Goal 1: Revitalizing BEIT Programs to Meet Current Industry Standards

Goal 1: Revitalizing BEIT Programs to Meet Current Industry
Standards (thereby attracting more students) –
o Redesign curriculum in BEIT programs. Likely strategies include: return to
industry program for faculty, collaboration with industry for program revision and
redesign, faculty PD to support pedagogical change.
Goal 2: First Quarter Success Initiative - Ensure all students experience an
engaging, comprehensive introduction to their new learning environment during their first
quarter on campus.
o Develop a 2 credit “College Ready Seminar” for first quarter students (unless
waived by an advisor b/c of incoming transfer credits and/or students enrolling
directly in a Beginnings I. S. course first quarter) – tailored sections for different
groups of students. Beginning ESL students could experience within their
classroom via integrated curriculum-- reference previous Title III work. The
older/returning student and younger student sections? Evening and Weekend
offerings? Possible focus on information literacy, introduction to E-portfolio,
menu of student services and IEP development. Need to flesh out concept with
input from SS, faculty, and library staff and by looking to other campuses’ work.
Implies curriculum development, PD, scheduling and advising changes,
technology upgrades, collaborative instruction between SS and academic faculty.
o Calling campaign/campus mentoring project for all first quarter students (implies
coordination work and staff training)
o Advising changes to further emphasize first quarter engagement. (Is this earlier
advising for everyone or some subset of folks identified thru the first quarter
student seminar? Is this just advising or other services as well? What might this
look like?
o Off-hour services expansion
Effort will require tracking changes for first quarter student data collection and some
communications/outreach work changing how we describe a student’s experience at
NSCC to emphasize the first quarter supports.
Goal 3: Increase Instructional Supports for High Risk Students
o Create more “instructional bridging” activities for ABE/ESL students to move
beyond basic skills (Talk to division. Is this more Work Discoveries, is this
reviving the Student Services curriculum for all ESL levels, is this increased IBEST awareness within levels 1-5?, Is this a new requirement for meeting with
Advisors during level 3 ESL?). Implies possible curriculum revision, PD and
advising changes, increased collaboration between developmental level/college
level and ABE/ESL level faculty to norm expectations and build common
experiences for students as they progress.
o Establish a new “Open Skills Lab” for ESL/ABE students to access self-paced
English language and Basic Skills instruction throughout the quarter (will this
also include basic skills/career software? What about software in native
languages?) Implies software and hardware purchases, physical space
requirements, scheduling adjustments (to staff lab with ESL/ABE instructors each
day), and curriculum change to integrate the lab with existing classes. Benefit of
increased FTEs if we use SSCC model.
o Increase overall coordination and align quality of tutoring services across campus.
(Implies increased training for tutors, collaboration between faculty and tutors
(for targeted courses?), beefing-up monitoring/tracking of all tutoring services to
analyze and respond to gaps in service)
o Offer selected high-risk and developmental-level courses with Supplemental
Instruction. (implies faculty PD, student leader recruitment, possibly some
curriculum change, scheduling changes, 3-way collaboration between SI leaders,
faculty, and tutoring center staff)
o Off-hour services expansion
Goal 4: Support and Expand Innovative, Student-Centered
Instructional Models and Methods to Accelerate the Campus-Wide
Shift From a Traditional “Teaching Paradigm” to a “LearningParadigm”
o Increase the number of I-BEST pathways, the number of faculty engaged in IBEST programs, and the number of ABE/ESL students enrolling in I-BEST
classes (implies I-Best professional development, possible curriculum
change/design, new outreach strategies to entering ESL/ABE students and those
in levels 1-3 for pathway awareness and support. Implies cross collaboration for
professional technical and ESL/ABE faculty, scheduling changes).
o Expand the integrated studies “Beginnings” course to offer a similar experience
for students pursuing the AS degree (with tailored content to that academic area)
and increase the number of students enrolling in the Beginnings course during
their first quarter of college-level work. (Implies PD, curriculum development,
student progression/pathway designs emphasizing 1st quarter learning community
experience, scheduling changes)
o Incorporate service learning and undergraduate research opportunities into more
classes across the curriculum. Implies PD, curriculum development,
coordination/placement oversight, scheduling changes, extensive external partner
collaboration for both SL and research)
o Increase the number of courses exhibiting characteristics of the “learning
paradigm”. (Implies PD, curriculum development/change, faculty collaboration,
scheduling changes)
The above section could support physical space renovations – both classrooms and commonareas for group work. Also supports master scheduling piece. Supports some
communications/outreach work changing how we describe a student’s experience at NSCC to
emphasize these pathway and learning community models.