Syllabus - Fall 2010 SSC101 DZ1 Introduction to Information Research for Social Sciences: African American History “It is ok to look to the past to learn for the future” Format - Online Credits - 3 Instructor: Wadiyah Nelson email- office hours - online & in-person by appointment My Teaching Philosophy: I bring my knowledge of library and information systems, the research process, and African American History. I set the basic trajectory of the course and enough structure and content along the way so that we can spend our time figuring out strategies and sources. You bring an idea of what you want out of this course, and how you can make it work to your advantage as a critical thinker exploring the information universe and learning how to conduct research effectively in the social sciences. Course Description: This course develops critical-thinking as it is applied to the research process by examining strategies for locating and using information resources. Focus is on finding, evaluating, and citing information relevant to students’ self-selected topics in African American History. Emphasis is on gaining proficiency in using electronic resources including those available on the library's information networks, the library catalog, and the Web. Explorations include understanding key information policy issues such as plagiarism, copyright, censorship, & freedom of information. Course Goals: Become an effective library and information user who can plan and conduct research on specific topics and communicate results through weekly discussions, and develop a pathfinder project. Develop confidence as an information consumer who can find and evaluate information in order to make informed decisions 1 Essential Learning Outcomes -- Intellectual and Practical Skills, including • • • critical thinking and problem solving information literacy collaboration: group and team work Course Level Outcomes-- Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Select research topics and develop strategies to identify and retrieve relevant information Discover, evaluate, and use a wide variety of information resources Understand and practice using library and other information organization systems Demonstrate ability to select resources appropriate to stated research objectives Document information sources using annotation and standard bibliographic MLA citation format Student Outcomes, Competencies: Choose a research focus area (topic) from a provided list of options Orient search strategies to this research focus area Select variety of sources clearly relevant to this focus area Critically analyze sources Critically annotate sources Apply ethics of using information accurately, citing sources Compare different perspectives Draw original conclusions Reflect critically on research strategies and choices Textbook: There is no required textbook for this course. Readings and lectures will be made available online, either through immediate access or through assigned search strategies. Weekly flow of Due Dates -- ALWAYS check our Angel course website for the current Week's expectations, this flow is a framework that may change as needed Mondays - Reading – make this your target date to get the week’s reading done. The rest of the week’s work generally depends on Monday’s reading. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Discussion Board posts. Grade Values (out of 200 points possible). Note: descriptions of pathfinder project are available in Angel course website: Assignment DUE Points *Pathfinder project o Choose topic 12/15 11/8 80 Discussion Board Posts & Responses 2x a week 120 2 Topic Development Sheet 1st draft – 10/22 2nd draft – 10/29 3rd draft - 11/2 NOTE: Assignments are due by 11:55pm on stated date Weekly modules in Angel course website will be available a week in advance, at the very least Feedback from me on your work will be available to you within a week of the date you turn it in (barring emergencies) Late Work : You have ONE chance to turn an assignment in late with no penalty and no questions asked. the assignment must be turned in within one week of the original due date. This chance applies to all assignments, large or small. Beyond the one chance there is no late work accepted. No exceptions. Americans with Disabilities Act: If you need course accommodation because of a disability, or you have emergency medical information to share with me, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible. COURSE CALENDAR: Week One 9/27 to 10/1: Introduction & beginning research M - Read syllabus and course expectations T - Self-introduction Discussion Board post T – Review Pathfinder assignment and post questions/comments on discussion board T- Review Topic Development Sheet and post questions/comments on discussion board Week Two 10/4 to 10/8: Beginning Research M- IRIS Module: Getting Started T- post questions/comments re: Module on discussion Board T- Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877: Lectures 1,2,3 Th/F – Post comments: minimum two paragraphs Re: Civil War lectures on discussion Board Week Three 10/11 to 10/15 M – IRIS Module: Explore Resources T – post questions/comments about the module on discussion board W- The Civil War: Lectures 4 and 5 Th – Review African American Resource Sheet – Choose a minimum of 5 websites to explore to assist you in topic ideas. Post a short summary of each on discussion board Th/F – post comments/questions/comments about the Civil War lectures on Discussion board Week Four 10/18 to 10/22 M – IRIS Module: Find Information T - Post questions/comments about the module on discussion board W – The Civil War: Lecture 6 and 7 Th – Topic Development Sheet – 1st draft due (word document sent to instructor) 3 Th/F – Post questions/comments about the Civil War lectures on discussion board Week Five – 10/25 to 10/29 M – IRIS Module: Evaluate Information T - Post questions/comments on discussion board W – Civil War Lectures 8 and 9 Th/F – Post questions/comments on the discussion Board F- Topic Sheet Development – 2nd draft due (word document to instructor) Week Six – 11/1 to 11/5 M – Explore the website: (play around with it using search terms) T – Explore the Diana Hacker research website: W- Post questions/comments re: the two websites on the discussion board Th – Civil War lectures 9 and 10 Th/F - Post questions/comments on discussion board Week Seven – 11/8 to 11/12 M – Post to the discussion board a brief summary of your pathfinder topic. T - Post to the discussion questions/comments about 1-2 of your classmates’ pathfinder topics. W – Civil War Lectures 11,12 and 13 Th/F – Post questions/comments to the discussion board. Week Eight – 11/15 -11/19 M – IRIS Module: Avoiding Plagiarism T – Post to the discussion board questions/comments W – Civil War lectures 14, 15, and 16 Th/F – post your questions/comments to the discussion board Week Nine – 11/22 to 11/24 M – Civil War Lecture 17, 18 and 20 W - Post your questions/comments to the discussion board. Week Ten – 11/29 to 12/3 Take this week to get started on your pathfinder project Th/F - Post any questions/concerns/comments to the discussion board W- Civil War lectures 21, 22 and 23 Th/F – Post questions/comments to the discussion board Week Eleven – 12/6 to 12/10 Continue to work on your Pathfinder project W – Send me a draft to review and provide comments 4 Th – Civil War Lectures 24, 25 and 26 Th/F – Post questions/comments to the discussion board Week 12 – No final exam scheduled M - Civil War lecture 27 T- Post questions/comments to the discussion board W – Pathfinder project due (no late assignments will be accepted)(send in a word document format to the instructor) 5