Three Plays by Lanford Wilson A Note from the Producer

Three Plays by Lanford Wilson
A Note from the Producer
Lanford Wilson has been enriching Theater since the early 1960s with plays that
unfailingly speak America. Brought up in the Ozarks and California before moving to
the east coast, Wilson has an uncanny ear for the many voices that make up America and
an unmatched empathy for the people who struggle to do right. In these three diverse
plays Wilson explores aspects of our culture that seem current today, though two of the
plays were written more than forty years ago.
In Breakfast at the Track, Wilson plays with the idea that opposites attract to create a
hilarious sketch of people we all know. In Wandering, the obligatories of a man’s
lifetime are compressed into a few minutes to paint the tragic picture of a life shaped
from the outside. And in This Is The Rill Speaking, Wilson explores the way that the
many voices of a small town come together to create a sort of music. From the many
urgent voices – the needs, the desires, the longings – arises a single voice that is
somehow familiar and comforting.
We hope you will enjoy listening to these voices together with us.
Cynthia, please don’t include this if it is redundant to (or contradictory to) Llysa’s notes.