Green Real Estate Week 1 Introduction to Green Real Estate Cate O’dahl, Instructor

Green Real Estate
NSCC - RES 130
Week 1
Introduction to Green Real Estate
Cate O’dahl, Instructor
Class Orientation
Schedule – 1st Eight Weeks of the Quarter
Syllabus – Find Syllabus on Angel Home
Course Format – Eight Weekly Modules
include Instruction, Discussion, Learning
Assessment – Quizzes, Reading Assignment and
Extra Credit, when applicable
Class Schedule
Week 1:
Introduction to Green Real Estate, Definitions,
Concepts and Characteristics.
Class Outcomes and Procedures, Syllabus
Week 2:
Green Rating Systems – Built Green®, LEED for Homes,
NW Energy Star
Week 3:
Sustainable Sites/Water Conservation
Week 4:
Energy Performance
Week 5:
Indoor Air Quality
Week 6:
Green Building Materials
Week 7:
Remodeling and Verification
Week 8:
The “Green” Market
Class Orientation
Pay attention to the Learning Objectives,
they will be test questions
Required Textbook – Your Green Home
Recommended Materials
Grading – Total 350 points + Extra Credit
Late Exam/Assignment Policy
Extra Credit Options
Class Orientation
Syllabus, con’t
Criteria for Class Participation
 Goals for Completion
 Classroom/Exam Conduct
 NSCC Policies and Support Services
Cate O’dahl
on Academic Honesty
“If you steal from one author,
it's plagiarism; if you steal from many,
it's research.” Wilson Mizner
So, remember, if you directly quote
one author, you must make a citation,
if you see the general idea in three or
more instances, paraphrase.
Class Orientation
Built Green® Real Estate Professional
Designation Update
Satisfactory completion of this course
satisfies a prerequisite to be eligible to
take the Built Green® Real Estate
Professional exam
Class Introductions
This is a required part of your
Discussion Forum
Consider light green is using compact
fluorescents while deep green is powering
your house with solar photovoltaic
How did we get to Green Building?
Energy Crisis of the 1970’s
Similarities to Current Energy Crisis?
Oil Rig in California,
Time Magazine 2008
Gas Lines in the 1970’s
What is a Green Building?
Residential or Commercial ?
Rural or Urban ?
Can be Both
Traditional Appearance or
Cutting Edge ?
Large or Small?
Can be Both
What is a Green Building?
Your Textbook Describes them as Buildings that:
Have minimal adverse impacts
on ecosystems
Reduce reliance on automobiles
Are energy-efficient
Along with the site, conserve water
Are built in environmentally
responsible manner
Are durable and have
low maintenance
Help occupants conserve
Are comfortable, safe, and
healthy to live in
Defining Green in the Industry
No standard definition for “green”
Great Law of the Iroquois
Protecting the seventh generation
Brundtland Commission of the United Nations
Meeting the need of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs
Washington State Department of Ecology
A sustainable building, also known as
a green building, is a structure that is
designed, built, renovated, operated,
or reused in an environmentally-sound
and resource-efficient manner.
Defining Green in the Industry
United States Green Building Council
Design and construction practices that significantly
reduce or eliminate the negative impact of
buildings on the environment and occupants in the
five broad areas of:
 Sustainable Site Planning
 Conservation of Materials and Resources
 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
 Safeguarding Water and Water Efficiency
 Indoor Environmental Quality
Green Building Elements
Site & Water Considerations
Energy Efficiency
Indoor Air Quality
Materials Efficiency
What are the Strategies of
Green Building?
Shades of GREEN
Green Building is all of these elements, but to what degree?
Strategies of Green Building are ways to satisfy
Green Building Elements
Your job as Real Estate Professionals is
to understand the distinctions and communicate
those distinctions to your clients
Green Building Trade-Offs
Costs – Upfront vs. Long-Term
Resources – Options
Image credit Microsoft
How to make the most of
Green Building
Integrated Design
Compromise upfront costs
with long-term costs –
life cycle costing
Image credit prairie view homes
How do you make sense of it all?
Books/ Articles
Reference & Instruction
Green Building Organizations
Network & Case Studies
Green Building Programs
Instruction and Standardization
Next Class
Green Rating Systems
Help Guide Integrated Process
Green Building Certification
Programs and the MLS
Built Green®
LEED for Homes
NW Energy Star
Next Class – Assignments
Read Your Green Home
Chapter One (if you haven’t already)
Assignment for Week Two Module
Go to the website recommended in Chapter One
and obtain a sample
Find the Single Family New Construction Built
Green® Checklist for King/Snohomish on-line
Find the LEED for Homes Project Checklist on-line
For more details – see Angel Week Two Module