Parents – differences Sharon’s parents understood daughter’s wishes better than Eliz.’s parents Sharon’s family was educated in China Eliz.’s parents were more strict Sharon’s wanted her to be a model Chin. American Sharon’s parents had an opportunity to go back home Sharon could see/experience her parents’ personality “at home” in China Sharon. realized she should have learned Chinese after she visited China; Elizabeth. may have realized it, but in a diff. way S. mom and dad were involved in daughter’s life ; E. only her mom E. criticized her mom’s language more than Sharon Sharon’s parents were more open to listening to her Sharon’s mother was proud of her daughter/Eliz mom? Girls – Differences One visited China Eliz. is famous Sharon was sorry that she couldn’t communicate with Chinese people in China Sharon mentioned more often about her father than Eliz. Sharon regretted not having learned Chinese very well Eliz. is less affectionate to her parents Eliz. is multicultural; Sharon is bi-cultural E. stayed in US/ Sharon visited home country and finally realized…, Sharon regrets not knowing Chinese Understands and is proud of parents after seeing them in China Sharon talks a lot about the history of her parents Sharon compared her parents to her friends’ parents ( a lot) Eliz. focused on grandmother/ Did Sharon have a grandmother here? Eliz. criticized her mother’s Eng./Sharon tried to help her mother Eliz. was forced to take Chinese classes/ Sharon had an option (?) Sharon is closer to her parents than Eliz. girls – similarities both parents are Chinese both born in USA attended Chinese school didn’t like to learn Chinese translated for family parents were proud of them fluent in English; fluent in Chinese (?) both are writers Both later wanted to learn about Chinese heritage Quit Chinese school at a similar age Parents came from Taiwan Both are embarrassed about parents and parents’ language skills The girls don’t understand their family’s traditions, heritage, history, customs Both tried hard to blend into Am. Culture Both are struggling (against Chinese culture) to be Am. Girls Both didn’t feel proud of their parents (when the girls were young) They liked Am. food better than Chin. food Parents’ similarities Moved to US Want kids to learn Chinese Speak pidgin English Moved in order to make a better life for their family, but children don’t understand that Mothers stayed home Keep Chinese tradition and culture in their home Both didn’t have a lot of power to control their children (in the U.S.) Even though they had lived for decades in the US, they still “lived” their Chinese culture. Both mothers want to speak Eng but are having difficulties FYI: other authors who discuss this kind of personal Chinese/American conflict are Amy Tan, Maxine Hong Kingston; Jade Snow Wong; Gish Jen; Koren writer: Chang Rae Lee