Adulthood: Biosocial Development Age 25 +



Biosocial Development

Age 25 +

What is senescence?

• Gradual physical decline related to aging

How does the brain change?

• Neurons fire more slowly

• Brain size decreases

• Processing takes longer

• Severe brain loss due to:

▫ Drug use

▫ Poor circulation

▫ Viruses

▫ Genes

How does physical appearance change?

• Age 30-Skin becomes thinner & less flexible

• Age 60 – All faces are wrinkled

• Hair turns gray & thinner

• “Middle-age spread” appears

• Muscles weaken

• Height decreases

▫ Natural collapse of vertebrae in spine

• Effects are less if you exercise

How does vision and hearing change?

• Vision

▫ Peripheral vision narrows

▫ Color vision shifts (vivid to faded more quickly)

▫ Farsightedness increases

• Hearing

▫ Loss not apparent until after


Do you remember?

• How does the brain change?

• How does your skin, hair, muscles, and height change?

• How does your vision and hearing change?

How does the sexual-reproductive

System change?

• Sexual responsiveness

▫ Arousal is slower

▫ Orgasm takes longer

• All ages enjoy sex

• Men & women – most likely “extremely satisfied” with sex if in a committed, monogamous relationship

How does fertility change?

• 15% of all couples are infertile

• 40’s = half are infertile, half risk complications

What causes infertility?

• Males

▫ Responsible for 1/3 of infertility

▫ Age, radiation, drugs, stress, drug abuse, alcoholism cigarette smoking

 Reduces sperm number, shape, and motility

• Females

▫ Responsible for 1/3 of infertility

▫ 1/3 of infertility is a mystery

▫ Age, diseases, smoking, esteem dieting, obesity

▫ Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – Can block fallopian tubes

What are the treatments for infertility?

• Assisted reproductive technology (ART)

▫ Overcome low sperm count & blocked fallopian tubes

• In Vitro fertilization (IVF)

▫ Eggs (ova) removed and fertilized with sperm in the laboratory

▫ After fertilized cells (Zygotes) have divided several times – inserted into the woman’s uterus

What are the effects of menopause?

• Around age 50 – Menstrual periods cease

• Ovulation stops

• Estrogen, progesterone & testosterone drops

• Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

▫ Usually estrogen & progesterone

▫ Minimizes menopausal symptoms

▫ Reduces risk of osteoporosis

▫ Involves health risks

 Not recommended as much today

What is male menopause (Andropause)?

• Drop in testosterone

▫ Reduced sexual desire, erections, & muscle mass

▫ Effectiveness of HRT is questionable

Do you remember?

• How does your sexual response system change?

• Men are responsible for how much of infertility?

• What causes infertility in men and women?

• What are some treatments for infertility?

• What causes menopause?

• What is andropause, and what causes it?

What is the effects of health habits and age?

• Diseases and chronic conditions are strongly affected by lifestyle

▫ Drug abuse

 Abuse of illegal drugs decreases

 Abuse of prescription drugs increases

▫ Tobacco

 Lung cancer = leading cause of cancer deaths

(including women) in North America

 Declined in U.S.

 Rising in developing nations

 Affected by social norms, laws, & advertising

Health habits & age (Cont.)

• Drinking

▫ In moderation

 Reduces coronary heart disease and strokes

 Increased “good” cholesterol (HDL)

 Reduces “Bad” cholesterol (LDL)

▫ Heavy drinking

 Increases violent death

 Implicated in 60 diseases

▫ Drinking alcohol is not a health strategy

• Overeating

▫ Excess weight increases every chronic disease

▫ E.g. diabetes

Health habits & age (Cont.)

• U.S. = Highest rate of obesity and diabetes

• Metabolism decreases by 1/3

• Genetics – Correlates with weight and diabetes

▫ Cultural influences are more important

• Inactivity – Correlates with almost every unhealthy condition

Do you remember?

• What is the leading cause of cancer deaths

(including women) in North America?

• What is the bad cholesterol in a blood test?

• What increases every chronic disease?

• What is the effect of aging on metabolism?

How can you deal with stress?

• Dealing with stress

▫ Problem –focused coping

 Solve the problem causing the stress

 Used more by men

▫ Emotion focused coping

 Change your feelings about the situation causing the stress

 Used more by women

• High stress increases the risk of disease

How do we measure health?

• Mortality = Death

▫ Number of deaths each year per 1,000 people in a population

• Morbidity = Disease

▫ The rate of physical, emotional and fatal diseases in a population

How is income related to health?

• Well-educated, financially secure adults (with high socioeconomic status – SES) live longer

▫ Healthy habits

▫ Better housing

▫ Better medical care

Do you remember?

• What are the two strategies for dealing with stress?

• What is the difference between mortality and morbidity?

• What is the relationship between income and health?
