Homework Week 4

Homework Week 4
F4: p 148 1B & p 149 2 Practice
We will meet in our classroom and then go together to the
Transition Fair:
ESL/ABE Transitions Fair
Levels: 4-6 ESL and ABE
Goal: To encourage and support ESL/ABE student transition to college
level certificate and degree completion
Date: Tuesday, April 26
Time: 9:15am-10:50am
Place: College Center Building 1161
9:15 am-10:00am
Welcome-James Armstrong
Opening Introductions
VP Instruction; Kristen Jones
Azizeh Farajallah; NSC Chemistry
faculty (former ESL student)
Brianne Sanchez; Lindsay Cael
(Financial Aid; Workforce Education – Reduced Tuition - Grants)
Joy McEldery-Advising
Students Attend Poster Sessions
(Poster sessions) Each program will have a representative speaker
with a pre-created flip chart or poster with information about programs
and pathways.
Speakers will provide multiple short overview presentations. Students
will cycle in and out from table to table to listen to speakers, ask
questions, and gather information and handouts.
Writing: Work on Surprising Incident ¶
due by Friday (sooner is fine)
Follow all directions on the assignment handout
Title and format your ¶ following the directions on the yellow handout
highlight your verbs and circle two participial adjectives
1984: We will discuss Chapter 1!
HO: Pronouns
Highlight and keep in parts of speech section of binder
WB: Present Perfect Continuous p 86-87 A - D
Online reading: https://news.northseattle.edu/faculty-started-in-esl
HO: Questions about Dr. Farajallah’s story
F4: p 151 3 & 4A
Surprising Incident ¶
due by today
Follow all directions on the assignment handout
Title and format your ¶ following the directions on the yellow handout
highlight your verbs and circle two participial adjectives
HO: Orange Editing Symbols for ESL 042 Writing
read the handout
study and highlight the Do-or-Die List
Keep this handout in the writing section and use it every time you do corrections
HO: OCE&E and English Class Placement
HO: Getting to Know Conjunctive Adverbs
Internet Pronunciation Homework:
For Diallo & Conrado, here is a good explanation for the reasons for the different
pronunciations of CH: http://inmadom-myenglishclass.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-topronounce-ch-in-english-words.html
o Be sure to listen to the audio on the two videos!
For everyone, practice hearing these sounds:
(The symbols we use in class are similar but not identical to these.)
Parts of speech and noun jobs (S, DO, SC, and O/P)
Transitive, Intransitive, & Linking
Irregular verbs KEEP-SELL, on p 279
HO: Subordinating Conjunctions & Complex Sentences
Compare the information on this handout to the information on the Getting to Know
Conjunctive Adverbs handout
Answer the questions on the back of the handout.
Properly punctuating coordinating and subordinating conjunctions and conjunctive
adverbs will be tested on the next Friday quiz.
Begin to work on Chapter 2
Then answer the Review Questions for Chapter 1 & 2
We will begin to discuss these on Wednesday
Writing Corrections:
Correct any mistakes you have on your Surprising Incident paragraph, using the orange
Editing Symbols handout.
Do NOT highlight the verbs this time; instead, highlight the changes you made.
Turn in both copies of your paragraph, with the new one on top.
Corrections are worth an additional five points.
Turn your corrections in any day this week.
Abbreviations Key
F4 = Future 4 textbook
WB = Future 4 workbook
1984 = Reader
HO = Handout (paper I gave you in class)
p = page