Psychological Disorders


Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorders

 How do we classify disorders?

 Types of disorders

 Labeling

 What are:

 Anxiety disorders?

 Mood disorders?

 Dissociation disorders?

 Schizophrenic disorders

 Personality disorders?

How do we classify psychological disorders?



 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders

 (4th. Ed. Text revision(TR)

 Used to identify psychological disorders

 Does not explain causes

What is the effect of labeling psychological disorders?

 It biases your perception of the patient’s behavior

 After you know the diagnosis (label) even normal behavior is seen as a symptom of that diagnosis.

What are anxiety disorders?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

 Vague expectation that something bad will happen.

 Unfocused, out-of-control negative feelings.

Panic Disorder

 Panic attack

 Agoraphobia - fear of situations you can not escape if a panic attack occurs.


 An irrational fear of something

 E.g. Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

 Social phobia - fear of social situations

 (Shyness taken to an extreme)

Obsessive - compulsive disorders

 Obsessive = thoughts

 Thoughts that won’t go away

 Compulsive = behavior

 Checking a locked door

 Straightening books or fringe on a carpet

 Hand washing

 Flashing

Post-traumatic stress disorder


 Causes:

 Trauma

 War

 Rape

 Effects (symptoms)

 Nightmares

 Flashbacks

 Social withdrawal

 Anxiety

 Insomnia (trouble sleeping)

Dissociative disorders

 Conscious awareness becomes separated

(dissociated) from previous memories, thoughts and feelings.

Dissociative identity disorder

(Multiple personalities)

 Two or more distinct identities that control their behavior.

 Each person has its own voice and mannerisms.

 One personality is usually unaware of the others.

What are mood disorders?

 Depression

 The “common cold” of psychological disorders

 Main reason people seek mental health services

 Symptoms

 Low energy

 Low self-esteem

 Never happy

Bipolar Disorder

 Depression to manic episodes

 Alternating between hopelessness and unrestrained optimism.


 “Split mind”

 Disorganized speech and thought

 Word salad

 Flight of ideas

 Inappropriate emotions & actions

 Delusions (“I am God”)

 Hallucinations (see or hear things)

 False beliefs (Someone is poisoning me)

Types of Schizophrenia

 Paranoid

 Delusions or hallucinations

 Themes of persecution

 “The Russians are after me.”

Types of schizophrenia (cont.)

 Catatonic

 Motionless - for long periods of time

 Parrot like repeating of another’s speech


 Many different symptoms as discussed before.

What are Personality


 Antisocial personality disorder

 Formally called sociopath or psychopath

 No conscience or guilt feelings - (e.g. serial killer)
