Autodesk Sustainable Design Curriculum and Plumbing Systems for Sustainability

Autodesk Sustainable Design Curriculum
Lesson Six: Modeling the Design of Mechanical, Electrical,
and Plumbing Systems for Sustainability
 Plumbing
 Case Studies
 How to use GBS
Modeling Building Energy Use
© 2009 Autodesk
Goal: Design Buildings with Minimum Carbon Footprint for
a Given Program
Form/Footprint: Sun is the primary source of heat and light. Once built, the form is
fixed for 50, 100 years.
Envelope: Openings and mass primary source of cooling and fresh air for ventilation.
Location of openings for light and cooling/ventilation.
Electric lighting: Use in spaces where the natural light is insufficient and during hours
where there is no sun.
Mechanical Ventilation: Use in conjunction with #2 when #2 is not sufficient.
Mechanical Cooling: When #2 is not sufficient. First stage fans (economizer), then
compressorless where possible, and then compressors. Talking about displacement
versus radiant versus overhead supply should be after the first items are addressed.
Mechanical Heating: Use when #1 is not sufficient. Heat recovery where possible.
Generate Energy: Power what remains with noncarbon source (photovoltaics, air
and water panels, wind, hydro?, biodiesel?, nuclear? and other yet to be determined
© 2009 Autodesk
Where Should Efficiency Efforts Be Concentrated?
Energy Use
•Varies by Building Type
•Varies by Region
The architect’s design impacts the future energy use of lighting, heating,
cooling, water heating, and ventilation.
The largest piece may surprise some people―lighting.
The other surprise….
Based on current LEED, ASHRAE, and Title 24 Standards, designers ignore the
“other” loads that represent approximately 1/3 of the total for typical buildings,
and will represent even more in an efficient building—for low carbon, all the
energy should be considered.
© 2009 Autodesk
Where Should Efficiency Efforts Be Concentrated?
Criteria for Modeling Electric Illumination
Electric lighting is one of the primary uses of electricity in buildings. It has been
a long-standing area of focus for energy efficiency initiatives.
The desire to reduce the amount of energy used to illuminate a building must be
balanced with the very real safety, productivity, and comfort criteria that
professional lighting designers address.
Light can be transmitted from a light source to the eye through many different
processes. Today, designers use three simple mathematical models of these
processes to quickly produce efficient lighting:
For those who have a strong interest in this area, other more advanced
illumination models also exist.
(See and
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Where Should Efficiency Efforts Be Concentrated?
Criteria for Modeling Electric Illumination
A sustainable approach to artificial illumination maximizes natural daylight and
employs lighting controls (such as photosensors and occupancy sensors) along
with efficient lamps, ballasts, and fixtures to minimize energy use, while
optimizing the visual experience of the building inhabitants by addressing the
following criteria:
Glare-free, well-distributed daylighting.
Illumination levels and color contrasts required in different rooms
buildings, and building types at different times of the day and year.
The need to reduce “veiling flare” (stray light that washes out contrasts).
Ambient lighting requirements for background and space definition.
Task lighting requirements for individual detail work.
Accent lighting requirements for emphasis and drama.
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Design Goal: Daylighting with Supplemental
Electric Lighting Backup
Saves energy.
Connects people to the outdoors.
Student performance.*
Retail sales.*
Worker productivity.*
Drastically cuts lighting costs.
Pays for itself very quickly.
Does not have to cause glare or
heat gain.
© 2009 Autodesk
Direct Versus Indirect-Direct Lighting Fixtures:
Mini Case Study
•30’ x 30’
•2-lamp fixtures
•T-8 lamps, 3150
•58 watts/ fixture
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Simulation Results
fixtures provide:
•Higher illumination
•Less watts
•Fewer lamps
•Narrower range of
light to dark spots
2-lamp lensed
2 lamp directindirect
Illumination level
50.6 fc
51.2 fc
Lighting power density
1.3 W/sq. ft.
1.03 W/sq. ft.
Number of fixtures
Ratio of light to dark
With NO CHANGE in the ballasts or lamps—only fixture type—the lighting
power was reduced by 30%!
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Real Life Success Stories - Retail
3500K lamps
Standard power-factor ballasts
3” deep, 12-cell parabolic lenses
4-lamp fixtures
114 watts/fixture
4100K lamps
Low-power factor ballasts
1.5” 18-cell parabolic lenses
3-lamp fixtures
71 watts/fixture
Source of Photos: Osram Sylvania Lighting
© 2009 Autodesk
My Engineer Say She Cannot Beat the Lighting
Do not use the energy code as the target for your lighting energy. You can do
Large retail chain account has achieved LPD of 0.95 Watts/sf.
Illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) recommendations:
 Classroom: 30 FC
 Retail: 50 FC
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE) and
CA code requirements, maximum lighting power density (LPD) for whole
 School: 1.2 watts per square foot
 Retail: 1.5 watts per square foot
IESNA online lighting resource:
© 2009 Autodesk
Mechanical Cooling
Use mechanical cooling only when mechanical ventilation and natural ventilation are not
sufficient. Enable fans and economizers. Economizers, as the name implies, economize by saving
on cooling energy costs.
Examples of cooling without compressors include evaporative cooling, dessicant cooling, and in
some locations air pulled through an underground culvert. An evaporative cooler provides
cooling by combining water evaporation and moving air. Fresh outside air is drawn through a
moist medium; the air is cooled by evaporation and is:
Circulated through the space directly (direct evaporative cooling);
Used as a secondary air stream to pre-cool an air-conditioning system (indirect evaporative cooling);
Or a combination of the two, called indirect-direct or IDEC evaporative cooling.
The temperature of the outside air can be lowered by up to 30° F. Evaporative coolers are very
effective as long as the outside air is dry enough. However, the capacity for evaporative cooling
decreases as the humidity of the outdoor air increases. Newer two-stage, or indirect/direct
evaporative cooling systems, can provide cooling well beyond the thresholds of the traditional
“swamp coolers” used in the past.
The cooling stage of “last resort” is use of air-conditioning compressors. The supply air cooled by
the compressors can be distributed in ways that also impact the energy consumption of the
building. Fans can use a great deal of energy, and some distribution systems minimize the fan
energy better than others. This includes under-floor and displacement systems that take
advantage of the buoyancy of warm air and in some cases provide occupants with control over
the air flow in their own space.
© 2009 Autodesk
Mechanical Heating
Use mechanical heating systems when the building form/footprint does not allow sufficient
passive solar heating. Use heat recovery systems where possible and provide heat in a form that
is most useful to occupants. This can include radiant or convective heating, or a combination.
Heating Equipment
• Solar collectors.
• Furnaces (air heaters).
• Heat pumps.
• Boilers (water heaters/steam).
• Infrared radiant heaters (gas/electric) – Electric radiant heaters can be very expensive
unless the climate is mild.
• Electric heaters.
Cooling Equipment
• Heat rejection equipment.
• Direct Expansion (DX) units, typically called RTUs (rooftop units) or packaged units,
depending on the region.
• Chillers – In large buildings, the equipment used to produce cool water is called a chiller.
The cool water is pumped to air handling units to cool and dehumidify the air.
• In the U.S., the capacity of cooling equipment is typically measured in tons. One ton of
cooling is equal to the amount of cooling that occurs when one ton of ice melts in 24 hours.
One ton of cooling = 12,000 Btu/hr. A window wall air conditioner provides approximately
one ton of air conditioning.
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Air Distribution Equipment
The conditioned air is typically delivered with fans pushing the air through ductwork or under the
floor and through diffusers. Moving a large mass of air at low speed is a far more efficient than
pushing air through small ducts at high speed.
Constant Air Volume systems deliver a constant flow of air while varying the temperature of the
supply air.
• Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems vary the amount of air supplied to a zone while holding
the supply air temperature constant.
• Under-floor air distribution delivers air low in the space, at low velocity and pressure drop,
and relatively high temperature compared to traditional ceiling delivery systems that
deliver a blast of 55° F air from above. This system type has the potential to save energy
with both reduced fan energy and warmer supply air (reduced HVAC loads), and to provide
a high degree of individual comfort control.
• Displacement ventilation relies primarily on the buoyancy of warm air rather than fans to
move air.
• Radiant heating provides space heating by circulating heated water or steam through
radiators in the room or tubing embedded in the floor.
• Chilled beams provide space cooling by circulating cool water through exposed tubes in the
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Built Up Systems
Typically use chilled water (CHW) and hot water (HW) instead of
refrigerant to move heat to central air handlers that contain the fans,
economizers, cooling and heating coils, and dampers.
Chillers supply the chilled water.
Cooling towers that supply condenser water (CW) to the chiller are used
instead of the air condensers as found on most DX equipment.
Boilers typically supply the HW (can be steam from district heating).
Typically contain CHW, HW, and CW loops along with piping, pumps, and
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Chillers/ Chilled Water Loops
Air Handling Unit 1 (AHU)
•Centrifugal – large/efficient
•Screw – part load operation
•Reciprocating – small/cheap
Air Handling Unit 2 (AHU)
•Absorption – Gas/steam powered
• Many different piping/pumping
options. Older chillers typically require constant volume water flow. Newer chillers
tolerate variable flow well, saving on pumping energy at low loads.
•~2.0 – 3 gpm of CHW per ton of chiller capacity
•Efficiencies and Capacities
•Centrifugal ~150 – 10,000 tons, 0.45 – 0.70 kW/ton
•Screw ~100 – 300 tons, 0.6 – 0.8 kW/ton
•Reciprocating ~ 25 – 150 tons, 0.85 – 1.2 kW/ton, typically integrated air side
•Old chillers typically used R11, R12 CFC refrigerants. Newer chillers use 134a and
© 2009 Autodesk
Water and Energy Efficiency
While climate change awareness has led to an important movement toward
more energy efficient buildings, it is essential that an energy efficient design
also incorporate Water conservation measures. Why?
Although it may not be front-page news, there is a critical relationship
between water, energy, and global warming. We are all familiar with efficient
water-using appliances such as washing machines. However, even toilets and
irrigation systems consume electricity, but because that usage does not show
up on the electric meters in our homes and offices it is easy to ignore.
Based on recent research done in California, it is estimated that
approximately 19% of the state’s electricity and an even higher percentage of
its natural gas is used to acquire, treat, and convey water to end-users.
Clearly saving water also saves energy, although the connection is not
intuitive to most people.
© 2009 Autodesk
Water Conservation Strategies
In light of these increased demands for fresh water, sustainable designers
frequently rely on plumbing engineers to implement water conservation and
recycling strategies into the design of building plumbing systems. Water
conservation strategies for indoor systems typically rely on modeling use rates
(that is, flushes per person per day), flow rates (in gallons per minute), and
the number of persons in the facility.
Water conservation solutions usually specify low-flow fixtures and on-demand
water heaters. For outdoor irrigation systems, a water budget is used to
calculate the amount of water that a landscape needs, taking into account the
inputs and outputs of water to and from the root zone. Inputs, such as
precipitation, are subtracted from outputs, such as evapotranspiration, to
calculate the water needs of the landscape.
Many factors are taken into consideration when calculating a water budget,
such as plant type and irrigation system efficiencies. The water budget
establishes a baseline of how much the owner should expect to use in the
building, where the water goes, and when it is used.
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Onsite Renewable Energy
Photovoltaic (PV) panels convert between 5% and 20% of the incident solar energy
into electricity.
Wind turbines have an average efficiency of 35%.
PV and wind systems use an inverter to convert the direct current electricity from the
panels or turbines into alternating current that can be used in most buildings, and can
be “inter-tied” to the larger power grid. In remote locations, a battery system can be
used to store power. It does not typically make sense to store energy in batteries if the
project is in an urban or suburban location because of the high cost of batteries,
relative to the low cost of power supplied by the grid during the ”off peak” demand
nighttime hours.
General rules of thumb for renewable energy systems:
• Incorporate PVs as part of the shading systems of the building.
• Use wind power when available and appropriate to the site.
• It is almost always cheaper to use skylights to light a space than photovoltaic
panels or a wind turbine to power an inefficient lighting system.
© 2009 Autodesk
Modeling the Design of Plumbing Systems for
It has become common knowledge in the AEC community that global water supplies
are coming under increasing pressure.
Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh and less than a third of 1% of this is available to
humans. Many models of global climate change include increased incidence of
When sustainable designers turn their attention to the design of plumbing systems, it
becomes even clearer how important fresh water is to every aspect of a building’s
design, construction, and operation.
The challenge of sustainability for the modeling of plumbing systems requires an
added awareness of the importance of water conservation, because potable water is
increasingly being used for many other purposes besides just drinking, bathing, and
conveying sewerage.
© 2009 Autodesk
Modeling the Design of Plumbing Systems for
Plumbing for “Green” Roofs and Rainwater Catchment Systems
Plumbing for “Green” Roofs
Green roofs usually require permanent irrigation systems that are similar to site
irrigation systems. These systems are designed and installed by an irrigation system
provider, so it is important to coordinate a green roof’s layout with the irrigation
system design. A water budget is used to calculate the amount of water that a
landscape needs.
Plumbing for Rainwater Catchment
The integration of rainwater catchment from roof areas is another rapidly expanding
area of design innovation. Plumbing engineers are being called upon to help model
and implement strategies for sizing catchment storage tanks (with respect to local
precipitation, system demand, dry periods during the year, and the roof area), and
dealing with environmental pollutants such as dust, twigs, leaves, and bird/animal
© 2009 Autodesk
Modeling the Design of Plumbing Systems for
Plumbing for Water Source Heat Pumps
Energy efficiency goals have made water source heat pumps much more attractive to
building owners, designers, and builders because they are extremely efficient
technologies for heating and cooling spaces.
The best models extract 5 kWh of heat from the water loop for every 1 kWh of
electricity used to power the compressor and fan, delivering all 6 kWh as heat into the
air. This 6-to-1 ratio is called the COP (Coefficient of Performance), and can be equated
to a 600% efficiency level. By comparison, the very best fossil fuel furnaces and boilers
produce heat at less than 100% efficiency.
A high-efficiency chiller is typically 10 to 15% less efficient than a water source heat
pump (TET) system, operationally, while a standard chiller performs 30 to 50% less
(John Vastyan, 2009 “Thermal Energy Transfer to Commercial Building Efficiency,” TMB
Plumbing Engineer.
© 2009 Autodesk
Case Study: Municipal Office
30,000 sq. ft. municipal office in Santa Clarita.
• Strawbale construction.
• Reduced the cooling system size by 50%.
• Half the building is daylit – high performance glass +
• Lighting system has 60% of “Title 24” Watts.
• Raised floor “displacement” cooling.
• Exceeded T24 Standard by approximately 45%.
Except for the strawbale construction, the efficiency upgrades
were paid for by the reduction in number of cooling units
and a reduced number of lighting fixtures.
© 2009 Autodesk
Case Study – Southern California Office Building
•Skylights 1st and 2nd Floor with chase.
•Lighting at 40% of T24 (0.5 W/sq. ft.).
•LED task lighting (0.05 W/sq. ft.).
•Shading of glass for visual comfort.
•Cooling system size reduced 30%.
•Energy Use – reduced 35% (50% if “plug” loads are counted).
•PV’s power approximately 50% of the rest.
•LEED Platinum applied for.
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Case Study – Southern California Office Building
Wildomar Service Center
Annual Energy Cost by Measure
Alt 0
Alt 1
Alt 2
Alt 3
Alt 4
Alt 5
Alt 6
Alt 7
Alt 8
Alt 9
Alt 10
Alt 11
Alt 12
Alt 13
Alt 14
Alt 15
Alt 16
Alt 17
Alt 18
Alt 19
Alt 20
Alt 22
Alt 23
Alt 24
Alt 25
Alt 26
Alt 27
Alt 28
Alt 29
Alt 30
Alt 31
Alt 32
Alt 33
Alt 34
Alt 35
Alt 36
Alt 37
Alt 38
Alt 39
Alt 40
Alt 41
Alt 42
Alt 43
Alt 44
Title 24
Prelim. Design + Skylt + Ctrls
Approx. 100 tons of
peak cooling for
baseline building
Whole Building Energy Analysis
Varying Insulation,
Thermal Mass
Raise sill ht. 1'
Varying Glazing Characteristics
Light Shelves for Daylighting
Building Shades - varying size
•Top line, Energy Code Baseline,
nearly $90,000 annually.
•Bottom three bars, combination of
energy efficiency measures,
approximately $45,000 annually. Half
of the baseline!
Add'l Skylights and Controls
Lighting, Task Lighting, Occ Sensors
Enhance Pkg HVAC with Evap Condenser + IDEC
Alt 36 -UFAD Bad Results
Very Efficient Central Plant
Natural Ventilation
Night Flush Ventilation
Energy Star Plug Loads
Approx. 70 tons of peak
cooling - Alts 42 - 44
Electric Cost
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Combination Packages
A, B, C
Gas Cost
•Not all energy saving measures
“count” for regulatory purposes (for
example natural ventilation), but all
measures should be considered when
designing for carbon neutrality.
Schematic Designs in Autodesk® Green Building
Studio® Web Service (GBS)
If the change is a change in form, make the change in the BIM
Building footprint
Adding, moving glazing/skylights,
Changes in floor plan
Adding shading surfaces/shading studies with sun position
If the change is a technology, equipment, or component, make
the change in GBS.
Glazing properties (heat gain, transparency, and so on)
Lighting and lighting controls
Insulation levels
Quantifying energy impacts of shading
HVAC type and efficiency
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Step 4: Exporting to the Green Building Studio Web Service from the
Revit® Family of Products
Step 2: Specify a zip code for
your building’s location and
the building type under the
Settings|Project Information
menu and gbXML Settings
Step 1: Under the Room and
Area Design Bar, select the
Settings icon to open the
Room and Area Settings
dialog box. Select the
Compute Room Volumes
check box.
Step 3: Select the Green
Building Studio Client menu
item under the
Tools|External Tools menu.
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Step 5: Login to Autodesk Green Building Studio Client
Log in
Choose a Project
Get Results
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Step 6: GBS Run Begins
If everything with your model is correct, a browser window
will open, presenting you with the status of your Green
Building Studio energy analysis.
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Step 7: View Results
Most runs complete within minutes. Large models (with gbXML files over 8 MB) may take up to an
hour to run. Once your run is complete, you will see a screen similar to the one above.
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Start Analyzing Design Alternatives
Click HERE
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Design Alternatives Screen
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Steps to Running Design Alternatives
1. Select a tab of interest, and make change in drop-down list; in this case, changing to
PPG glass.
2. Make additional changes as desired.
3. Give alternative a name “PPG Glass.”
4. Click the #3 button.
5. Repeat as desired.
6. Click the #4 button.
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Look at the Results
Start at the run list.
Good place to see how
much gas/electric/fuel
is consumed and its
cost, across alternatives.
Export to Excel if
Select an alternative
to look at in detail. Click
the run name.
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Which Changes Had the Most Impact?
•Envelope Construction
•Glazing Type/Amount/Shading
Which metric of “impact” is emphasized?
•kWh/therm/gallon of fuel oil
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What Happens – Measure by Measure
Energy Use by Alternative
Annual Fuel
GBS Training ofc box multizone_pb.xml
E Shape + Hi R+W Insul
GBS Training ofc E-Shape multizone pb.xml
E Shape + Hi Roof Insul
E Shape + PPG XL70
E Shape + XL70 + Daylight
Box + All Measures
Ltg + Insul + Daylt + Glass
E + XL70 + Day + Low LPD
Ltg + Insul + Daylt + Glass + HVAC
E + All + Triple Pane
Ltg + Insul + Daylt + Glass + Eff RTU
Annual Electricity
© 2009 Autodesk
Interoperability Between BIM, GBS, and Others
© 2009 Autodesk
Export Your File from GBS into eQUEST, EnergyPlus,
Trane Trace, and Other Engineering Tools
© 2009 Autodesk
Modeling Building Energy Use with DOE-2
DOE-2 is a widely used freeware building energy analysis program that
engineers can use to predict energy use and cost. Because it is scientifically
rigorous and open to inspection, DOE-2 has been chosen to develop many
different state, national, federal, and international building energy-efficiency
standards, including:
• The ASHRAE-90.1 standard for commercial buildings, which is based on
thousands of DOE-2 analyses for different building types and climates. This
standard is mandatory for new federal buildings, and has been adopted by many
states for nonfederal buildings.
• The ASHRAE-90.2 standard for residential buildings, which is based on 10,000
DOE-2 analyses.
• The State of California standard for commercial buildings (Title 24).
• Standards for other countries such as Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Switzerland, Brazil,
Canada, Mexico, and Australia.
© 2009 Autodesk
Modeling Building Energy Use with DOE-2
It is important to note that the DOE-2 Weather Data Library (consisting of
hourly values of outside dry-bulb temperature, wet-bulb temperature,
atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, cloud cover, and, in some
cases, solar radiation) was originally based on data from only 60 U.S. weather
Autodesk Green Building Studio (GBS) tool uses the DOE-2 engine, and
provides even more enhanced weather data, which includes 55,000 + virtual
weather stations, 231 TMY2 stations, and 16 California Climate Zone (CCZ)
GBS virtual station data was derived using two weather models:
the Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) and Mesoscale Meteorological Model version 5
© 2009 Autodesk
Modeling Building Energy Use with EnergyPlus
EnergyPlus is a next-generation, freeware building energy simulation program based
on DOE-2 and BLAST, another sophisticated energy analysis program. EnergyPlus has
numerous added capabilities.
EnergyPlus models heating, cooling, lighting, ventilating, and other energy flows, as
well as water in buildings. While originally based on the most popular features and
capabilities of BLAST and DOE-2, EnergyPlus includes many innovative simulation
capabilities, such as:
Time steps of less than an hour
Modular systems and plants integrated with heat balance-based zone simulation
Multizone air flow
Thermal comfort
Water use
Natural ventilation
Photovoltaic systems
EnergyPlus is a stand-alone simulation program. It lacks a user-friendly graphical
interface. EnergyPlus reads input and writes output as text files. A number of
graphical interfaces are available or under development.
See for more information.
© 2009 Autodesk
Green building measures cannot achieve their goals unless they work as intended. The
best way to determine whether a building is working as intended is by a process called
“commissioning.” Building commissioning includes testing and adjusting the envelope,
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems to ensure that all equipment works and
operates according to design criteria.
What Do You Get Without Commissioning?
A study of 60 commercial buildings found that more than half suffered from control
• 40% had problems with HVAC equipment.
• 1/3 had sensors that were not operating properly.
• 15% had missing specified equipment.
• Approximately 1/4 of them had energy management control systems (EMCS),
economizers, and/or variable speed drives that did not run properly.
Benefits of Commissioning
• Increase in energy efficiency.
• Improved performance of building equipment and systems.
• Improved IAQ, occupant comfort, and productivity.
• Decreased potential for building owner liability related to IAQ problems.
• Reduced operation and maintenance costs.
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Modeling the performance of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems is
an essential step in the sustainable design process.
Optimizing the design of each of these systems so that they interact in a
mutually reinforcing manner, with respect to the flow of heat and the
consumption of energy and water, enables architects and MEP engineers to
achieve sustainable design goals and to fine-tune whole building performance.
© 2009 Autodesk
Autodesk, Green Building Studio and Revit are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. and/or its
subsidiaries and/or affiliates, in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks
belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product offerings and specifications at any time
without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document.
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