Lecture Exam II Bio 101 Biology Stavney

Bio 101 Biology
Lecture Exam II
100 points total. Directions:
1. First, write your name at the top of this exam.
2. On a computerized answer form, fill out your name, date, class, and exam number
3. Write the first three letters of your last name across the back top part of the computer form.
4. Answer all the multiple-choice, true-false questions directly on a computerized answer form,
filling in the rectangles with a #2 pencil that correspond to the correct answers.
5. Complete the short answer sheet at the back of the exam, including putting your name on that
6. Separate the short answer sheet from the rest of the questions, fold it in half lengthwise, and
write the first three letters of your last name in the blanks provided.
7. Insert your computer form into the folded sheet.
8. Insert the folded short answer sheet in between the pages of these questions.
9. Submit your exam
Completed exam
for student Joe Smith
Use the picture below to answer the following questions. If the correct answer is more than one letter
long, like "ab", fill in BOTH "a" and "b" on your answer sheet for that question.
1. Which structure in the cell could be described as a "bag of digestive enzymes" which acts as the
"greeting and garbage committee" of the cell?
2. Where in the cell above is genetic information stored?
3.Which structure can be called the "shipping and packaging station" of the cell (the Fed Ex or UPS
station) where proteins are modified and packaged for destinations around the cell?
4. In which structure is food energy converted into useable cellular energy (ATP) along with the waste
chemicals carbon dioxide and water?
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 1
5. Protozoans (animal-like protists) are usually categorized by:
a. what they use to move around with
b. what kind of chlorophyll they have
c. whether they reproduce using club shapes or sac shapes
d. whether they are heterotrophic or autotrophic
e. where they usually live
6. In fungi, the term "mycelium" refers to
a. a single thread-like chain of cells
b. anti-bacterial chemicals
c. a mat of interwoven hyphae
d. a product of meiosis
e. a fungus shaped like a mushroom
Match the description at the left with the group of organisms on the right. If the correct answer is more
than one letter long, like “ab”, fill in both “a” and “b” on your answer sheet.
7. Multicellular, photosynthetic, eukaryotic, lives
mostly in the ocean; considered a protist
8. Multicellular, photosynthetic, true roots and
vascular tissue, reproduces by means of flowers
9. Unicellular, eukaryotic, saprophytic, forms a stem
from which to drop spores, example: mushroom
10. Unicellular, photosynthetic, eukaryotic, causes
red tides and paralytic shellfish poisoning, swims
by means of a long whip-like tail, microscopic
11. Multicellular, photosynthetic, dominant gametophyte
generation, no true roots, no vascular tissue
a. angiosperms plants
b. eubacteria
c. archaebacteria
d. amoeba protozoans
e. ciliated protozoans
ab. flagellate protozoans
ac. yeast
ad. diatoms (unicellular algae)
ae. dinoflagellates (unicellular algae)
bc. multicellular algae (seaweeds)
bd. mosses
be. club fungi
cd. gymnosperm plants
ce. ferns
de. lichens
12. Unicellular, prokaryotic, old design, some can live
in hotsprings, very salty water, or acidic ponds
13. The term "seed-bearing plants" refers to:
a. only angiosperms
b. only gymnosperms
c. both angiosperms and gymnosperms
d. only mosses
e. only ferns
14. An organism that is eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic, with several different kinds of tissues and
specialized parts must be a(n):
a. animal
b. plant
c. protist
d. fungus
e. bacterium
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 2
Match the description on the left with the animal group at the right. Some answers may be used more
than one. If the correct answer is two letters long, like “ab”, fill in BOTH “a” and “b” on your answer
15. Body segmented in head, thorax, and abdomen;
jointed exoskeleton, antennae, compound eyes; e.g. an ant
16. Scaly skin, amniotic eggs, internal fertilization,
ectothermic, e.g. a lizard
17. Bilateral symmetry, soft bodied with a shell,
radula, mantle, e.g. a snail
18. Bilateral symmetry, flattened body, parasitic,
no coelom, not segmented, e.g. a tapeworm
19. Scaly skin, external fertilization, exothermic,
water based, bones of calcium phosphate, rays in
the fins, air (swim) bladder, gills, jaws, e.g. a goldfish
a. sponges
b. cnidarians
c. flatworms
d. roundworms
e. segmented worms
ab. molluscs
ac. arthropods
ad. echinoderms
ae. jawless fish
bc. cartilaginous fish
bd. bony fish
be. amphibians
cd. reptiles
ce. birds
de. mammals
20. Pentaradial symmetry, spiny skin, tube feet,
water vascular system, e.g. a starfish
21. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of chordate (backboned) animals at some point in
their life?
a. dorsal hollow nerve cord
b. gill slits
c. post-anal tail
d. endothermy
e. notochord
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUE/FALSE Answer “a” if true and “b” if false.
22. The function of the swim or air bladder in certain fish is to collect and store urine.
23. The major function of the amniotic sac surrounding a developing embryo is to prevent dehydration of
that growing embryo.
24. Lamprey eels are noted for their paired fins and snapping jaws with sharp teeth.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25. The term “true coelom” can be defined as:
a. a type of symmetry
b. a complete gut or digestive tract
c. a muscle-lined body cavity
d. a respiratory organ
e. a type of egg
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 3
26. Which of the following is a unique characteristic that only mammals have?
a. endothermy
b. fur
c. true coelom
d. vertebrae
e. amniotic egg
27. The animals we studied that have a pseudocoelom were the:
a. flatworms
b. cartilaginous fish
c. annelids
d. nematodes
e. molluscs
28. What type of body support is found in the arthropods?
a. hydrostatic skeleton
b. bony endoskeleton
c. cartilaginous endoskeleton
d. chitinous exoskeleton
e. no substantial body support at all
29. Cycling between a sporophyte (diploid) and a gametophyte (haploid) generation is known as:
a. alternation of generations
b. fertilization
c. mitosis
d. genetic cycling
e. monocots and dicots
30. A protein that is made by a ribosome attached to the endoplasmic reticulum is carried through the ER
until it buds off within a vesicle. Where does the protein go next?
a. to the membrane
b. to a mitochondrion
c. to the nucleus
d. to the Golgi body
e. to a lysosome
31. The DNA within a prokaryote is contained within the:
a. nucleus
b. nucleoid
c. endoplasmic reticulum
d. ribosome
e. cell wall
32. The cell wall of plants is made of:
a. protein
b. phospholipids
c. cellulose
d. peptidoglycan (murein)
e. DNA
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 4
33. Which structure within a plant cell acts as an internal "garbage dump" and helps to keep the cell
plump and rigid?
a. endoplasmic reticulum
b. central vacuole
c. centrioles
d. cell or plasma membrane
e. cell wall
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUE/FALSE Answer "a" if true and "b" if false.
34. The term "extremophiles" is a good description of the eubacteria.
35. Photoautotrophs get their energy from other living things and their carbon from the air or water.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36. The three types of algae are known for their different colors. These groups are called the red, green,
a. yellow
b. blue
c. purple
d. pink
e. brown
37. A microscope is set up with a 40X objective in place. The magnification of the condenser lens is 4X.
The magnification of the ocular is 10X. The light slider is set at "7". What is the total magnification of
an object being viewed using this set up?
a. 4X
b. 10X
c. 36X
d. 160X
e. 400X
38. What function does the iris diaphragm have on a microscope?
a. it regulates the amount of light that falls on the specimen
b. it focuses the rays of light to a sharp point on the specimen
c. it magnifies the image
d. it holds the slide flat
e. it allows the operator to move the slide around in a controlled way
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXTRA CREDIT TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS (answer "a" if true and "b" if false
39. Prokaryotes are believed to have evolved from eukaryotes.
40. The first prokaryotes appeared about 3.5 billion years ago.
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 5
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 6
24 pts
Be sure to write your name on this sheet and complete the questions. Then separate it from the test, fold it in half
lengthwise and fill in the first three letters of your last name in the blanks provided on the outside of this sheet.
Insert your computer form, with last name letters uppermost into this folded sheet. Then submit these items with
your test questions when you are finished.
A. 2 pts. Name one key or unique characteristic of a fern compared to other plants:
B. 2 pts. List 1 key characteristic of all angiosperm plants that separate them from other plants.
C. 3 pts. How do bacteria and fungi make all other life on earth possible?
D. 2 pts. The three shapes of bacteria are the coccus, spirillum, and
E. 2 pts. Which plant group has a vascular system but does not form seeds?
F. 6 pts. Name three structures or organelles that plant cell have that animal cells lack.
G. 7 pts. Fill in the blanks with the names of the 7 specific flower parts indicated by the pointer arrows.
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 7
First three letters of last name
Bio 101 Exam II Stavney pg. 8