DAC Hiring Process Recommendations February 21, 2012

DAC Hiring Process Recommendations
February 21, 2012
Approved by DAC on March 1, 2012
Hiring Subcommittee: Elizabeth Goulet, Carrie Napoli, Toni Bajado, and Betty Williams
DAC’s goal is to increase the hiring of candidates who are skilled in working with diverse populations and
ideally reflect the diverse student body we serve.
Recommendations include:
• Job Descriptions should all include cultural competency as a job skill. Sample statement
could include: Candidate demonstrates cultural competency and the ability to communicate & work
effectively with people from diverse backgrounds such as racial, ethnic, religious, linguistic, gender,
age, sexual orientation, socio-economic, and with diverse physical and learning disabilities.
• Sample of advertising/recruitment statement: NSCC is committed to recruiting dedicated
faculty members who together create a welcoming academic climate that reflects the diverse
backgrounds of our community, including ethnicity, national origin, religion, race, gender, age,
veteran status, disability and sexual orientation.
• Advertising should be widely distributed to job websites, listservs, newspapers,
professional journals, etc. serving a wide range of diverse communities. The Diversity Office
Directors at SCCC & SSCC and NSCC’s DAC should review where jobs are being advertised to
provide feedback on a regular basis. (The sites being used can be listed on DAC’s website as a
• Hiring Committees should have some training (HR and the VP overseeing the hiring
committee can work together to provide the training, perhaps?) about how to evaluate candidates for
skills in this area. We recommend that the attached “Working Definition of Diversity” be used as a
tool for discussion about finding candidates with appropriate cultural competency skills.
• Interview questions should include a question about diversity skills. One example is:
“How do you define diversity? Describe your skills in the areas of cultural competency, supporting
student success in a diverse student body, and creating a working climate that nurtures diverse
perspectives & contributions.”
• Reference checks should include a question about diversity skills, such as: “How would
you describe the applicant’s relationships with coworkers, subordinates, and with superiors? How
well does s/he relate to people from diverse cultures and backgrounds?
NSCC HR person, David Bittenbender, met with DAC today to discuss the current hiring process and how
we can proceed to get our recommendations acted on. He agreed to take our recommendations to President
Mitsui, the E-Team, and HR to discuss implementation.