RES-217 Example Project 1: Sustainable Site Feasibility & Market Analysis

Project 1: Sustainable Site Feasibility & Market Analysis
Name: Sheldon O’dahl
Please select a site in the Seattle area parcel that is appropriate for commercial
development. You may select a site near your own residence or one that is of particular
interest to you. You will use the City of Seattle resources to complete this assignment
(please refer to the Project 1 Example for additional information).
Please use this Template to complete Project 1. Enter requested information for each
question (Note: simply stating “No” is not an acceptable answer and will be graded
accordingly.). Add an aerial image of the site as directed (#3).
Exercise 1 is worth up to 25 points with the point value of each section listed below.
Assess the appropriateness of this site for development
with regards to sustainability.
1. Location & Current Conditions (2 points):
Provide cross street & current conditions of the site, e.g. SE corner of E. Union and MLK,
Seattle, and a brief description of the parcel, e.g. commercial, multiple use, residential, etc.
10049 College Way North, Seattle, WA
Southwest corner of College Way North and N 103rd Street, Seattle, WA.
Currently, the site is fully developed with one building, previously used the Seattle
Police Department. The rest of the site is parking lot, tree cover and landscaping.
2. Parcel Number (2 points):
Provide number as provided by Seattle Department of Planning
[Screen shots below are to assist your search and do not need to be included in your
submission. Please summarize the information found on these pages for your
answers. Web sites below are found at]
Project 1: Sustainable Site Feasibility & Market Analysis
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3. Aerial Image (4 points)
Paste screenshot of aerial image from Google Maps and highlight the parcel, i.e., note the
site location by circle, shade, or reference by pointer.
4. Walkscore (2 points):
Provide location’s score from e.g. 72/100
69/100 – Somewhat Walkable
5. Development Parcel Type (2 points):
Describe development status of site, e.g. brownfield, redevelopment, infill, greenfield, etc.
Property is developed with existing structure, so development would be a
6. Existing Infrastructure (2 points):
Determine status of Infrastructure, e.g. (1) yes, infrastructure exists – then list the
infrastructure available, or (2) partial infrastructure exists – then identify which
infrastructure is not available, no potable water, no sewer, or (3) no infrastructure exists
because it is a greenfield.
Yes, infrastructure exists – water district, public sewer, access to public road, paved
street surface, adequate parking area.
7. Endangered Species or Communities (1 point):
Determine if site is affected by an endangered species or community area, e.g. Salmon
Watershed, Spotted Owl Habitat, etc.
Part of Salmon Watershed in North Seattle.
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8. Topography & Critical Areas (2 points):
Describe any potential critical areas designations provided by Seattle Department of
Planning e.g., steep slopes, or potential slide area, flood plains, or wetlands, etc.
In area of wetlands, otherwise, no steep slopes greater than 40%, not flood prone,
not in a potential slide area.
9. Access to Transit / Trails (1 point):
Describe access to public transit or walking/biking trails near the site, e.g. three bus lines
nearby, directly adjacent to Burke Gilman Trail, etc. ( also provides Transit
Good Transit score – 60 – with 10 routes nearby. Seven routes within a block and
Transit Station within a mile. Area is bikable, however, no trails are noted. Car
sharing is available from RelayRides and Zipcar.
10. Access to Housing / Jobs / Schools (2 points):
Describe the Neighborhood Area, e.g., near low-density residential house (i.e. 10 dwelling
units per acre), elementary school directly across the street, surrounded, by strip malls
with low-skill labor jobs, office parks within x miles offering professional jobs, or
manufacturing with blue-collar jobs, etc.
Site is surrounded by low-density residential houses with outpatient Medical Center
and Community College across street. Northgate Mall and many strip malls nearby
offering professional and entry level jobs.
11. Assessment of Sustainability (5 points):
In one paragraph, briefly discuss the viability of sustainably developing this site.
Examine the sustainability indicators above and determine whether or not they indicate this
site could be developed sustainably and/or list the specific barriers to sustainable
The site could be redeveloped easily without need for investment in building up the
infrastructure, however, since its zoning is designated Residential, Single Family,
there would need to be a variance acquired in order to develop the land
commercially. If developed commercially, the accessibility of the site by transit and
by vehicle, due to its proximity to I-5 exits, would make the site very convenient. The
site could also be developed for high-density residential mixed with commercial and
due to its proximity to nearby community college and both professional and nonprofessional businesses within walking distance the need for using a car is reduced.
Care will need to be given due to the proximity of a wetland area and the sensitivity
of the Salmon Watershed.
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