Part 1 Key Terms & Concepts (Chapters 1-4)

Part 1 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 1-4)
1. What make makes the study of human development a science?
2. What are the five steps of the scientific method?
3. What are the three nested levels of Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological approach to
4. What is an experiment?
(what is being determined? What are the variables? What two groups are used?)
5. What is the difference between cross-sectional research and longitudinal research?
6. What is developmental theory?
7. According to your text, what three things do theories do?
8. What is psychoanalytic theory?
9. What is behaviorism?
10. What is cognitive theory?
11. What is sociocultural theory?
12. What is humanism?
13. What is evolutionary theory?
14. What is a gene and a genome?
15. Explain epigenetic.
16. What are the three main periods of prenatal development?
17. What are teratogens and behavioral teratogens?
18. What are 4 causes of low birth weight?
19. What is the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale?
20. What is the parent-infant bond?
Part 2 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 5-7)
1. What is head-sparing?
2. What are neurons? When are most of them created? Where are most
neurons located?
3. What is transient exuberance?
4. What are experience-expectant brain functions?
5. What are experience-dependent brain functions?
6. What are motor skills? What are the two types of motor skills?
7. What is protein-calorie malnutrition? What is stunting?
8. What is sensorimotor intelligence?
9. What are primary circular reactions?
10. What are secondary circular reactions?
11. What are tertiary circular reactions?
12. What is object permanence? Typically, at what age do children develop
object permanence?
13. What are affordances?
14. What is implicit memory? When does it typically emerge?
15. What is explicit memory? When does it typically emerge?
16. When does language learning begin?
17. What is self-awareness? When does it typically begin for humans?
18. What is synesthesia?
19. Define temperament?
20. What is an ethnotheory?
Part 3 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 8-10)
1. What is myelination? Does it increase or decrease in early childhood?
2. What is the corpus callosum and what does it do?
3. According to your text, over the years of early childhood, maturation of the
prefrontal cortex becomes evident through what four things?
4. What is preservation? What is its underlying cause?
5. What is the amygdala? How does increased activity of the amygdala affect young children?
6. What is child maltreatment?
7. What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? What are four of its symptoms?
8. What is preoperational intelligence?
9. According to Piaget, what is egocentrism?
10. According to Piaget, what is static reasoning?
11. According to Piaget, what is conservation?
12. According to Vygotsky, what four things do mentor do that encourages children to learn?
13. What theory of mind? When does it typically emerge?
14. What is fast-mapping?
15. What is the difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation?
16. What is sociodramatic play?
17. What is the difference between prosocial and antisocial behaviors?
18. What is psychological control?
19. What is a gender schema?
Part 5 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 14-16)
1. To what does puberty refer? How long does it last?
2. What is the HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis? Abnormalities of the HPA in
adolescence are associated with what?
3. What is the HPG (hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad) axis?
4. What are estradiol and testosterone? What are the effects of puberty on estradiol and
5. What are primary sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics?
6. What is child sexual abuse?
7. What is adolescent egocentrism?
8. What is personal fable?
9. What is invincibility fable?
10. What is formal operational thought?
11. What is hypothetical thought?
12. What is deductive reasoning? What is another term used for deductive reasoning?
13. What is inductive reasoning? What is another term used for inductive reasoning?
14. What is the dual-process model?
15. What is Erikson’s term for the fifth psychosocial crisis? According to Erikson, how
can it be resolved?
16. According to Erikson, what is foreclosure?
17. According to Erikson, what is moratorium?
18. According to Erikson, what are the four important aspects of identity?
19. What are cluster-suicides?
20. What is the difference between a life-course-persistent offender and an adolescentlimited offender?
Part 6 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 17-19)
1. What is emerging adulthood?
2. In regards to the physical body, what is homeostasis?
3. What is organ reserve?
4. What is the diathesis-stress model?
5. What is edgework?
6. What is postformal thought?
7. What is delay discounting?
8. Explain the difference between subjective thought and objective thought.
9. What is stereotype threat?
10. What is dialectical thought?
11. According to Gilligan, what are a morality of care and a morality of justice?
12. Explain Erikson’s sixth stage of development?
13. What is choice overload?
14. What is homogamy?
15. What is heterogamy?
16. What is social homogamy? Does it tend to increase or decrease the likelihood of longterm commitment?
17. What is demand/withdraw interaction?
18. Describe situational couple violence.
19. Describe intimate terrorism.
20. Define the concept of linked lives.
Part 7 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 20-22)
1. What is senescence?
2. What is presbycusis?
3. What is menopause? When does it usually begin?
4. What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
5. To what does the term andropause refer?
6. What is the difference between problem-focused coping and emotion-based coping?
7. What is allostatic load? Does it typically increase or decrease with age?
8. What is the difference between mortality and morbidity?
9. What is general intelligence (g)?
10. Describe the Seattle Longitudinal Study.
11. Describe fluid intelligence.
12. Describe crystallized intelligence.
13. What is the selective optimization with compensation theory?
14. Describe Erikson’s seventh stage of adulthood.
15. What is the Big Five?
16. Describe ecological niche.
17. Explain the term social convoy.
18. What are consequential strangers?
19. What is a kinkeeper?
20. Describe the sandwich generation.
Part 8 Key Terms & Concepts
1. What is ageism?
2. What is gerontology?
3. Describe the term young-old.
4. Explain the difference between primary aging and secondary aging.
5. Explain the difference between maximum life span and average life expectancy.
6. What is the Hayflick limit?
7. In regards to cognition, describe control processes.
8. What is terminal decline?
9. What is ecological validity?
10. What is dementia? What is the most common cause of dementia?
11. What is polypharmacy?
12. Describe positivity effect.
13. What are stratification theories?
14. Explain the difference between disengagement theory and activity theory.
15. Explain the difference between activities of daily life (ADLs) and instrumental
activities of daily life (IADLs).
16. What is thanatology?
17. Explain terror management theory (TMT).
18. What is palliative care?
19. What is disenfranchised grief?
20. Describe incomplete grief.
Part 4 Key Terms & Concepts
(Chapters 11-13)
1. When is a child defined as overweight?
2. What is asthma? Among what age group is the rate of asthma highest?
3. What is selective attention? At what age does it begin to noticeably improve?
4. What is the difference between attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
5. Define learning disability.
6. According to Piaget, what is concrete operational thought?
7. Define pragmatics. When does this aspect of language increase?
8. In regards to English as a second language (ESL) students, what is immersion?
9. What is the difference between the phonics approach and the whole-language approach
to learning to reading?
10. According to Erikson, what is the industry versus inferiority stage?
11. According to our text, what is social comparison?
12. What is resilience?
13. What family function? What is more important to a child’s development family structure
or family function?
14. According to our text, what are two factors that interfere with family function in every
structure, ethnic group, and nation?
15. What is the culture of children?
16. What is the difference between aggressive-rejected and withdrawn rejected children?
17. What is a bully-victim?