Monday, 9:00 pm – 9:45 pm Candice Hoyt, Instructor

Monday, 9:00 pm – 9:45 pm
IB 1409, North Seattle Community College
Candice Hoyt, Instructor
CCE 160 Connecting to Children
D3 – Talking Informatively
A1 Instructions (PDF) & A1 Form (Word)
 Record 50 statements by adult during free play
 Classify statements into Word table by these codes:
D – Direction: Requires or commands an action
T – Tutorial: Question adult knows the answer to
Q – Query: Question adult does not know answer to
I – Information: Facts/observations to describe, advise
S – Social: Social statements
? – Not sure: Classify best guess, or “ ? ” box
Record count and percentage for each category in
Word file data table columns
 List those that you can’t decide where they go
 Bring data to class
Time Requirements:
Data collection
1+ children,
other adult,
during Free Time,
long enough for 50 statements
Gather, analyze, summarize
Submission Requirements
Bring data to class
 Post Word table and list to “A 1” Drop Box
 Post table and list to “A 1” Discussion (not Word)
 Respond to others’ posts for extra credit
[0.1 point per reply by next Sunday night]
There are only 2 people in
here at a time.
We’re not spraying people.
I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.
Direction – passive/aggressive
I cannot let you hit my
Direction (or threat)
How did it make you feel?
 These words are “stupid.”
The way we talk to children
is “dumb.”
 I couldn’t get to more than
32 because we repeat the
same thing over and over.
 I feel like I was tuning in to
tutorials & directions but
maybe there were more.
 Assignment
In classroom, record self (count)
Minimum 4 days @ 3 hours per day
Count Demand statements (2 days x 3 hours)
Count questions - Tutorials & Queries (2 days x 3
Complete Word table with counts & rate per hour
Answer Word questions a, b, c, d
Bring data to class
Time Requirements:
Data collection:
1+ children,
4 days,
all the time you work with children or 3 hours, whichever
is less;
keep track of hours
Enter data & answer reflection questions
Submission Requirements
Bring data to class
Post Word document as attachment to “A 2” Drop Box
Post counts & questions to “A 2” Discussion (paste not
Respond to others’ posts for extra credit
[0.1 point per reply by next Sunday night]
A2. Anywhere, 1+ children, 4 days, all the time you work with
children or 3 hours, whichever is less; keep track of hours
A2. Demands
Bring data to class
Post Word table & question replies to “A 3” Drop Box
Post table to “A 3” Discussion (paste not Word)
Respond to others’ posts for extra credit
A3. Anywhere, 1+ children, as many hours as possible, as many
days as possible; keep track of hours
A3. Descriptive Cues
Bring data to class
Post Word document to “A 4” Drop Box
Post list to “A 4” Discussion (paste not Word)
Respond to others’ posts for extra credit