How LC Call Numbers Work Every book on the shelves has an LC (Library of Congress) call number. The books are shelved alphabetically by the first line of the call number followed by a whole number, then a letter and decimal number combination and sometimes the publication year at the end. Books with the same first 2 lines are of the same subject. Books beginning with "Ref" are shelved in the Reference Collection. 1. Books are shelved alphabetically (left to right) by the top letter/letters in the call number. "QL" tells us this book is shelved in Zoology. 2. All books of the same top letter/letters are arranged numerically by the whole number below. "101" means the book deals with the distribution of animals. 3. The "author code" is arranged first alphabetically by the letter, then by a decimal number. The last name of the author of this book starts with an "H". ************************************************************************************************************** A General Works AE Encyclopedias (General) AG General reference works AS Societies, Academies AZ General history of knowledge B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion (General) BC Logic BD Metaphysics BF Psychology BH Esthetics BJ Ethics BL Religions BM Judaism BP Mohammedanism BR-BY Christianity BX Special sects C History - Auxiliary sciences CB History of civilization (General) CC Antiquities (General) Archeology CJ Numismatics, Coins CN Epigraphy, Inscriptions CR Heraldry CS Genealogy CT Biography D History and topography (except America) (General) DA Great Britain DB Austria--Hungary DC France DD Germany DE Classical antiquity DF Greece DG Italy DH-DJ Belgium, Holland, Luxemburg DK Russia DL Scandinavia DP Spain and Portugal DQ Switzerland DR Turkey and the Balkan States DS Asia DT Africa DU Australia and Oceania DX Gypsies E History - America (General) and U.S. (General) F History - United States (Local) and America except the U.S. G Geography - Anthropology G Geography (General) GB Physical geography GC Oceanology and oceanography GF Anthropogeography GN Anthropology GR Folk-lore GT Manners and customs (General) GV Sports and amusements, Games H Social Sciences (General) HA Statistics HB Economic Theory HC Economic history and conditions HD Economic history: Agriculture and industries HE Transportation and communication HF Commerce (General) HG Finance HJ Public finance HM Sociology (General and theoretical) HN Social history, Social reform HQ Family, Marriage, Home HS Associations: Secret societies, etc. HT Communities, Classes, Races HV Social pathology, Philanthropy HX Socialism, Communism, Anarchism, Bolshevism J Political science (General) JA General works JC Political theory JF Constitutional history and administration JK United States PD Germanic languages PE English language PF Dutch, Flemish, Afrikaans languages PG Slavic, Lithuanian-Lettish, Albanian PH Finno-Ugrian and Basque PJ Egyptian, Coptic, Hamitic, Semitic P Language and literature (General) cont. PK Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, Iranian PL Eastern Asia, Oceania, Africa PN Literary history and collections (General) PQ Romance Literatures PR English Literature PS American Literature PT Germanic Literatures Q Science (General) QA Mathematics QB Astronomy QC Physics QD Chemistry QE Geology QH Natural history QK Botany QL Zoology QM Human anatomy QP Physiology QR Bacteriology R Medicine (General) RC Internal medicine RM Pharmacology RT Nursing JL British America, Latin America JN Europe JQ Asia, Africa, Australia, and Pacific Islands JS Local Government JV Colonies and colonization, Emigration and immigration JX International Law K Law (General) KF Law: U.S. Federal and State L Education (General) LA History of education LB Theory and practice, Teaching LD-LJ Universities and colleges M Music M Music (scores) ML Literature of music MT Musical instruction and study N Fine arts (General) NA Architecture NB Sculpture and related arts NC Graphic arts (General), Drawing ND Painting NE Engraving, Prints NK Art applied to industry, Decoration and ornament P Language and literature (General) PA Classical languages and literatures PB Celtic languages and literatures PC Romance languages S Agriculture - Plant and animal industry (General) SB Plant culture (General) SD Forestry SF Animal culture SH Fish culture and fisheries SK Hunting sports T Technology (General) TA Engineering (General), Civil engineering TC Hydraulic engineering TD Environmental technology TE Roads and pavements TF Railroad engineering TG Bridges and roofs TH Building construction TJ Mechanical engineering TK Electrical engineering TL Motor vehicles, Aeronautics TN Mineral industries, Mining and Metallurgy TP Chemical technology TR Photography TS Manufactures TT Arts and Crafts TX Home economics U Military science V Naval science Z Bibliography and library science