CCE 135 Foundations of Early Learning

CCE 135
Foundations of Early Learning
Monday & Wednesday 7:55-9:10
North Seattle Community College
IB 1409
CCE 135: Foundations of Early Learning
Candice Hoyt, Faculty
(206) 715-1878 (until 9 pm)
Office hours by appointment
Online – Angel:
 References Talk (Maria Paz)
 Chapter 3
 Attachment as Curriculum
 Routines as Curriculum
 Reading 3
 Pacifiers
 Group Care
 Seven Principles
 Learning Story check-in
 SQ check-in
 Wrap Up
Reference Talk
 Website that Maria Paz (librarian) designed for our
 Use for your formal research papers
Use professional article databases like ProQuest
Use database feature to send you APA citation along with the article
Use Noodlebib to enter article/book information and print APA style
citation (be sure to review for typos, etc, before turning in)
Group Care
 “Group care settings probably
harm children’s development and
learning” and “is costly and in
short supply” (Reading 3, p. 16).
How did it feel to read that?
Stepping backwards when babies
were considered blobs we just
fulfill their physical needs
Really frustrating
The wall you always bump up
against as a pre-school educator;
not as valuable as the school-age
Interesting to hear it coming
from a childcare source
Research from 1995
Probably sparked research to
My preference is for baby at
home with parent – but it is not
going to damage *for life*
That babies in group care are
there because the mom can’t
have the child at home; it’s not a
 There are moms that don’t
work and still bring their
children in for care –
preschool hours (4 hours); so
they can socialize, etc. –
usually at 1 year or so
 Adding up small mom-andme programs are expensive
 A lot of co-op moms!
Group Care
 “Group care settings probably
harm children’s development and
learning” and “is costly and in
short supply” (Reading 3, p. 16).
How do you defend group care?
Do you agree that this is often true?
The quality of the environment is so
Why/when could it be true (in what
centers, etc)?
3rd world country orphanages
The children are unhappy
Their needs are unmet
Providers are generally better
educated (re: child
development/needs) than the parents,
especially with new babies (coming
from the hospital)
Ratio is important
Philosophy of teachers depends
Infants knowing who cares for them
Peer relationships – the joy
The child is happy
Continuity of care / through 2 year
old, multi-age group
Learning powerful skills about
If you have consistency at least then
the lack of immediacy isn’t as
My administration is good!
Group Care
 “Group care settings probably
harm children’s development
and learning” and “is costly
and in short supply” (Reading
3, p. 16).
Why do people hate group
Crying and not getting needs
If my child is too mellow are
they ever going to get
attention? “squeaky wheel” bias
They think the administration
doesn’t support the caring
Teacher turnover negates any
“I love your child…” continuity
of care”
Parent jealous of caregiver
Parent sad to miss out on
People assume we don’t get
paid a lot, so we must not be
educated or be able to get a
better paying job
Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers
A Curriculum of Respectful, Responsive Care and Education
Janet Gonzalez-Mena and Dianne Widmeyer Eyer
Attachment as Curriculum
 3 R’s:
 All caregivers
Act the same way (diaper)
Is this doable? Will it fly?
 Attachment
Warm relationship with
caregiver – cared about not
just cared for
Builds trust
Can explore more freely
 Primary caregiver
Do you do this?
Is it feasible?
Underestimates that children
can handle and even enjoy
having different relationships
Philosophy is important –
should be the same in general;
holding when feeding
We hire based on similar
personality/view of child; have
same teaching technique with
similar visual cues and body
Spanish immersion
No English, so we try to be
Attachment as Curriculum
 Continuity of care
One caregiver for several years
Opposite of moving up by age
or by ability
What do you do?
What do you think is
Option for teachers
Children should learn how to
adjust to different teachers &
They progress with their peers
I like it; some teachers love it
Some teachers only like
teaching one age group.
Could you make it work?
Attachment as Curriculum
 Assessment
Attached adults more readily
pick up signs – from infant’s
body language, etc, that they
have learned
More easily know true reason
child is “upset”
 Some caregivers…
Always think kids need a nap
or food when they are fussy
Project their feelings (“he’s
Attachment as Curriculum
 “Children who are given food
when they aren’t hungry or
are bundled up when they
aren’t cold may lose the
ability to determine what they
need, or may learn to
substitute one need for
another” (p. 50).
Bottle for cuddle time
Eating for comfort (adults too)
 Eating on a schedule (p. 51)
Good because predictable/safe
How old do they have to be?
What if they cry for food?
Routines as Curriculum
 At what age do you start to
trust children with open
cups? (book = 14-16
months; p. 47)
Do you have a pre-requisite?
Do you take away the trust if
the child spills “too often”?
Do you allow some kids to
but not others?
 What about self-feeding
(spoons, etc)?
Routines as Curriculum
 High chairs?
In the book it looks like
they hold children (no
bouncy seat or high chair)
until they are able to sit in
a regular chair at a table
What do you think about
no high chairs?
They have high chairs at
Have you seen it happen?
Routines as Curriculum
 “Milk” safety
 Do you know the safety
guidelines for formula &
breast milk (re: heating,
storing and leaving out at
room temperature)?
 Do you communicate this to
the parents?
 What if a parent requests
you use the same bottle
repeatedly (fed, refrigerated
and reheated) until gone?
 … the same jar of food?
Routines as Curriculum
 Food safety
Do you know what foods
to feed, in what order?
Do you know what foods
to avoid in the first year?
…for a few years?
Do you communicate this
to the parents?
Routines as Curriculum
 Do you talk about this
with parents?
 What if the parent keeps
dressing the child in
difficult clothing/shoes?
Routines as Curriculum
 Do you know the
diapering safety rules?
 Toilet training/learning
What if a parent insists on
no diaper even when the
child is not ready (many
accidents, etc)?
What if the child “tries” on
the potty and wants to be
Routines as Curriculum
 When do you start kids
on a scheduled nap
 What if a toddler is too
tired to wait until nap?
 Same crib/location each
 What if parents want the
child to cry self to sleep?
Routines as Curriculum
SIDS (Fig. 3.2; p. 64)
 Do you know about SIDS?
 “Back to sleep”
 Nothing in crib; no [fluffy]
blankets – sleep sack
 Do you/parents do “no
 Is swaddling okay?
 Keep baby not too hot
 Do you talk to your parents
about it?
What if they insist baby
sleeps better on tummy;
want you to do at school?
The Caregiver’s Companion
Readings and Professional Resources
(to accompany Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers…)
Janet Gonzalez-Mena
 How do you feel about
In the Companion:
“Inappropriate: Two-monthold Brent begins to cry. The
caregiver goes to the crib and
puts a pacifier in his mouth” (p.
“Appropriate: “The caregiver
goes to Brent and says softly. ‘I
hear you, but I don’t know why
you are crying. Let me pick you
up and see about your diaper
and check when you had your
last feeding.’”
Is the something in between?
Are there times when babies
need and deserve pacifiers?
Seven Principles (from companion)
1. Sensitive care giving includes creating a calm and peaceful
environment for infants while they are being fed or diapered. (p. 16)
When staff are better trained and talk with the infants, the children also
tend to do better in language development. (p. 16)
Self initiated activities need to be reinforced by being quietly available
and enjoying what the infants actually do. (p. 17)
Infants deserve uninterrupted, individual care giving. Their well-being
requires caregivers to invest in quality time while providing physical
care. (p. 17)
Caregivers need to provide just enough help for the baby to problemsolve his own dilemma. (p. 17)
A caregiver is better able to meet a baby’s individual needs if she
observes the behaviors and responses of the child and includes these in
the baby’s care. (p. 18)
Crying is a form of infant communication, and our role as caregivers is
to try to understand what the baby is communicating. (p. 18)
Wrap Up
Monday 1/18
Wednesday 1/20
 Holiday – no class
 Due…
 A 01a replies (to each
person’s Conscious Care)
 DQ 04: Ch 4, R 4, R 7
 DQ 2 replies (2)
 DQ 3 replies (2)
 In class…
 Ch 4, Readings 4 & 7
 Conscious Care reflection
 Learning Story questions