English 102 – Composition II Family Archives: Crafting Cultural Narratives Instructor: E-mail:

English 102 – Composition II
Family Archives: Crafting Cultural Narratives
Instructor: Christy Scheuer
Course Time and Location: 8:00
a.m., CC3360
Office: IB2306D
Assignments and Readings:
E-mail: christina.scheuer@seattlecolleges.edu
Office Hours: 12:00-1:00 p.m. M, T, W, Th and by appointment
Office Phone: 206-528-4538
This class will explore the personal archives that come to define people’s lives—
the artifacts, rituals, and texts that gesture towards the history of a family or a
culture. These personal archives are often incomplete or difficult to reconstruct,
especially since it’s so easy for individual stories to get lost. In Maus, Aet
Spiegelman is trying to figure out ways to approach stories that often seem
impossible to tell. In the subculture narratives and analyses that we will explore,
the writers explore how a person’s membership in a group helps to define his or
her identity.
In your final paper, you will begin to use research to construct your own archive,
focusing on a significant part of your own culture or subculture.
Art Spiegelman, Maus I and II
Andrea Lunsford, Easy Writer (4th Ed.)
As we move into our second paper, you will be asked to print various texts, all of
which will be found on Angel. Therefore, you should be prepared to locate a printer
and, if necessary, pay for these copies.
I recommend keeping all of these copies, as well as copies and drafts of all of your
papers, in a 3-ring binder.
The English Department at NSCC has established the following course objectives
for English 102. This course is designed to help you improve your ability to:
1. Read critically in order to analyze, discuss, evaluate, and respond to texts.
2. Access, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources.
3. Write in order to discover the meanings in other texts.
4. Write in order to discover your own ideas in relation to the writing of others.
5. Write to communicate ideas to a particular audience.
6. Paraphrase, summarize, quote, and cite sources according to MLA form and
integrate source materials smoothly into your own words to add support and
emphasis to your own writing.
7. Understand the importance of intellectual honesty and avoid plagiarism.
8. Take responsibility for producing writing that has been revised, edited, and
9. Continue the development of your own voice as a writer.
10. Work and communicate effectively in both large and small groups, which
requires that you recognize the value of divergent views, tolerate ambiguity, and
develop both listening and speaking skills.
Essay 1: Maus: Analysis
2 Seminar Papers (2 x 25 pts)
Introduction and Outline Draft
Full Rough Draft
Peer Review
Final Draft
50 points
5 points
10 points
10 points
100 points
Essay 2: Synthesis: Sports and Ethnography
Seminar Papers (2 x 25 pts)
Paper Proposal
Full Rough Draft and Peer Review
Final Draft
50 points
5 points
25 points
100 points
Essay 3: Autoethnography (Research Paper)
Project Proposal (brief)
Project Proposal (longer)
Annotated Bibliography
Pecha Kucha Presentation
Full Rough Draft and Peer Review
Final Draft
5 points
10 points
100 points
50 points
25 points
150 points
Participation and Attendance
100 points
In-class writing and short homework assignments (8 x 5 pts) 40 points
800 points
Students come to this class with a broad range of educational, writing, and
personal experiences. This diversity enhances our class archive by
expanding its range and providing us with new ideas to discuss in class. It is
very important that you are supportive and respectful of every student’s work
and opinions so that the classroom is an environment in which everyone feels
welcome. Writing can be difficult and frustrating at times, but the writing
process is much more enjoyable and rewarding if we work through it together.
I hope that, during the course of the quarter, you will become increasingly
comfortable and confident with the writing process. Please communicate with
me at any time regarding any concerns or questions you have about the course.
You can come to my office hours or make an appointment if you would like to
talk about your progress in the class, specific assignments, or any other concerns
or questions that arise during the quarter. I’m here to help you, and I enjoy
talking to students about their writing.
 Attend daily. The importance of attending regularly cannot be
overestimated. Please arrive at class on time and expect to remain until class
is over. Your attendance and participation will figure into your final grade in
the form of points assigned for in-class exercises and in your final
participation and attendance grade. Daily exercises cannot be made up. If you
arrive late or leave early and miss an in-class exercise, you will not be
permitted to complete the exercise you missed.
 Papers must be typed. All assignments (including drafts) should be typed,
double-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font. I will not accept
handwritten drafts.
 Save your work. It is your responsibility to keep an extra copy of all
assignments that you turn in.
 Submit your work on time. An assignment is counted late if you do not
submit it during class on the date it is due. For each class period an
assignment is late, your grade on that assignment will be reduced by one
letter grade. For example, an A paper that is received one class late will be
reduced to a B; two class periods late, a C; three classes late, a D; and four
classes late, an F. If an assignment is turned in even 1 minute after class time
on the day it is due, it will be counted as one day late.
 Work that is due should be brought to class in paper form when
stipulated in the course schedule. In this class, major essays will be
submitted electronically, but shorter papers (homework, proposals, and
seminar papers) should be brought to class in paper form.
 Drafts and revisions are required for the three major papers. The major
papers will go through a typed draft version and a final, corrected version
before a grade is assigned. In terms of the grading system, drafts and final
versions constitute separate assignments, with drafts receiving point for
completion. If a draft is handwritten, haphazard, or incomplete, you will not
receive full points. Failure to bring a draft to class on the assigned date will
result in a zero. Drafts will be turned in with final version in a two-pocket
Accessibility and Disability Services: My goal is to make the classroom as
accessible as possible to all students. If you require any disability-related
accommodations, I recommend contacting disability services. Their website can
be found here: http://northseattle.edu/disabiltiy-services. To make an
appointment, contact the Disability Services office by phone at 206-527-3697,
TTY at (2-6) 526-0079 modem, or e-mail at ds@sccd.ctc.edu.
The Loft Writing Center: Visit the Loft Writing Center Plus on the top floor of
the library to get help during every stage of the writing process from
brainstorming and outlining through the final polishing phase. You'll find more
information at https://northseattle.edu/loft-writing-center
Library: The library is a phenomenal resource to use if you have questions
about research or sources—or really questions about anything. We will head to
the library a few times as a class so that you can become more familiar with all
that it has to offer. You can find useful information at
E-mail is usually the most effective way to get a hold of me. Please e-mail me at
any time with any questions that you may have about the course. I will have
office hours each week, but feel free to e-mail me if these hours do not work for
you, and we can set up a different time to meet. We can also arrange e-office
hours (over the internet) if it becomes difficult to meet in person.
In this class, we will focus on developing effective rhetorical skills; therefore, I
expect your e-mails to be written in clear and communicative prose and
proofread for mistakes.
Plagiarism is the intentional use of someone else’s words or ideas without giving
that person credit. This includes submitting someone else’s essay in its entirety
or in parts as your own, using any words, phrasing, and/or ideas from a source
(this includes the Internet) without proper citation, having someone else write
your paper or assisting so much that the phrasing and ideas are no longer your
own, and re-submitting an essay previously written for another class. Plagiarism
is absolutely prohibited and may result in receiving a “0” on the paper and/or
discipline on the part of the college administration.
One of the primary objectives of this course is to learn and implement proper
methods for documenting sources so that you can avoid accidental plagiarism,
both in this class and in your other courses.
Please come to class having completed the previous night’s homework assignment
(HW), with annotated copies of necessary readings and ready to participate actively
in class. Pages numbers below refer to Easy Writer (EW) or Maus I or II (M I or M II).
Other readings are referenced in full form. The schedule is subject to change at some
points in the semester based on our pace and progress. If the schedule does change,
I will make an announcement in class and send out an e-mail informing you of the
Jan. 3
Jan. 4
Jan. 5
Jan. 6
In class: Introductions and discussion of “Postmemory.”
HW: Read excerpts from Understanding Comics (class handout). Complete
Introductory Questions (5 pts. Found on the Angel schedule under
“Lessons”> “Week 1”). Print out a copy and bring it to class by Thursday, Jan.
In class: Discussion of Understanding Comics and introduction to Maus.
HW: Read Maus I, 1-23. Write down two specific things that you found
interesting or puzzling (with page numbers). Finish Introductory Questions.
In class: Print out Introductory Questions and bring to class. Introduction to
Essay 1. Discussion of M I.
HW: Read M I, 25-40. Read “The Generation of Postmemory,” 104-108.
In class: Discussion of Maus and Postmemory.
HW: Read MI, 49-69. Read “The Generation of Postmemory,” 108-115.
Week 2
Jan. 9
In class: Discussion of Maus.
HW: Finish Maus I (70-159). Finish “The Generation of Postmemory.” Write
Seminar Paper 1 (found on Angel under “Lessons”> “Week 1”). Print and
bring to class on Tuesday, Jan. 9.
Jan. 10
In class: Seminar Paper 1 due. Seminar discussion.
HW: Read Maus II, 1-37
Jan. 11
In class: Discuss Maus. Listen to other survivor narratives.
HW: Read M II, 39-74
Jan. 12
In class: Class discussion
HW: Read M II, 75-136
Jan. 13
In class: Discuss Maus II; in-class writing time (working towards an
HW: Seminar Paper 2 due in class on Tuesday, Jan. 17
Week 3
Jan. 16
Jan 17
In class: Seminar Paper 2 due. Seminar Discussion.
HW: To be announced
Jan. 18
In class: Working on the thesis and topic sentences
HW: Work on Paper Proposal, Essay 1. Proposal due in class on April 19 (10
Jan. 19
In class: Paper proposal due in class. Workshop Proposals
HW: Read Trimble, “Writing Well” and “Openers” (Link found on Angel)
Jan. 20
In class: Work on Openers for Essay 1
HW: Write 2 Openers for Essay 1 (10 points). Print and bring to class on
Monday, Jan. 23.
Week 4
Jan. 23
In class: Two Openers due (Essay 1). Workshop Openers and thesis
HW: Work on Essay 1.
Jan. 24
In class: Incorporating sources/putting sources in conversation.
HW: Rough draft of Essay 1 due in class tomorrow.
Jan. 25
In class: Rough Draft due, Essay 1. The Peer Review and Rough Draft are
worth 25 points. In order to get points for your rough draft and peer
review you must have your draft in class and you must be on time.
HW: Read and evaluate peer review comments
Jan. 26
In class: Revisions Strategies.
HW: Revision Plan due Friday, Jan. 27
Jan. 27
In class: Revision Strategies.
HW: Work on Essay 1.
Week 5
Jan. 30
In class: Introduce Essay 2.
HW: Essay 1 due tomorrow. Bring your rough draft and proposal to class
(stapled together). You must submit the final draft of Essay 1 to the Essay 1
Jan. 31
Feb. 1
Feb. 2
Feb. 3
Dropbox (found in Angel under “Lessons”> “Week 5”>”Essay 1 Dropbox”) by
7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 31.
In class: Essay 1 due. Introduce Source 1 (Geertz)
HW: Read Geertz, “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight,”
In class: Discuss “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.” Finish Synthesis
Worksheet 1 (in class, 5 points).
HW: Finish Geertz, “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight”
In class: Discuss “Notes on the Balinese Cockfight”
HW: Seminar Paper 3 due in class tomorrow.
In class: Seminar Discussion
HW: Read Source 2 (Skateboarding). Read blog post on the Paralympics.
Week 6
Feb. 6
In class: Introduce Source 3 (Murderball)
HW: Finish Source 2 (Skateboarding). Finish Synthesis Worksheet 2 (5
Feb. 7
In class: Watch Murderball
HW: Finish Synthesis Worksheet 3 (5 points).
Feb. 8
In class: Discuss Murderball and other sources.
HW: Work on Seminar Paper 4
Feb. 9
In class: Watch excerpts from Whip It!
HW: Seminar Paper 4 due in class tomorrow
Feb. 10
In class: Seminar Discussion
HW: Proposal, Essay 2, due on Monday, Feb. 13.
Feb. 13
In class: Proposal, Essay 2, due in class.
HW: Work on Essay 2
Feb, 14
In class: In class writing time, Essay 2
HW: Work on Essay 2
Feb. 15
In class: Work on Essay 2.
HW: Finish Rough Draft, Essay 2. Draft due in class tomorrow (Feb. 16).
Feb. 16
In class: Rough Draft due. Peer Review. (25 points total)
HW: Work on Essay 2
Feb. 17
In class: Work on Essay 2, Revision Strategies.
HW: Work on Essay 2.
Week 8
Feb. 20
Feb. 21
In class: Work on Essay 2, Revision Strategies.
HW: Essay 2 due on Tuesday, Feb. 22. Staple together your rough draft and
proposal and bring it to class. Submit your essay to the Essay 2 Dropbox by
7:30 a.m. on Feb. 22.
Feb. 22
In class: Essay 2 due. Introduction to the Autoethnography and Pecha Kucha
HW: Brainstorm ideas for the autoethnography.
Feb. 23
In class: Small group discussions, autoethnography.
HW: Brief proposal due, Autoethnography (5 points)
Feb. 24
In class: Library Session. Project Proposal (brief) due in class
HW: Full Proposal, Essay 2, due on Monday, Feb. 27 (10 points). Also, bring 2
articles to class.
Week 9
Feb. 27
In class: Workshop Proposals and articles.
HW: Work on Essay 3 and presentations. Bring one additional source to class.
Feb. 28
In class: In-class work day (meet at the library)
HW: Work on Project Proposal (longer)
Feb. 29
In class: Begin work on Annotated Bibliography. Bring all potential sources to
HW: Work on Pecha Kucha Presentations and Essay 3.
March 1
In class: Pecha Kucha Presentations
HW: Bring at least 2 sources to class tomorrow
March 2
In class: Work on Annotated Bibliography in class
HW: Work on Annotated Bibliography.
Week 10
March 5
In class: Pecha Kucha Presentations.
HW: Work on Annotated Bibliography. Bring drafts of two Annotated
Bibliography entries to class (5 points).
March 6
In class: Workshop Annotated Bibliography entries.
HW: Work on Annotated Bibliography
March 7
In class: Integrating sources, Essay 3.
HW: Annotated Bibliography due in class on March 8
March 8
In class: Annotated Bibliography Due.
HW: Work on Essay 3.
March 9
In class: In-class work time, Autoethnography. Bring Sources to Class.
HW: Work on Autoethnography. 2 Openers due in class on Monday, March 12
(10 points).
Week 11
March 12
In class: 2 Openers due. Workshop Openers and thesis statements.
HW: Work on Autoethnography
March 13
In class: Continue work on thesis statements and organization.
HW: Rough Draft, Essay 3, due in class tomorrow.
March 14
In class: Rough Draft Due, Essay 3. Peer Review (25 points)
HW: Work on Autoethnography
March 15
In class: Revision, Essay 3.
HW: Work on the Autoethnography
March 16
In class: Work on Autoethnography
HW: Work on the Autoethnography
Week 12
June 16
Final Essays Due (Autoethnography) during finals period!!