The US border with Mexico is 1951 miles long The US border with Mexico is 1951 miles long The Mexico-US border is the most frequently crossed international border in the world 350 million people cross legally every year The US Government estimates that between 400,000 and 700,000 people enter the US illegally every year. That’s… between 1,095 and 1,918 people every day or 46 to 80 people every hour According to the National Science Foundation, each illegal resident in the US costs the Government more than $4,800 per year Mexican workers in the US send more than $12 billion back to Mexico each year The US Government estimates that 14,000 people are trafficked into the US each year. 80% are women and girls In 2005, 35 human traffickers were convicted in US court In 2005, 158 trafficking victims were granted visas to stay in the US (Temporarily) 45% of all agricultural laborers in the US are undocumented workers There are between 7 and 20 million people in the US illegally. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, Mexicans make up 57% of this population. Other Central and South Americans make up 24% of this population Good fences make good neighbors. -Robert Frost Good fences make good neighbors. -Robert Frost Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up. – GK Chesterton Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends. – Czech Proverb In 2005, more than 500 people died crossing into the US from Mexico