CHAPTER 10 Nuclear Chemistry General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry Janice Gorzynski Smith CHAPTER 10: Nuclear Chemistry Learning Objectives: Interpret Atomic number and mass number Know radioactive particles: alpha, beta, positron, gamma Write & solve radioactive decay equations Determine the number of half lives that pass in a given amount of time. Familiar with measurements of the amount of radioactivity Familiar with measurements of radiation absorbed Understand how radioisotopes are used in medicine 2 Smith. General Organic & Biologicial Chemistry 2nd Ed. Nuclear Chemistry Isotope Review atomic number (Z) mass number (A) mass number (A) atomic number (Z) = the number of protons = the number of protons + the number of neutrons 12 6 C number of protons number of neutrons Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 6 12 – 6 = 6 3 Nuclear Chemistry Radioactive Isotopes •A radioactive isotope, called a radioisotope, is unstable and spontaneously emits energy to form a more stable nucleus. •Radioactivity is the nuclear radiation emitted by a radioactive isotope. •Of the known isotopes of all elements, 264 are stable and 300 are naturally occurring but unstable. •An even larger number of radioactive isotopes, called artificial isotopes, have been produced in the laboratory. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 4 Nuclear Chemistry Radiation alpha particle: a beta particle: β or positron: β+ or gamma ray: 4 He 2 or 0 e −1 0 e +1 g Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. Alpha particles are helium isotopes with 2 extra neutrons Beta particles are formed from neutrons 1 1 0 n p + e 0 1 −1 proton particle neutron Positrons are formed from protons 1 0 1 + n e p 0 +1 1 neutron positron proton A form of energy with no mass or charge 5 Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Reactions Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable radioactive nucleus emits radiation. A nuclear equation can be written as: original nucleus new nucleus + radiation emitted The following must be equal on both sides of a nuclear equation : •The sum of the mass numbers (A) •The sum of the atomic numbers (Z) Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 6 Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Reactions Alpha emission is the decay of a nucleus by emitting an a particle. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 7 Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Reactions Beta emission is the decay of a nucleus by emitting a β particle; 1 neutron is lost and 1 proton is gained. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 8 Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Reactions Positron emission is the decay of a nucleus by emitting a positron, β+; 1 proton is lost and 1 neutron is gained. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 9 Nuclear Chemistry Nuclear Reactions Gamma emission is the decay of a nucleus by emitting g radiation. •The g rays are a form of energy only. •Their emission causes no change in the atomic number or the mass number. 99m 43 Tc 99 43 Tc + g Commonly, g emission accompanies a or β emission. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 10 Nuclear Chemistry Half-Life The half-life (t1/2) of a radioactive isotope is the time it takes for one-half of the sample to decay. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is a property of a given isotope and is independent of the amount of sample, temperature, and pressure. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 11 Nuclear Chemistry Half-Life Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 12 Nuclear Chemistry Detecting & Measuring Radioactivity The amount of radioactivity in a sample is measured by the number of nuclei that decay per unit time: disintegrations per sec. •Common units include: 1 Curie (Ci) = 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations/second 1 becquerel (Bq) = 1 disintegration/second 1 Ci = 3.7 x 1010 Bq. Several units are used to measure the amount of radiation absorbed by an organism. •The rad—radiation absorbed dose—is the amount of radiation absorbed by one gram of a substance. •The rem—radiation equivalent for man—is the amount of radiation that also factors in its energy and potential to damage tissue. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 13 Nuclear Chemistry Detecting & Measuring Radioactivity •The average radiation dose per year for a person is about 0.27 rem. •Generally, no detectable biological effects are noticed for a radiation dose less than 25 rem. •A single dose of 25–100 rem causes a temporary decrease in white blood cell count. •A dose of more than 100 rem causes radiation sickness—nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc. •The LD50—the lethal dose that kills 50% of a population—is 500 rem in humans, while 600 rem is fatal for an entire population. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 14 Nuclear Chemistry Radioisotopes Used in Medicine •Radioisotopes can be injected or ingested to determine if an organ is functioning properly or to detect the presence of a tumor. •Technetium-99m is used to evaluate the gall bladder and bile ducts and to detect internal bleeding. •Thallium-201 is used in stress tests to diagnose coronary artery disease. •Using a scan, normal organs are clearly visible, while malfunctioning or obstructed organs are not. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 15 Nuclear Chemistry Radioisotopes Used in Medicine Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 16 Nuclear Chemistry Radioisotopes Used in Medicine Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 17 Nuclear Chemistry Radioisotopes Used in Medicine •Positron emission tomography (PET) scans use radioisotopes which emit positrons which enable scanning of an organ. •PET scans can detect tumors, coronary artery disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and track the progress of cancer. •A PET scan is a noninvasive method of monitoring cancer treatment. Smith. General Organic & Biological Chemistry 2nd Ed. 18