Homework: Week 1

Homework: Week 1
HO: Pink Syllabus Hunt & Academic Honesty Contract (finish
and turn in to Laura’s red basket)
Blue Parts of Speech Handout (highlight and answer 1-18 only
(Keep in Parts of Speech section of binder)
 What is the difference between a demonstrative adjective and a
demonstrative pronoun? What about a possessive adjective or a
possessive pronoun?
Follow directions on syllabus—bookmark my website and
look in Extra practice folder
HO: Blue S-V-O
1984: Read About the Author
Study the irregular verbs AWAKE-DRIVE on p 279 for quiz
Verbs—study this carefully:
highlight important information, especially verb vocabulary terms
and their definitions
 do the Practice. (Keep in Parts of Speech section of binder)
1984: Vocabulary
F4: Study irregular verbs: AWAKE-DRIVE, on p 279
 Verbs must be spelled correctly on the quiz!
HO: Prepositions: Highlight important information on first page
& and do Practice (Parts of Speech section)
Pink HO: Read Study Tips for the First & Second Weeks of Classes
(Study skills section of binder)
 What do you do already and what don’t you do now?
 What is your favorite suggestion?
 Parts of speech and noun jobs (S and DO) (like we do on the board at
the beginning of class)
 First 20 irregular verbs AWAKE-DRIVE, on p 279 (chart)
 Verb vocabulary from white Verbs handout (matching)
Grammar HO: Prepositional Phrases: Read the chart and do Ex 5 (but put
parentheses around each prepositional phrase)
F4: Study irregular verbs EAT-HURT, p 279 (quiz next FRI)
Pink HO: Avoiding Plagiarism (Study Skills section of your binder)
 Read What is plagiarism?
 Read How do you avoid plagiarism?
For Tuesday: 1984: Preparing to Read 1984 (Reading section of binder)
F4 = Future 4 textbook
WB = Future 4 workbook
1984: Reader
HO = Handout (paper I gave you in class)
p = page