Mondays 6:30-9:00 pm North Seattle Community College, IB 1409 Candice Hoyt, Instructor :

Mondays 6:30-9:00 pm
North Seattle Community College, IB 1409
Candice Hoyt, Instructor
Course online:
Curriculum requirements
Phase 3 examples
Books & book binding
Upcoming Assignments
Small group topic time
Wetlands projects
Plan Phase III (presentation)
Children projects
Discuss in mixed groups
 Relate to school or
program’s goals,
developmental checklist
or curriculum guidelines
 For acquisition of skills,
knowledge or
dispositions (disposition
= child’s orientation,
motive or interest)
 Teacher anticipatory
web, teacher journal and
continuous re-planning
 Group & individual
content and performance
Videotape webbing (etc)
to separate out individual
Project as context
Documentation as proof
Successive points in
Recorded observations
Young Investigators,
p. 72+
Complex vocabulary
Spontaneous desire to
write or read
Direct instruction
necessary but project is
context for use and
development, and
Major goals of projects
= children will do &
improve on…
Representation (drawing,
Reflecting on their own
Math / Science
experimentation cycle,
Young Investigators,
pp. 68-69
Formal assessment:
“Work Sampling System”
(Meisels et al, 1994;
Young Investigators)
Project success based
Child engagement
(pp. 65-66) &
Curriculum requirements
& standards
 Anticipate interest &
direction of inquiry
 Anticipatory web in Phase I
& revise/re-web
throughout Phase II
 Plan possible activities
 Likely to emerge based on
continued “play” with
current activities/materials
 Specific activities to meet
 Plan materials for
possible activities to be
 Use insight and
relationship with the
children to anticipate
where their interest will
Simple, professional
but personal
documentation means
more than child’s
planning, Young
Investigators, p. 64
“Distilled” (formatted)
documentation, Young
Investigators, p. 65
Narrative examples
Young Investigators, p. 63
Windows…, pp. 171 & 175
Children’s interest
wanes or possibilities
for further project
investigation exceeds
children’s capabilities
Children and teachers
develop and
implement concluding
activities & product
Culmination: event
and/or product share
with audience (peers,
parents, community)
Based on running
Use variety of forms
(e.g. p. 57)
Fire Truck project,
Young Investigators
Most interesting/
influencing part
Movie Theater project,
Windows on Learning
Most interesting/
influencing part
Both were really good
topics with lots of
Drawing fire truck
Drawing a circle is an
Planning jobs for the 2
 Why a book?
 Kids can read their books!
 Phase III narrative for
parents/ other audiences
Brown Bear, Brown Bear,
What Do You See?
Read the book to the
Have kids draw their own
You write the text to connect
the pages (identical to
Brown Bear… format)
The Important Book by
M.W. Brown
(also The Important Thing About and
Another Important Book)
Lists of what there is to
know about ____ things,
always ending with same as
1st page
Write first – one important
detail per page
Then kids draw to the words
First page and last page =
“Important” Format:
Title: “The Importance of [Topic]”
Page 1: “The most important thing about [topic]
is ___.”
Each middle page: “[Topic] [can/has/does] ___.”
Last page: “But, the most … [same as 1st page]”
“The Importance of
Project Work” by
Candice Hoyt 
We’ll do this next week
Bring your 8-1/2” x 11”
We’ll have the materials
in class
Buy or make puppet and create persona
a) Description (post online) = 2 pts
b) Dialog Session (in class) = 8 pts
i. Manipulation & Voice (4 pts)
ii. Dialog (4 pts)
 Bring to class on due date:
 Puppet & description (printed or in laptop)
 Post online on due date:
Post as Word document in A4 drop box
Post as text in A4 discussion (reply for extra credit)
Buy or make puppet and create persona
a) Description (post online) = 2 pts
i. Name
ii. Personality, dominant attitude towards world
iii. Kind of movements you’d make when animating
Post as Word document in A4 drop box
Post as text in A4 discussion (reply for extra credit)
b) Dialog Session (in class) = 8 pts
i. Manipulation & Voice (4 pts)
ii. Dialog (4 pts)
Buy or make puppet and create persona
a) Description (post online) = 2 pts
b) Dialog Session (in class) = 8 pts
Perform social problem in small group
i. Manipulation & Voice (4 pts)
 Personal movement quiet while puppet talks
 Distinctly different voice for the puppet
 Character of puppet conveyed in its movement
ii. Dialog (4 pts)
Buy or make puppet and create persona
a) Description (post online) = 2 pts
b) Dialog Session (in class) = 8 pts
Perform social problem in small group
i. Manipulation & Voice (4 pts)
ii. Dialog (4 pts)
Concrete example of actual instance described or reenacted
Two parts played in the dialog
 Absent: -2 pts participation
 DUE 5/24
Choosing a project:
 Can do alone or in pairs (self-assign)
 Project with 2+ children (pref. 3+)
 Project can be investigated directly:
 First-hand experience
 Representation in art, dramatic play, and a broad
range of other expressive modes
 Numbers
Project Documentation
Presentation = 20 pts
Reflection Paper = 7 pts
Bring to class on Presentation (A6a) due date:
 Orally present your project (on 1st or 2nd day)
 Bring all necessary documentation to present
 Submit documentation for all sections
 Post online by Presentation (A6a) due date:
 Post A6a computerized materials in A6a drop box
 Post online by Reflection (A6b) due date:
 Post A6b in one Word document in PRIVATE A6b drop box
 Post what you want to as text in PUBLIC A6 discussion (reply extra credit)
Project Components Summary
a) Presentation = 20 pts
i. Phase One (8 pts)
ii. Phase Two (8 pts)
iii. Phase Three / Final Report (4 pts)
b) Reflection Paper = 7 pts
i. Five key insights gained doing this (2 pts)
ii. What you need work on in future (2 pts)
iii. Your immediate next step toward ii. (2 pts)
iv. Clear and correct writing (1 pt)
a) Presentation = 20 pts – see revised instructions
i. Phase One (1 pt each = 8 pts)
How it arose
What you did
What children did (exact
Information they knew
(topic web)
Questions they had
Initial representation
Parent letter
Topic Web
Teacher anticipatory web
with curriculum notes
ii. Phase Two (8 pts)
iii. Phase Three / Final Report (4 pts)
b) Reflection Paper = 7 pts
a) Presentation = 20 pts
Phase One (8 pts)
ii. Phase Two (1 pt each = 8 pts)
What you did for investigations
Evidence of change after investigation – new/revised webs:
 Information they knew (topic web)
 Questions they had (question web or list)
 Teacher web with curriculum opportunities attached
 First hand experiences
 Representation experiences
 Parent involvement
 Documentation
iii. Phase Three / Final Report (4 pts)
b) Reflection Paper = 7 pts
a) Presentation = 20 pts
i. Phase One (8 pts)
ii. Phase Two (8 pts)
iii. Phase Three / Final Report (1 pt each = 4 pts)
Phase three completion or current status
The culminating event (actual / possible)
Documentation (actual / what might be next)
Skills analysis (analyze complete / up to now)
Children’s reflection (at end / most current)
b) Reflection Paper = 7 pts
a) Presentation = 20 pts – DUE 6/7
b) Reflection Paper = 7 pts – DUE 6/16
 Brief description of your project.
i. What were five key insights you gained from
doing this? (2 pts)
ii. What do you need to work on in the future?
(2 pts)
iii. Your would be your immediate next step toward
that end? (2 pts)
iv. Clear and correct writing – and number responses
1, 2 and 3. (1 pt)
 Assignments next week (red = not on syllabus):
 5/2 – Interval Paper A7b(4)
 5/3 – In-class: Completed bound book
– In-class: Present wetlands project Phase 1 & 2
 Readings
 5/3 – Required: Windows on Learning, pp. 85-109
 Assignments 2 weeks:
 5/9 – Interval Paper A7b(5)
 5/10 – In-class: Present wetlands project Phase 3 (product)
– In-class work:
(A 4) Bring puppet to work on – due 5/24
(A 6) Bring project documentation to work on – due 6/7
Wetland Project Presentation Planning or
Project-with-Children Planning