger, turned back on. Changed temp settings, still not heating. Sent to biomed for repair and replaced with another one EKG, Aisys Upon inspection of the EKG leads found one crushed from the arm board. Got new EKG leads and problem solved Cylinder Moved the anesthesia machine to the other hook up on the other side of the room Datex Anesthesia Machine I would taped the drawer on the side so Write up a work the drawer doesn't order so Biomed can slide back and hit the fix the loose drawer anesthesiologist in the leg Ranger The alarm went off because it was getting to warm. Went switch out with another fluid warmer and then had Biomed check it out. I notice that the tank was closed but it was empty. I changed the tank with a new one. GE service rep came out and replace the one way valve in the back of the machine. Called to the room because the air tank Datex was empty on the back of the machine. Write up a work order so maintenance can fix the damage hose hanging from the ceiling 25 I then disconnected the air hose from the pipe line and from the back of the machine. I turn the air tank on and heard it leaking from the machine. I reconnected the air hose to the machine and the pipe line. Not reading change PC and still not reading change cable from machine and still not reading, got PC for the thigh and work. After the case was over I try the old PC on me (the one that didn`t work on the patient) and it worked on me. Call in to help with a GE Aestiva /5 swan Not getting the right waves and tried a couple of time we change swan and work it was a defective one I spent in that room to one hour before I got out. Checked the lot number to see if we got some more defective ones, but none so far. Machine had two alarms going off all at once: 12 hour test and Insp. rev flow. The patient was on mechanical ventilation, i asked the Dr. if we could turn off the machine to re-boot. He bagged the patient That spare housing while we did this; 12 for the flow sensors hour test alarm was is invaluable. cleared. Next, I swapped out the flow sensors with a spare housing containing new sensors. Insp. rev flow alarm cleared. Called pressure cuff not working Draeger Apollo Aespire Monitors went black, Aespire but still had sound Checked all cables were connected. Got 26 a portable monitor so the Dr. could maintain the patient. called service provider, they suggested a cord failure. had biomed bring up spare cord. problem resolved. In an emergency one may use a 3 lead ECG set attached to a 5 lead cable and it This always occurs may work correctly Complaints about when the 3 lead set is but most often it ECG wave being too GE Aestiva 5 and plugged into the 5 produces a wide wide and the Datex Ohmeda Excel lead cable. Changed wave form. I had anesthetist cannot 210 the cable to a 3 lead troubleshot this correct it on the one and the problem previously to the monitor. was corrected. extent of changing the module, ECG leads and 5 lead cables and still had the problem. Called to room: BP cuff not inflating properly Draeger Narkomed GS ...I always dbl check connections first and then quickly scanned and found culprit to be the "Y" in the hose was split further than normal...I grabbed b/u hose all was good Reason Called Offending Machine Resolution I, too, get called because the EKG wave is reading Draeger, Narkomed wide but my source is different I have found that sometimes it is merely interference...Something as simple as unplugging the OR table, contingent upon the fact the bed is This happens over time but the cuff can be restored...Biomed cuts hose beyond split and reattaches the metal tips…back on track you go..voila Notes I try not to keep excessive clutter items or cords around. (Safety 1st)…like Bair huggers...fluid 27 "charged", and often times it solves it warmers... "not in use" or other items that may encourage interference