DAC Meeting Minutes January 8, 2015; 3:00-4:30pm Attendance: Wade Parrott , Brianne Sanchez, Jeffrey Vasquez, Betty Williams, Steve Thomas, Paul Kurose, Scott Rausch, Rodolfo Franco, Hugo Alamillo, Fleetwood Wilson, Sarah McCullough, Belinda Tillman ; Guests – Ginlin Woo, Gary Gorland, Curtis Bonney; OCEE representatives - Herbie Martin; Students - Nadia Nugroho, Frederica Prihanto 1. Agenda reviewed, welcome, introductions 2. Gary Gorland presented about a SEM (Strategic Enrollment Management) Team goal to increase enrollment and retention of people of color. He asked for the committee’s feedback regarding setting up quarterly President’s Breakfast that will invite people from communities of color, including faith communities and other local agencies. The goal is to build relationships of support and connection, not just increase enrollment. There would be presentations on themes of interest. Will work better to use the opportunity to find out what the needs of the community are, not just say “we have these programs, come here.” We also need to make sure that we are providing programs in a way that is respectful and responsive to building success that meets the community needs. The goal is to work with students and community leaders to find out about the community’s needs, academic and professional development. The college needs to assess its own strengths and deficits in meeting the community’s needs. Should be a comprehensive, systematic approach by the college, not just SEM Team. This effort is a follow up of the Opportunities Council that Mark Mitsui supported when he was here. The plan would best work if more people on the campus are involved in the effort. How do we make our campus inclusive, welcoming, and a safe environment for all. A DAC member raised the concern that the American Honors program is moving the campus in the opposite direction, so this issue should be a part of this discussion. Perhaps DAC can have a committee that works on these objectives. Next steps – have Gary come back to the next meeting and then a plan can be developed with a committee being formed to follow up to make this effort meaningful. It was also suggested that DAC could make a statement about the American Honors program, regarding the concern it is exclusive, with higher tuition being paid. 3. Curtis Bonney introduced himself as the Interim Dean of Basic and Transitional Studies and ESL, and he stated that he wanted to connect with DAC as most of the students in his program are students of color, and first generation college attendees in their families. 4. Wade is recognized as having served well in his role and that the group values his connections with the communities of color who were part of the Opportunities Council. He plans to pass this information along to those who were involved that the Opportunities Council was a valuable effort. 5. For Collaboration Day diversity presentation – Wade and Warren have had conversations about the current crisis in our country regarding police brutality towards people of color. Betty and Wade have planned a meeting to develop a workshop that addresses these issues. Wade and Fleetwood have talked about this as an ongoing issue for people of color. Ideas for the workshop involve having a panel, could involve police officers of color that Wade has talked with and are involved in NSC Community Policing Class, and Know Your Rights information. Civil Rights violations need to be addressed appropriately. Paul asked that the people interested in participating in leading a discussion get together, as not everyone can be a part of the meeting set up for the DIF members, who typically plan the Collaboration Day workshops, already for Jan. 14, 2-3:30pm, in the Library Classroom. Paul will set up a meeting to include Herbie, Fleetwood, and himself, and others who are interested, since they cannot all make the planning meeting next week. Paul passed around a sign up sheet so he can follow up to plan that meeting. Betty will continue with the planning meeting on the 14th to plan for the Collaboration Day workshop, with the DIF members, who have been planning and carrying out the Collaboration Day workshops. Having multiple workshops and ongoing conversations on these issues is important to address the issues more in depth. 6. The Book Reads discussion of Twelve Years a Slave will also address the current issues of police brutality that are related to institutional racism as we look at the historical roots that still impact our society. 7. LDI training is starting soon, most spots are filled but check with Emily Rankin, who is the contact person now, if you are interested. 8. DIF training will be happening in Spring Quarter again. Ginlin and Fleetwood talk about how valuable the training is, and Wade reinforced how valuable the training is, encouraging DAC members to support participation in the DIF training. 9. Wade shared with us about his work, his new position with the Housing Authority, and that there will be a new Diversity Director. We are not sure about the transition plan as currently President Brown is seeking input on the job description, and Wade has mentioned to him that we should have an interim to maintain the work and progress that Wade’s leadership has brought to our campus. A motion was passed that DAC recommends that there be an interim Directory of Diversity appointed promptly, so that the work and momentum can be continued while the campus moves forward in hiring a permanent director. 10. Concerns about the American Honors Program raised again. It was decided that DAC members should attend the informational meetings about this effort and ask the hard questions, such as the impact on the campus climate of inclusivity, which could result in attitudes that will impact the non-honors students. There is also a cost that we don’t know what the impact of would be, and there would be a different admission process. Lots of questions are being raised and the answers are not clear. There will be an institution wide impact if we take on this program. DAC would like more information and would like our concerns about equity issues to be raised to administration. The group would like to follow up and perhaps have a vote by DAC to make a recommendation about it at our next meeting. DAC members should get information as well as everyone on campus should get the emails about the informational meetings. Minutes prepared by DAC Secretary, Betty Williams