Français I-Luskin - MAC (Module D’activite Culturelle) Les Regions de la France (Regions of France) It’s time to learn about the regions of France! You will be assigned to a group that will present information on a French region during a block period. The project will entail a slide show, presenting a video (that you find online) and preparing a regional dish to share with the class. All work will be done in ENGLISH! : ) Important Points: You will be researching your region based on the new AP themes and subcategories. You will be graded independently One project will be presented each month so your grade will not be entered until the end of the year. Tasks to prepare for your presentation for the 90 min block period: Warm up activity for the class Vocab lesson of French words related to your topic Slide show presentation related to AP themes Comprehension questions for the class Video about your region Video Listening comprehension questions for the class A Jeopardy Game of comprehension questions for the class A “country related” snack prepared by the group for the class You will receive points for each of these tasks and you will receive points for taking part in the comprehension questions of other groups’ presentation 1 Français I-Luskin - MAC (Module D’activite Culturelle) Phase 1 – Research Regions of France – You will be assigned a region based on your group number 1) Ile de France 2) Alsace 3) Rhone-Alps 4) Bourgogne 5) Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur 6) Aquitaine 7) Pays de la Loire 8) Bretagne 9) Normandie 10) Calais 1) Pick two categories per person: Global Challenges Beauty & Aesthetics Families & Communities Science & Technology Contemporary Life Personal & Public Identities 2) Choose one or more subcategories per category to research Global Challenges / Les Defies Mondiaux Diversity Economic Environmental Health Human Rights Nutrition Peace & War Health & Food Safety Beauty & Aesthetics / L’esthetique Architecture Contribution to world Artistic heritage Literature Music Performing arts Visual Arts Ideals of Beauty Families & Communities / La Famille et la Communauté Age & Class Childhood & Adolescence Citizenship Customs & Ceremonies Family Structure Friendship & love Science & Technology / La Science & La Technologie Current Research Topics Discovery & Inventions Ethical Questions Future Technologies Intellectual Property The New Media 2 Social Impact of Technology Français I-Luskin - MAC (Module D’activite Culturelle) Contemporary Life / La Vie Comtemporaine Advertising & Marketing Rites of passage Leisure & Sports Holidays & Celebrations Housing and Shelter Education Travel Professions Personal & Public Identities / La Quete de Soi Alienation & Assimilation Beliefs & Values Gender & Sexuality Language & Identity Multiculturalism Nationalism & Patriotism Phase 2 – Slide Show Presentation Create the following slide show presentation: Slide 1: Project Title with Names of Participants Slide 2: Class Warm-Up Questions Each student writes one warm up question to ask the class related to the presentation. List them on one slide For Example: 1) Have you ever been to the south of France? (Diane) 2) Do you like dried lavender? (Lise) 3) Have you seen Impressionists paintings of Provence? (David) Slide 3: Map showing region in France Slides 4 – 9: One Slide per Topic (Two per person) = 20 Points per slide (40 pts total) 3 - 5 images 5 information bullets about topic / subtopic Give a prediction for the future Relate to the topic with your personal life Compare this region to our community 2 vocabulary words related to the topic with gender of word: mn = masculine noun – LE, fn: feminine noun - LA Slide 10: One comprehension question per slide = 6 questions total Slide 11: Answers for power point comprehension questions Slide 12: Link to video with information on where it was taken and where Slide 13: Video comprehension questions (one per person) = 3 Total Slide 14: Video Comprehension answers 3 Français I-Luskin - MAC (Module D’activite Culturelle) Slide 15: Picture and/or recipe of regional dish Slide 16: La Fin ! : ) ***Make sure you identify your questions so you get credit for it! *** For example: 1) How is lavender oil made (Pierre) Phase 3: Presentation Day! 1) Have slide show ready to go 2) Have snack ready to serve – cut in 30 pieces with napkins (and plates /utensils if necessary) 3) Be prepared to verbally present your slides – in a mature manner 4) Once done, time to play Jeopardy and enjoy a snack! : ) LAST STEP: Go to google form, find your region and fill in the row with your information: Group member names, link to presentation, link to jeopardy and snack you will bring. LA FIN! What about the Jeopardy Game ? Create a Jeopardy Game based on the information your group teaches the class about your region. You will play it after each presentation. In order to be prepared for this game, you will be taking notes and answering questions during each presentation. Try not to loose your notes! 4 Français I-Luskin - MAC (Module D’activite Culturelle) MAC Check List & Grading Sheet Nom: MAC Region & Theme: Slides Fini (Done) Points 1 Title __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 2 Warm Up Questions__________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 3 Map __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 4 AP Slide #1 __________ __________ (5 pts / 5 pts) 5 AP Slide #2 __________ __________ (5 pts/ 5 pts) 10 Slide Questions __________ __________ (1 pt / 1 pt) 11 Slide Answers __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 12 Video Info & Link __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 13 Video Questions __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 14 Video Answers __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 15 Photo of dish __________ __________ (1 pt /1 pt) 16 La Fin! __________ __________ (1 pt- 1 pt) Jeopardy __________ __________(5 Homework pts) Snack __________ __________(5 Homework pts) Points for Presenters: Presentational Writing Total Points: 20 Points Presentational Speaking Total Points: 20 Points Homework Points for Jeopardy & Snack: 10 Points (Per presenter! : ) Points for Participants: Worksheet per presentation: 5 Interpretive Listening Points (x 10 presentations = 50 pts!) 5