NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE DIVERSITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE BYLAWS 10/11/12 MISSION The Diversity Advisory Committee is a standing committee that supports and advocates for the vision and values around diversity. We seek to provide leadership for ongoing learning, discussion, dialogue and understanding about diversity by all members of the NSCC campus community, including students, staff, faculty and administration. FUNCTION DAC supports, promotes and provides communication and activities throughout the campus community to further diversity goals. DAC will make recommendations to the Executive Team including suggestions to the strategic action plan. See Appendix A for our working definition of diversity. Specific areas of DAC’s work include review and advice on the following: professional development for NSCC employees, hiring and evaluation processes, awareness and inclusion of diversity in the curriculum, college environment and activities, policies and procedures, etc. supporting the progression of students from diverse populations DAC develops a budget plan to utilize the DAC budget annually, and the budget plan is approved by the committee, with priority to actions designed to further the goals listed. DAC will review and prioritize budget request proposals submitted to the committee members, subcommittees, or other campus groups through the application process (Appendix B). MEMBERSHIP DAC shall consist of fourteen 14 (add OCEE) voting members. Meetings are open; all who are interested are welcome to come to meetings and participate in sub-committee work. DAC shall select four members each from the following employee constituencies (faculty, classified staff, exempt employees) plus a member from the student body, a member from OCEE, and a member from the Executive Team for a total of 14 members. Each employee constituency shall select its members according to the processes determined by that constituent group. Appointments shall take place during the spring quarter of each year with the results forwarded to DAC Chair no later than the tenth week of spring quarter. DAC members shall serve staggered two or three year terms except the student representative who shall serve a one-year term. The Director of Student Leadership and Multicultural Programs serving in the capacity as the administrative liaison to the Associated Student Body (ASB), shall be responsible for the selection of the student representative. Members of administration of OCE&E shall select their representatives. The President or E-Team shall select four exempt employees in addition to an Executive Team member liaison. The Faculty Senate shall be responsible for selecting the four faculty representatives. When possible, two (2) faculty shall be selected from the professional/technical divisions and two (2) faculty shall be selected from the college transfer divisions. The CDAC committee shall be responsible for the selection of three classified staff representatives. The Classified Staff union leadership shall be responsible for the fourth classified staff representative. Each constituent group shall select two representatives who will serve as alternates. The student representative shall select one student alternate. Membership shall be open to all permanent exempt and classified employees, all faculty and all students. Add OCEE membership requirements. VOTING All 14 members of DAC, including the Chair, are voting members. TERMS OF SERVICE Members shall serve a term of at least two years, with the exception of the student representative. Terms of service shall be staggered so that there will be a combination of returning and new members each academic year. Alternates shall serve a minimum of one year. Each constituent group shall be responsible for keeping its membership and alternates at their full representation. In the event a member is not able to fulfill the responsibilities of membership, the Chair shall notify the constituent group and request that action be taken to ensure full representation on DAC. Replacements for vacant member positions shall fulfill the unexpired term of office of the member who is being replaced. Alternates will be prioritized to fill voting membership. OFFICERS At its first meeting in Fall Quarter, DAC shall elect a Secretary, Treasurer, Web Master, and Vice-Chair from among its current members. The Vice-Chair serves in that capacity for one year, and serves as Chair the following year. Duties of the officers will be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, unless modified by DAC action. Position Chair Duties Organize and chair meetings; ensure objectives and assignment responsibilities are met; ensure that agendas are prepared and distributed; mentor Vice-Chair; collaborate with the Diversity Director to communicate DAC’s recommendations and advice to the NSCC president. Vice-Chair Learn from chair how to organize and chair meetings; assist chair in preparing agendas; ensuring that members are meeting assigned responsibilities; assume position of chair the following year; serve as chair when chair is not available. Secretary Record minutes and attendance; maintain a current log on the status of all proposals submitted to DAC; provide webmaster with approved minutes to post. Web master Maintain a permanent record of DAC’s business that is posted on the appropriate webpage; post approved minutes on the DAC website and notify the campus community of posting. Treasurer Works with Diversity Director to track budget expenditures from DAC budget; maintains record of expenditures and reports to DAC. MEETINGS DAC meetings shall be conducted in open meetings at all times. DAC meetings shall be held at a minimum of once per month in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Subcommittees and taskforces will be set up by DAC as needed. QUORUM A majority of members, including the Chair, shall constitute a quorum. A majority of those present is required to carry a motion. MEETING FORMAT When funding proposals are presented that require action, in order to facilitate DAC’s review and to promote effective dialogue and informed discussion, the proposal shall include a DAC funding application with the following elements: a) background information, b) rationale for the proposal, c) recommendation(s), and d) supportive materials including implementation regulations and procedures when appropriate. See Appendix B for the funding application.